Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Basic Technology scheme of work
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The Basic Technology curriculum for Primary 5 is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of essential technological concepts and skills. This scheme of work aims to guide teachers in delivering engaging lessons that foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and hands-on experiences. The curriculum emphasizes the exploration of various technological aspects, including communication, energy, transportation, and more.

First Term Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Basic Technology Scheme of Work For Primary 1

Basic Technology Scheme of Work For Primary 2

2Materials and MaintenancePupils should identify materials used in technology.– Types of materials: Wood, Metal, Plastic– Display materials and discuss their uses – Guide pupils to identify and classify materials– Take a survey to identify materials used – Touch and feel materials
3-4Materials and MaintenancePupils should list types of wood, metal, and plastic and state their uses.– Types of materials: Wood, Metal, Plastic – Uses of Materials– Discuss types of materials and their uses – Explain the uses of each material– Participate in class discussions – Mention uses of materials
5Materials and MaintenancePupils should explain the meaning of maintenance and state its importance.– Meaning of maintenance – Importance of maintenance– Define maintenance and its importance – Identify materials used for maintenance– Define maintenance – Mention reasons for maintenance
6Materials and MaintenancePupils should discuss the basic functions of the internal parts of a motor vehicle.– Functions of internal parts of a motor vehicle– Explain functions of internal parts – Organize a visit to a mechanic workshop– Describe functions of internal parts – Visit mechanic workshop
8-9Basic Motor Vehicle Parts (Internal)Pupils should describe the basic functions of the internal parts of a motor vehicle.– Functions of internal parts of a motor vehicle– Explain functions of internal parts – Use charts, pictures, diagrams– Describe functions of internal parts – Identify functions from visuals
10Basic Motor Vehicle Parts (Internal)Pupils should discuss the basic functions of the internal parts of a motor vehicle.– Functions of internal parts of a motor vehicle– Explain functions of internal parts – Organize visits to workshops– Describe functions of internal parts – Visit workshops

Second Term Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Basic Technology Scheme of Work For Primary 3

Basic Technology Scheme of Work For Primary 4

2-3Energy ConversionPupils should explain energy conversion and its forms.– Types of energy conversion – Electrical to heat, chemical to heat, electrical to mechanical, mechanical to electrical– Discuss types of energy conversion – Demonstrate conversions– List forms of energy conversion – Observe demonstrations
4Energy ConversionPupils should state the importance of energy conversion.– Importance of energy conversion– Discuss importance of energy conversion – Participate in class discussions– State importance of energy conversion
5Heat and TemperaturePupils should differentiate between heat and temperature.– Differences between heat and temperature– Guide pupils in discussing differences – Use charts for comparison– Identify differences – Observe and discuss
6Heat and TemperaturePupils should identify temperature units and symbols.– Units and symbols of temperature scale– Discuss units and symbols – Guide pupils in naming units and symbols– Name units and symbols – Participate in naming activity
8-9Heat and TemperaturePupils should understand how to use different types of thermometers.– Different types of thermometers– Provide various types of thermometers – Demonstrate use – Guide pupils in activities– Examine thermometers – Practice using them
10Heat and TemperaturePupils should state the uses of different types of thermometers.– Uses of thermometers– Lead discussions on uses – Examine household appliances– Mention common uses – Identify appliance uses

Third Term Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Basic Technology Scheme of Work For Primary 6

2-3Basic ElectricityPupils should identify types of electricity.– Types of electricity: Static, Current– Collect different types of magnets – Guide pupils in activities– Play with magnets – Identify properties
4Basic ElectricityPupils should explain how electricity is generated and conducted.– Methods of generating electricity – Conducting electricity– Demonstrate energy conversion methods – Provide materials for activities– Rub materials for energy – Record findings
5Basic ElectricityPupils should classify materials as conductors and non-conductors.– Conductors and non-conductors – Materials that allow or block electricity– Discuss meaning of conductors and non-conductors – Provide materials for sorting– State meanings – Group materials
6Basic ElectricityPupils should create a simple electric circuit connection.– Electric circuits – Uses of electricity– Complete an electric circuit – Use materials to create circuit– Participate in circuit completion – Use materials
8-9MagnetismPupils should identify the properties of magnets and group materials.– Properties of magnets – Magnetic and non-magnetic materials– Collect different magnets – Organize activities for magnetism– Play with magnets – Group materials
10MagnetismPupils should discuss the uses of magnets.– Uses of magnets– Lead discussions on magnet uses – Examine household items– Mention appliance uses – Identify uses
11MagnetismPupils should make temporary magnets.– Making temporary magnets– Demonstrate making temporary magnets – Provide materials for activities– Make temporary magnets – Use materials

Important Tips On Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Learning Outcomes On Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5

By the end of this scheme of work, students should be able to:

Assessment Methods On Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Assessment in this scheme of work will be multi-faceted, incorporating both formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments include class discussions, group projects, quizzes, and hands-on activities. Summative assessments will consist of end-of-topic tests and practical demonstrations of learned skills.

Curriculum Content On Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Simple Machines

  • Introduction to simple machines: levers, pulleys, inclined planes, screws, and wheels.
  • Understanding the functions of each simple machine.
  • Practical demonstrations and hands-on activities to showcase the applications of simple machines.
  • Group projects to design and build simple machines.

Energy Sources and Forms

  • Exploring different sources of energy: solar, wind, water, fossil fuels.
  • Understanding renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
  • Demonstrating how energy is converted from one form to another.
  • Investigating the importance of energy conservation.

Communication and Information Technology

  • Introduction to communication systems: telephones, computers, internet.
  • Understanding data transmission and digital communication.
  • Exploring the basics of coding and programming.
  • Hands-on activities using basic programming tools.

Transportation Systems

  • Studying various modes of transportation: road, water, air.
  • Understanding the functions of transportation systems.
  • Investigating the impact of transportation on society and the environment.
  • Designing and constructing model transportation systems.

Tools and Materials

  • Identifying and classifying different types of tools and materials.
  • Exploring the safe and proper use of tools.
  • Hands-on activities involving the creation of simple projects using appropriate tools and materials.

Teaching Strategies On Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5

To achieve the learning outcomes, a variety of teaching strategies will be employed, including:

  • Interactive lectures to introduce new concepts.
  • Hands-on experiments and demonstrations to reinforce learning.
  • Group discussions and collaborative projects to enhance teamwork and communication skills.
  • Multimedia presentations to engage visual and auditory learners.
  • Field trips to relevant technological sites for practical exposure.

Resources and Materials On Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5

  • Textbooks and reference materials on Basic Technology.
  • Visual aids, including diagrams, charts, and videos.
  • Simple machines kits for hands-on activities.
  • Computers and internet access for information technology lessons.
  • Transportation models and materials for practical demonstrations.

Feedback and Support On Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Regular feedback will be provided to students through class discussions, individual assessments, and group projects. Additional support will be offered to students who require extra help, including after-school assistance and targeted review sessions.

In conclusion, this scheme of work for Basic Technology in Primary 5 aims to create a dynamic learning environment that promotes technological literacy and practical skills. Through a combination of engaging lessons, hands-on activities, and thoughtful assessments, students will develop a solid foundation in various technological concepts, setting the stage for their further academic and personal growth.

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