Basic Technology Scheme of Work For Primary 4

Basic Technology scheme of work
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The Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 4 is a meticulously designed curriculum that aims to introduce and cultivate a foundational understanding of technology in young learners. Divided into three terms, the scheme covers a diverse range of topics under the overarching theme of “Understanding Basic Technology.” This curriculum not only imparts theoretical knowledge but also emphasizes practical engagement and critical thinking, aligning with modern educational approaches.

First Term Basic Technology Scheme of Work For Primary 4

Basic Technology Scheme of Work For Primary 1

Basic Technology Scheme of Work For Primary 2

The first term of the scheme focuses on building a strong conceptual foundation about technology. It commences with a review of prior knowledge and a welcome test to gauge the students’ grasp of previous concepts. The central objective is for students to comprehend the meaning of technology. Through interactive discussions and illustrations, the concept of technology is elucidated, ensuring that students can explain and define it accurately. These discussions create a platform for active participation, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

1Revision / Welcome Test
2-3Technology and YouPupils should be able to:– State the meaning of technology– Explain and define technology– Chart, Pictures– State the meaning of Technology
– Participate in class discussions
4-6Technology and You(2) List the importance of technology– Importance of technology– Mention the importance of technology– Technological products– State three importance of technology
8-10Technology and You(3) State the products of technology– Products of technology– Mention the products of technology– Video cassettes, films, etc.– Identify products of technology
– Show films of products of technology

Second Term Basic Technology Scheme of Work For Primary 4

Basic Technology Scheme of Work For Primary 3

Basic Technology Scheme of Work For Primary 5

The second term focuses on hands-on activities related to shape construction using materials such as paper, wood, and metal. This approach blends theory with practical application, allowing students to experience the principles they learn. The curriculum kicks off with a review and a welcome test, ensuring a smooth transition from the previous term. The objective is to help students state the meaning of shape construction accurately. Through discussions and definitions, the concept is clarified.

The curriculum then delves into various aspects of shape construction. Students learn about the materials used in shape construction, which includes wood, metal, and paper. They also become acquainted with tools like chisels, snips, and scissors that are instrumental in shaping these materials. Practical engagement takes center stage as students observe displays of materials and tools and even construct shapes themselves. This hands-on approach fosters a deeper understanding of the concept.

1Revision / Welcome Test
2Shape ConstructionPupils should be able to:– State the meaning of shape construction– Discuss and define shape construction– Chisel, Snips, Scissors– State what shape construction means
with Paper, Wood or Metal– Participate in discussion
3-4Shape Construction(2) List materials used for shape construction– Materials used for shape construction:– Display materials used for cutting– Pliers, Hammer, Mallet– List materials used for shape construction
with Paper, Wood or Metal– Wood, Metal, Paper– Observe materials cutting tools displays
5-6Shape Construction(4) Fold and bend metal or cardboard to form an object– Shape construction methods:– Demonstrate object formation methods– Cardboard, Paper, Sheet of metal– Observe folding and bending techniques
with Paper, Wood or Metal– Folding, Bending– Construct shapes using cardboard
8VehiclesPupils should be able to:– State what a vehicle is– Guide pupils in defining a vehicle– Charts– State what a vehicle is
– Pupils participate in the discussion
9Vehicles(2) Identify different types of vehicle– Different types of vehicles:– Initiate class discussion on vehicles– Toy vehicles– List different types of vehicles
– Bicycle, Motorcycle, Car, Bus, Truck– Guide pupils in drawing vehicles
10Vehicles(3) State the use of a vehicle– Use and disadvantage of vehicle– Pupils state the use of vehicle– Vehicles in school compound– State the use of vehicle
– Pupils state the disadvantage of vehicle– State one disadvantage of vehicle

Third Term Basic Technology Scheme of Work For Primary 4

Basic Technology Scheme of Work For Primary 6

The third term of the scheme shifts its focus towards the theme “You and Energy.” This term explores the concept of energy, its various forms, and its sources. Similar to the preceding terms, this term commences with a review and a welcome test to assess the students’ retention of previous knowledge. The primary objective is for students to comprehend the meaning of energy and recognize its different forms.

Through interactive discussions and brainstorming sessions, students gain insights into the various forms of energy, including but not limited to mechanical, thermal, and electrical energy. These discussions facilitate a deeper understanding of the concept. To make learning more engaging, students explore the uses of energy, discovering how it powers various aspects of our lives, from machines to daily activities. The curriculum highlights the significance of using specific examples to differentiate between the different forms of energy.

1Revision / Welcome Test
2-4Forms of EnergyPupils should be able to:– State the meaning and forms of energy– Lead class to mention forms of energy– Relevant charts and pictures– State the meaning of energy
– Mention four forms of energy– Candle, Torchlight
5-6Forms of Energy(2) State uses of energy– Uses of energy– Use specific examples in differences– Gas, Oil, Charcoal– Mention two uses of energy
between the various forms of energy
8-10Forms of Energy(3) Identify different sources of energy– Sources of energy:– Use charts and pictures to guide pupils– Kerosene, Radio, Solar panel– Name various sources of energy
– Sun, tide and waves, fuels, wind, waterto identify various sources of energy

The Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 4 stands as a testament to the innovative and comprehensive approach to teaching technology to young learners. Spanning three terms with distinct themes, the curriculum progressively builds students’ understanding of technology from its fundamental concepts to its practical applications. The blend of theoretical knowledge and practical engagement not only equips students with the necessary information but also nurtures their critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative skills.

By actively participating in discussions, observing practical demonstrations, constructing shapes, and understanding energy concepts, students are exposed to a holistic learning experience. This scheme of work not only introduces students to the world of technology but also encourages them to become curious, informed, and responsible individuals in a technologically advancing society. Through its thoughtful structure and interactive approach, the Basic Technology Scheme of Work for Primary 4 sets a benchmark for effective and engaging technological education

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