Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 5

Basic science
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The Basic Science curriculum for Primary 5 aims to foster a deep understanding of fundamental scientific concepts and principles while encouraging curiosity and critical thinking. This scheme of work is designed to provide a structured approach to teaching and learning, enhancing students’ scientific literacy and problem-solving skills.

First Term Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 5

Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Basic Science Scheme of Work For Primary 2

1-2Environmental ChangesPupils should describe erosion, its causes, and effects.– Meaning and causes of erosion – Effects and control measures– Show pictures of erosion sites – Discuss erosion meaning and causes – Arrange site visit to erosion areas – Guide pupils in erosion control project– Look at erosion site photos – Discuss causes and effects – Participate in erosion control project
3-4Environmental ChangesPupils should define pollution and list common pollutants and sources.– Water and air pollution – Pollutants, sources, effects, and control– Show polluted water pictures – Visit industrial areas – Discuss pollution and sources– Identify pollutants and sources – Discuss effects and sources – Visit industrial areas
5Waste and Waste DisposalPupils should explain types of waste and proper disposal methods.– Types of waste: refuse, sewage – Proper waste disposal methods– Lead waste disposal discussions – Arrange landfill visit– Identify types of waste – Discuss waste disposal methods
6Waste and Waste DisposalPupils should mention methods of waste disposal and recycling.– Waste disposal methods – Recycling, reusing waste– Display waste disposal methods – Guide pupils in making compost pit – Arrange guest talk on recycling– Make compost pit – Create disposal posters – Discuss recycling importance
8Environmental QualityPupils should state environmental quality meaning and its advantages.– Meaning of environmental quality – Advantages of a healthy environment– Lead class discussion on environmental quality – Discuss advantages– Participate in discussion – Explore materials for discussion
9Environmental QualityPupils should state disadvantages of degrading the environment.– Disadvantages of degrading the environment– Lead discussion on disadvantages – Share visuals of degraded areas– Participate in discussion – Observe degraded areas visuals
10Environmental QualityPupils should identify ways to maintain a healthy environment.– Ways of maintaining a healthy environment – Materials for maintenance– Guide pupils in planning, cleaning, and beautifying school– Plant flowers, clean surroundings daily

Second Term Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 5

Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Basic Science Scheme of Work For Primary 4

1The Human Body (Skeleton)Pupils should define skeleton and state its functions.– Definition of skeleton – Functions of the skeleton– Display charts, model of human skeleton – Identify various bones– Observe chart/model – List various bones
2-3The Human Body (Skeleton)Pupils should identify major bones in the body.– Types of bones: long, vertebrae, phalanges– Provide flower samples for pupils to identify parts– Identify major bones – Describe bones
4The Human Body (Skeleton)Pupils should identify major joints in the body.– Types of joints: ball & socket, hinge, etc.– Use skeleton model/chart to show major joints– Describe major joints
5The Human Body (Skeleton)Pupils should state functions of joints.– Functions of joints– Guide pupils to state joint functions– State joint functions
6Reproduction in PlantsPupils should identify parts of a flower.– Parts of a flower– Provide flowers, draw and label parts– Identify, draw and label parts
8-9Reproduction in PlantsPupils should explain pollination and its types.– Pollination: meaning, types, agents – Fertilization– Lead discussions on pollination and fertilization– Participate in pollination discussions
10Reproduction in PlantsPupils should describe stages of development from flower to fruit.– Stages of development– Discuss fruit development – Class participation– List changes in fruit development stages

Third Term Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 5

Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 6

2-3RocksPupils should identify and classify rocks.– Types of rocks: igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary– Classify rocks based on shape, color, etc.– Classify rocks
4RocksPupils should list important uses of rocks.– Uses of rocks: construction, beautification– Guide pupils in stating major uses of rocks– List uses of rocks
5RocksPupils should name major landmark rocks in Nigeria.– Major landmark rocks in Nigeria– Provide examples of landmark rocks– Name landmark rocks
6Acids and BasesPupils should explain the meanings of acids and bases.– Acids and bases: meaning, examples– Use lemon, wood ash for acid-base activities– Explain acid-base meanings
8-9Acids and BasesPupils should list physical properties of acids and bases.– Physical properties of acids and bases– Demonstrate properties with litmus papers– State physical properties
10Acids and BasesPupils should state types of acids and bases.– Types of acids and bases– Initiate discussion on types– State types of acids and bases
11Acids and BasesPupils should name materials used in making soap.– Soap making, uses of soap– Discuss soap making and uses– Name soap-making materials

Important Tips On Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 5

Learning Outcomes On Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 5

By the end of the academic year, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific method and its application in various contexts.
  • Identify and explain the life cycles of plants and animals.
  • Understand the concepts of energy, force, and motion, and how they relate to the world around them.
  • Describe the properties and states of matter and changes they undergo.
  • Recognize the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable practices.

Assessment Methods On Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 5

Assessment will be both formative and summative. Formative assessments, such as quizzes and discussions, will provide ongoing feedback to gauge understanding and adjust teaching strategies. Summative assessments, including unit tests and projects, will evaluate students’ mastery of concepts and application of knowledge.

Curriculum Content On Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 5

Life Cycles and Adaptations

  • Plant life cycle: germination, growth, reproduction
  • Animal life cycle: metamorphosis, reproduction
  • Behavioral and physical adaptations in plants and animals
  • Environmental factors influencing adaptations

Energy, Force, and Motion

  • Forms of energy: potential, kinetic, light, sound, heat
  • Forces: push, pull, friction, gravity
  • Simple machines and their applications
  • Motion: speed, velocity, acceleration

Properties and Changes of Matter

  • States of matter: solid, liquid, gas
  • Changes of matter: melting, freezing, evaporation, condensation
  • Mixtures and solutions
  • Physical and chemical changes

Environmental Awareness

  • Ecosystems and their components
  • Biodiversity and its importance
  • Human impact on the environment
  • Conservation practices and waste management

Teaching Strategies On Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 5

  • Inquiry-Based Learning: Encourage students to ask questions, investigate, and explore scientific concepts through hands-on activities and experiments.
  • Collaborative Learning: Group discussions, debates, and peer teaching to foster a cooperative learning environment.
  • Multimedia and Technology: Use interactive simulations, videos, and online resources to enhance understanding.
  • Real-World Applications: Connect scientific concepts to real-life situations, making learning relevant and engaging.

Resources and Materials On Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 5

  • Textbooks and workbooks
  • Laboratory equipment for experiments
  • Multimedia presentations
  • Interactive online resources
  • Charts, diagrams, and models

Feedback and Support On Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 5

Regular feedback will be provided through assessments, individual discussions, and group activities. Students requiring additional support will receive one-on-one assistance during dedicated help sessions. Parents will be engaged through regular updates on students’ progress and suggestions for reinforcement at home.

In conclusion, this scheme of work for Basic Science in Primary 5 provides a comprehensive outline to guide educators in teaching essential scientific concepts while fostering critical thinking and scientific curiosity among students. By aligning with the outlined objectives, assessment methods, and teaching strategies, educators can create an engaging and effective learning experience that equips students with valuable scientific knowledge and skills.

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