The Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2

Social Studies Scheme of Work
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The Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2 consists of 12 weeks in the first term. The topics covered in the first term include the scope of social studies, the physical environment, foods we eat in our culture as family members, the importance of foods to our growth, and greetings and respect to elders in our culture.

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

First Term  Social Studies scheme of work for Primary 2

Week 1-2: Scope of Social Studies

Objective: Pupils should be able to explain the scope of social studies and identify areas of focus in social studies.

Content: Meaning of scope of social studies – The areas which social studies focuses to solve men’s problem – Areas which social studies focuses are: critical thinking, reflecting thinking, and problem-solving.


  • Class discussions on the meaning of scope of social studies
  • Guided questions to help pupils explain the scope of social studies
  • Video clips on how decisions are taken to solve problems

Pupils find out from home how their family takes its social and economic decisions such as association to join and food to eat.

Teaching/Learning Resources: Pupils’ textbooks and video clips on decision-making in solving problems.

Evaluation Guide: Pupils’ ability to explain the scope of social studies and identify areas of focus in social studies.

  • Periods: 2 weeks

Week 3-4: Physical Environment

Objective: Pupils should be able to identify different physical environments.

Content: Some people live in desert conditions, others live in fertile places, some near lakes, rivers, or oceans, some in mountains, and others in low-lying areas.


  • Class discussions on different physical environments
  • Guided questions to help pupils identify different physical environments

Pictures and video clips showing different environments

Teaching/Learning Resources: Pupils’ textbooks, pictures showing different environments, and video clips of desert regions, lakes, mountains, etc.

Evaluation Guide: Pupils’ ability to identify different physical environments.

  • Periods: 2 weeks

Week 5: Foods we eat in our Culture as family members

Objective: Pupils should be able to list types of food in Nigerian culture and mention why we eat together.

Content: Some Nigerian foods are yam, eba, amala, tuwo shinkafa, plantain, rice, beans, cocoyam, pounded yam, akpu, starch, etc.


  • Guided questions to help pupils list various foods eaten in Nigerian culture

Pictures showing different types of food in our culture

Teaching/Learning Resources: Pupils’ textbooks and pictures showing different types of food in our culture.

Evaluation Guide: Pupils’ ability to list types of food in Nigerian culture.

  • Periods: 1 week

Week 6: Importance of foods to our growth

Objective: Pupils should be able to list the nutrients in the foods we eat and mention the importance of food to our growth.

Content: The nutrients in the food we take are carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, fats, and oils.


  • Guided questions to help pupils list the nutrients in different types of Nigerian foods
  • Pictures showing groups of food and their nutrients

Real food objects from their locality

Teaching/Learning Resources: Pupils’ textbooks, pictures showing groups of food and their nutrients, and real food objects from their locality.

Evaluation Guide: Pupils’ ability to list the nutrients in different types of Nigerian foods and mention the importance of food to our growth.

  • Periods: 2 weeks

Week 7-8: Greetings and respect to elders in our culture

Objective: Pupils should be able to recognize greetings as a way of showing respect and perform various acts of greeting in their locality.

Content: Greeting is a way of showing respect to people and appreciating them. Forms of greeting include kneeling, prostrating, shaking hands, clenching fists, etc.


  • Guided questions to help pupils list ways of greeting in their locality

Video clips of different ways of greeting

Teaching/Learning Resources: Pictures of different ways of greeting and video clips of different ways of greeting.

Evaluation Guide: Pupils’ ability to explain the meaning of greeting and list different ways of greeting from different cultures in Nigeria.

  • Periods: 2 weeks

Week 9-12: Revision and Examination

Objective: Pupils should revise the topics covered in the first term and take the examination.


  • Revision of all topics covered in the first term

Examination on the topics covered in the first term

Teaching/Learning Resources: Pupils’ textbooks and examination papers.

  • Evaluation Guide: Pupils’ performance in the examination.

Second Term Social Studies scheme of work for Primary 2

Week 1-3

Topic: Greetings and respect to elders in our culture

Performance Objectives:

  • Recognize the importance of greeting in our community
  • Understand that greetings promote tolerance, good neighborliness, courtesy, friendliness, etc.


  • Different ways of greeting
  • Importance of greeting in our community


  • Show pictures of different ways of greeting to the pupils
  • Play video clips demonstrating various greetings
  • Discuss some of the importance of greeting in our community

Teaching/Learning Resources:

  • Pictures of different ways of greeting
  • Video clips showing greetings
  • Teacher’s guidance

Evaluation Guide:

  • Pupils should be able to mention some of the importance of greeting in our community.

Week 4-6

Topic: Keeping our environment clean

Performance Objectives:

  • Mention ways of keeping our environment clean
  • Demonstrate acts of keeping the environment clean


  • Proper disposal of waste
  • Proper use of toilets/urinary
  • Provision of waste bins
  • Allowing drains to flow
  • Cleaning and sweeping round our surroundings
  • Regular sweeping of our homes


  • Ask questions to lead pupils to suggest ways of keeping the environment clean
  • Get the pupils practically involved in different ways of keeping their environment clean

Teaching/Learning Resources:

  • Pictures showing clean and dirty environment
  • Cleaning tools
  • Teacher’s guidance

Evaluation Guide:

  • Pupils should be able to mention 3 ways of keeping the environment clean.
  • Pupils should be able to mention some of the tools needed for carrying out different cleaning activities.

Week 7

Topic: Accident in the school/home

Performance Objectives:

  • Explain the meaning of accidents
  • Identify causes of home and school accidents


  • Meaning of accidents: Accidents are unplanned events that lead to injury, damage, or death
  • Causes of accidents in school and home


  • Use guided questions to explain the meaning of accidents
  • Participate in class discussions to identify causes of accidents in the school and home

Teaching/Learning Resources:

  • Pupils textbooks
  • Pictures showing dangerous and sharp objects
  • Teacher’s guidance

Evaluation Guide:

  • Pupils should be able to explain the meaning of accidents.

Week 8-9

Topic: Accidents in the school/home continuation

Performance Objectives:

  • Mention ways of preventing accidents in school/home
  • List steps of caring for accident victims in the school and home


  • Prevention of accidents in school/home:
    • Remove all dangerous objects from the surroundings
    • Do not play with dangerous or sharp objects
    • Avoid exposed electricity sources (naked wires)
    • Remove what has caused the accident
  • Caring for accident victims:
    • Report accidents in school or home to parents/elderly persons/teachers
    • Take victims to nearby hospitals/clinics


  • State ways of preventing accidents around the school/home
  • Demonstrate how to avoid accidents
  • Guide the pupils to suggest ways to take care of victims
  • Demonstrate different ways of caring for accident victims

Teaching/Learning Resources:

  • Video clips
  • Teacher’s guidance

Evaluation Guide:

  • Pupils should be able to mention ways of preventing accidents in school/home.
  • Pupils should be able to list steps of caring for accident victims in the school and home.

Week 10

Topic: Drugs

Performance Objectives:

  • Explain the meaning of drugs


  • Meaning of drugs: Any substance other than food which, when taken, can damage the body function


  • Lead the pupils to explain the meaning of drugs
  • Participate in class discussions about drugs

Teaching/Learning Resources:

  • Pupils textbook
  • Pictures or photographs that show different categories of drugs

Evaluation Guide:

  • Pupils should be able to explain the meaning of drugs.

Week 11-12

Topic: Revision and Examination

Performance Objectives:

  • Review all the topics covered during the term
  • Prepare for the end-of-term examination


  • Revise all the topics covered during the term
  • Conduct a mock examination to prepare pupils for the end-of-term examination

Teaching/Learning Resources:

  • Previous teaching materials
  • Mock examination papers

Evaluation Guide:

  • Pupils’ performance in the mock examination will be used to assess their understanding of the topics covered during the term.

Third Term Social Studies scheme of work for Primary 2

Week 1

Topic: Drugs (Continuation)

Objective: Students will be able to mention the categories of drugs.

Contents: Categories of drugs – legal drugs, socially acceptable drugs, and illegal drugs.

Activities: The teacher asks questions to lead students to list the categories of drugs.

Teaching/Learning Resources: Pictures showing different categories of drugs.

Evaluation: Students mention the categories of drugs.

Week 2 & 3

Topic: Drug Abuse

Objective: Students should be able to explain the meaning of drug abuse.

Contents: Meaning of drug abuse – the use of drugs without the advice of a qualified doctor/pharmacist.

Activities: Organize a class discussion on drug abuse and encourage students to participate.

Teaching/Learning Resources: Pupils’ textbooks, posters on the war against drug abuse.

Evaluation: Students explain the meaning of drug abuse.

Week 4

Objective: Students mention the dangers of drug abuse.

Contents: Dangers of drug abuse – mental illness, accidents, addiction, and drop-out of school.

Activities: Discuss the dangers of drug abuse with the students and ask them to list the dangers involved.

Teaching/Learning Resources: Photographs showing drug addicts.

Evaluation: Students mention two dangers of drug abuse.

Week 5 & 6

Objective: Students mention ways of preventing drug abuse.

Contents: Ways of preventing drug abuse – avoid bad friends, seek advice from doctors/nurses and pharmacists before taking drugs, avoid buying medicines in buses or unauthorized stores, and avoid self-medication.

Activities: Explain ways of preventing drug abuse and ask students to list ways of prevention.

Teaching/Learning Resources: Photographs showing drug addicts.

Evaluation: Students mention two ways of preventing drug abuse.

Week 7

Topic: Mid-Term Test

Week 8

Topic: Harmful Substances and how to avoid taking them

Objective: Students explain the meaning of harmful substances.

Contents: Meaning of harmful substances – food, water, fruits, or drugs that are unfit for human consumption.

Activities: Lead the students in a discussion to discover harmful substances when taken into the human body.

Teaching/Learning Resources: Pupils’ textbook.

Evaluation: Students explain the meaning of harmful substances.

Week 9

Objective: Give examples of harmful substances.

Contents: Examples of harmful substances – stale food, poorly cooked foods, rotten foods, infested foods, expired foods/drugs, unripe fruits, and impure water.

Activities: Take students to local shops and markets to identify harmful substances in their environment.

Teaching/Learning Resources: Harmful substances in the environment.

Evaluation: Students give two examples of harmful substances.

Week 10 & 11

Objective: Students mention ways of preventing intake of harmful substances.

Contents: Ways of preventing intake of harmful substances – avoid eating stale, poorly cooked, dirty, and infested foods, avoid taking expired food/drugs, and take only drugs prescribed by the doctor/physician.

Activities: Ask questions to lead students to identify ways of preventing intake of harmful substances.

Teaching/Learning Resources: Pupils’ textbook.

Evaluation: Students mention two ways of preventing intake of harmful substances.

Week 12

Topic: Revision and Examination

Overall, the scheme of work focuses on educating Primary 1 students about the dangers of drugs and drug abuse, as well as ways to prevent them. The use of various teaching resources and activities ensures an interactive and engaging learning experience for the students. The midterm test and examination will assess their understanding of the topics covered in the module.

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 4

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 6

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