Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Social Studies Scheme of Work
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The Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1 is designed to introduce young learners to the concepts of social studies and important social and health issues. The scheme is divided into three terms, and each term focuses on different modules and topics. The primary objectives of the scheme are to help pupils understand the meaning of Social Studies, learn about the family, explore cultural aspects, identify values that demonstrate good morals in society, and comprehend issues related to food safety and water sources.

First Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

First Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1 begins by introducing the meaning of Social Studies, emphasizing that it involves the study of humans and how they solve problems in their environment. The concept of the family is then explored, with the pupils learning about the different types of families, such as nuclear families and extended families. The term also includes lessons on the qualities of a good family, which promotes values like honesty, contentment, and obedience.

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

1 & 2Meaning of Social StudiesPupils should explain the meaning of Social StudiesMeaning of Social Studies: The Study of man and how his problems are solved in the environmentExplain the meaning of Social StudiesPupils’ text book
3 & 4The FamilyPupils should explain the meaning of family and identify types of familyMeaning of a family, Types of family: Nuclear family, Extended familyFind out the meaning of “family” and report back to class, Listen and respond to questions in classFamily Photographs, Poster, video clips
5 & 6Qualities of a good familyPupils should state the qualities of a good familyQualities of a good family: honesty, contentment, interest of others, not greedy, not selfish, discipline, obedience, etc.Identify and explain qualities of a good family, Role play the family showing the qualities of a good familyPictures and charts showing moral values
8 & 9Meaning and types of culturePupils should explain the meaning of culture and list types of cultureMeaning of culture, Types of culture: material, non-materialListen and respond to questions in class and participate in the role play, Outline and write types of culturePictures of people wearing traditional dresses, Pictures drawing material and non-material culture
10 & 11Values that show Good Morals in Our SocietyPupils should explain values that show moralsExamples of morals to show what is right and what is wrongIdentify values which show morals in the society and attitudes that are wrong, Demonstrate different types of good and bad valuesPosters, regalia, photographs, etc.

Second Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

In Second Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1, the focus shifts to social and health issues. Pupils learn about the meaning of culture and various types of culture, such as material and non-material aspects. They are also introduced to values that demonstrate good morals in society, such as respect, kindness, and honesty. The term includes discussions on reasons for taking substances into the body, the effects of overconsumption, and ways to help individuals who suffer from such issues.

1 & 2Reasons for taking substances into the bodyPupils should give reasons for taking substances into the bodyReasons for taking substances into the body: Stay alone, hunger, thirsty, enjoyment, imitation, curiosity, etc.Demonstrate each of the reasons, Dramatize reasons for taking substances into the bodyPosters, charts, and pictures of the reasons, Charts, Pictures, posters, and drawing materials
3 & 4Overdose (too much eating, drinking or smoking)Pupils should demonstrate looks and behaviors of people who consume too much food, drink, or smokeCauses and observable signs/symptoms of overdose, Effects of too much eating and drinking, How to help people suffering from food or drug overdosePresent drawings and paintings to emphasize the effects of drinking too much, Show pictures of people exhibiting symptoms, Guide a play or drama on the topicPictures shown by the teacher, Charts, Pictures posters, and drawing materials
7 & 8FoodPupils should define food and mention some food itemsMeaning of food: Food is anything we eat, drink or take into our body to give us energy and help us growBring food items from homes and participate in identifying the food items, Mention some food eaten in their locality, Mention the sources of food in the communityReal food items, Pictures of foods

Third Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Third Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1 centres around national values. Pupils are taught about food safety and ways to ensure that what they eat is not harmful to their health. They also learn about risk factors in food distribution and preparation, such as poor storage conditions and hygiene. The term concludes with lessons on sources and uses of water, where pupils are introduced to various sources of water supply and their importance for drinking, washing, and cooking.

1 & 2Food SafetyPupils should define food safety and mention ways to ensure itMeaning of food safety: How to ensure that what we eat, drink, or take into our body is not harmful to healthLead pupils to define food safety, Participate in mentioning ways of ensuring food safetyPupils’ textbooks
3 & 4Risk factors in foodPupils should explain risk factors in foodMeaning of risk factors: Those factors that drive the occurrence of a hazardIdentify and explain risk factors, State risk factors in food distribution and preparationPictures depicting risk factors in food distribution and preparation, Video clips on risk factors in food
7 & 8Sources and Uses of WaterPupils should mention sources of water and enumerate usesSources of Water supply in the locality: Stream, Spring, River, Tap, Bore-hole, Rainfall, well, etc.Discuss sources of water supply, Participate in discussion, Mention 4 sources of water supply in the locality, Enumerate the uses of water in homesPictures depicting sources of water supply, Video clips on water, Pictures of farms and markets

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 4

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 6

The scheme employs a variety of teaching and learning activities to engage the pupils effectively. These activities include guided questions, role-playing, storytelling, painting, and demonstrations. The teaching resources comprise pupils’ textbooks, posters, charts, photographs, video clips, and real food items. Regular assessments, such as mid-term tests and revision/examinations, are conducted to evaluate pupils’ understanding and progress.

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