Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Social Studies Scheme of Work
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The Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3 focuses on essential aspects of society, including family structures, cultural practices, health awareness, and social values. This article provides a comprehensive summary of the scheme of work for Primary 3 Social Studies, divided into four subthemes: Family as the Basic Unit of Society, Culture and Social Values, Social and Health issues, and National Values.

First Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

In the first term, the pupils are introduced to the concept of the nuclear and extended families. The main objectives include:

  • Identifying the members of a nuclear family, which consists of a father, mother, and children.
  • Recognizing the extended family, comprising close blood relations.
  • Understanding the roles and importance of family members.

The learning process involves interactive activities such as pupils identifying their own nuclear families, role-playing respectful behavior among family members, and explaining the roles each family member plays in raising a child. The teaching resources for this term include pictures of nuclear families, role-playing scenarios, and discussions about family dynamics.

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2

1The Nuclear and Extended FamiliesPupils should be able to: – Identify a nuclear and the extended familyMembers of a nuclear family: father, mother, children; Extended family: close blood relationsAsk pupils to find out who the members of their nuclear families are; Find out about their nuclear families from homePictures of a nuclear family (father, mother, children); Pupils’ textbooks
2The Nuclear and Extended FamiliesPupils should be able to: – Explain who members of nuclear and extended families areRespect among family members e.g. – Father / mother – Parents / children – Sibling / sibling – Children / uncles – Parents / in-laws etc.Uses questioning method to identify various ways that family members respect each other; Pupils role-play respect among family member / extended members in the classPictures showing ways of showing respect; Pictures of a family tree
7Mid-Term Test
8Types of Marriage in our communityPupils should be able to: – Explain the meaning of marriage;Meaning of marriage – Lawful and acceptable union of a man and woman to make up a familyUses questioning method to explain the meaning of marriage; Participate activity in answering questionsPictures of husbands and wives (couples)
9Types of Marriage in our communityPupils should be able to: – Identify major types of marriages in our communityTypes of marriages: Polygamy, Monogamy etc.Uses role-playing process to demonstrate types of marriages; Participate activity in the role-playing of polygamous and monogamous familiesPictures or photographs that show types of marriages
12Various ways of getting married and the objects used in the ceremonyPupils should be able to: – Describe how marriages are contacted;Marriage practices in Nigeria e.g. – Agreement by the two families by paying the bride price – Religious marriage either in the church or mosque – Traditional marriage or court wedding.Assigns to pupils the task of discovering how marriage is practiced and the objects used in their community; Demonstrates the pupils the process of marriage practicesBible and Qur’an; Pictures of church, mosque and shrine; Audiovisual aid; Textbooks; Resource persons; Marriage objects; Real Objects; Marriage album

Second Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

The second term is dedicated to exploring culture and social values, with a specific focus on types of marriage within the community. The objectives are:

  • Defining the concept of marriage as a lawful union between a man and a woman to form a family.
  • Identifying major types of marriages, including polygamy and monogamy.
  • Describing the processes and objects used in marriage ceremonies.

Pupils engage in various activities such as discussing the meaning of marriage, identifying different types of marriages, and recognizing objects used in marriage ceremonies. They also learn about the roles of family members in upbringing and the cultural significance of marriage within the community.

1Common Drugs in our CommunityPupils should be able to: – Explain the meaning of drugsExplain the meaning of drug – medical substances for curing illnessShow labels with names of drugs to the pupils for identification; Lead a discussion on synthetic and natural medicines; Sample the labels of some drugs e.g. Phensic, local herbs, etc.Samples of readily available labels of empty packets of common drugs; Posters showing various drugs and who must administer them; Colourful charts; Samples of local herbs and drugs.
3Common Drugs in our CommunityPupils should be able to: – Identify common drugsIdentification of modern common medicines/drugs e.g., Aspirin, Daga, Nivaquine, Panadol, Paracetamol, phensic, Alabukun, Traditional e.g., lemon grassGuide pupils to identify common drugs; Invite medical personnel to give a talk on the topic; Identify some common drugs; Participate in answering questions from the talk
7Mid-Term Test
8Ways of identifying someone who has abused drugsPupils should be able to: – State the meaning of drug abuseDrug abuse – intake of medicine without prescriptionLead class discussion on methods of taking drugs/medicines into the body (swallowing, drinking, inhaling); Describe ways to take medicines/drugs; Sing songs; Recite poems and rhymesChart/posters illustrating some methods of taking medicines; Resource persons; Charts of health centers and health personnel; Posters showing drug addicts
9Ways of identifying someone who has abused drugsPupils should be able to: – Recognize someone who has abused drugsWays of knowing someone who has abused drugs – Untidy appearance – Drunken behavior – Frequent fighting – Disobedience – ConvulsionInvite resources persons to give talks on: How to identify someone who has misused drugs – How to help someone who has abused drug/medicine
10Ways of identifying someone who has abused drugsPupils should be able to: – Mention ways of helping someone who has abused drugsWays of helping someone who has abused drugs/medium: – Reporting any change of behavior to parent, teacher, and other adults – Seeking medical attention etc.Teachers/pupils songs, rhymes that discourage drug abuse
11Ways of preventing common illnessesPupils should be able to: – Identify common illnesses in their communityCommon illnesses in the community: – Malaria – Dysentery – Diarrhea – Cholera etc.Use guided questions to find out the common illnesses pupils have suffered before; Assign pupils into group work to come up with other common illnessesPosters; Pictures showing people suffering from one illness or the other; Community resources

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 4

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 6

Third Term Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

The third term delves into social and health issues, with a primary focus on common illnesses and drug abuse prevention. The objectives include:

  • Recognizing symptoms and causes of common illnesses within the community.
  • Identifying methods of taking medicines and describing ways to help someone who has abused drugs.
  • Explaining ways to prevent common illnesses and identifying someone who has abused drugs.

Students participate in discussions, guided questioning, and interactive activities to understand symptoms, causes, and preventive measures for common illnesses. They also explore the concept of drug abuse and learn to identify individuals who may have abused drugs based on behaviors. This term emphasizes promoting healthy practices and taking care of one’s well-being.

Throughout the scheme, pupils are actively engaged in group discussions, role-playing, interactive exercises, and interactions with resource persons such as teachers, medical personnel, and community members. Evaluation methods include class participation, discussions, assignments, and assessments to ensure comprehension and retention of the topics covered.

1Ways of preventing common illnessesMention symptoms of common illness in their communitySymptoms of common illnesses in the community – General weakness – Lack of appetite – Headache/ cold, etc.Ask pupils to find out symptoms of common illnesses; Find out the symptoms of common illnesses and report to the classPoster; Picture showing people suffering from one illness or the other; Charts; Community resources; Pictures of some causes of common illness; Pictures of a clean environment
3Ways of preventing common illnessesIdentify causes of common illnessesCauses of common illnesses like dysentery or diarrhea: – Dirty and polluted surroundings – InfectionsUse guided questions to find out the causes of common illnesses the pupils have suffered before; In group assignment, pupils discuss the causes of common illnesses in their community
5Ways of preventing common illnessesMention ways of preventing common illnessesPrevention of common illness – Clearing of the environmentLead pupils to find out how common illnesses can be prevented in the community; Find out ways of preventing common illnesses from the community and report to the class
8Causes of Road AccidentPupils should be able to: – Explain road accidentMeaning of road accidents: – Sudden bad happening on the road which can cause damage or loss of property, physical injury, or loss of life.Uses guided questions to teach the causes of road accidents; Give examples of causes of road accidentsResource persons such as Road Safety personnel; Pictures of the scene of road accident; Photographs of crashed motor vehicles; Pupils’ textbooks; Charts containing the causes of road accidents
9Causes of Road AccidentList the causes of road accidentsCauses of road accident include: – Bad roads – Poorly built roads by corrupt and inappropriate workersUses charts to demonstrate further examples/causes of road accidents; Demonstrate some causes of road accident; Read the charts
10Giving First Aid Treatment to Road Accident VictimsPupils should be able to: – Identify the items found in a first aid box;Objects found in the first aid box: – Scissors – Bandage – Pain relieve tablets – Razor blade – Cotton wool – Iodine – Izal, etc.Guides pupils to suggest ways to assist an accident victim; Give examples of ways to help an accident victimResource persons such as the school nurse or Red Cross personnel; Real objects in the first aid box
11Giving First Aid Treatment to Road Accident VictimsDescribe how simple first aid could be applied to those injuredSimple first aid treatment: – Clean the wound with antiseptic – Cover with plaster or bandage – Administer pills as recommended by doctors, etc.Directs pupils to inquire from home how cuts or burns are treated; Invites a nurse/dispenser to give a talk on first aid treatmentPhotographs; Pupils’ textbooks; Chart containing simple first aid treatment

In conclusion, the Social Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3 aims to foster an understanding of the importance of family, cultural values, and health within the community. By engaging in various activities and discussions, pupils are equipped with knowledge and skills that contribute to their holistic development as responsible and informed members of society.

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