Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 4

Cultural and Creative Art
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The Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 4 offers a comprehensive framework to guide educators and students through a diverse range of artistic and cultural topics over three terms. The scheme is designed to promote creativity, artistic expression, and an understanding of cultural norms, all while fostering a deeper appreciation for the arts.

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First Term Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 4

The first term The Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 4 is centred around the theme of “Arts and Crafts,” with a specific focus on the sub-theme of “Arts.” The term begins with pupils exploring the fundamental concepts of arts, including the meaning, origin, and uses of arts. Students are introduced to the multifaceted nature of arts as a form of expression that serves various purposes, from education to relaxation.

In Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 4, the classification of arts and Nigerian art works is a key aspect of the curriculum. Pupils learn about the different branches or classes of arts and how Nigerian art works fit within these classifications. This segment encourages students to appreciate the diversity of artistic expressions and cultural influences within their own society.

The term also covers the elements of design, including principles like lines and colors. Students engage in practical activities that help them understand the significance of these elements in artistic compositions. By learning about the basics of design, pupils are equipped with foundational skills that will aid them in their creative endeavors.

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1 & 2Meaning, Origin and Uses of ArtsDefine Arts, Origin, UsesMeaning of Arts, Origin of Arts, Uses of ArtsExplain, Discuss, Take notesIllustrations, Printed materials, Photos
3 & 4Classification of Arts and Nigerian Art WorksClassify Arts, Name Nigerian Art worksClassification, Display Art worksExplain, Display, Name Art worksIllustrations, Art works, Printed materials, Books
5 & 6Elements of DesignDefine principles of design, ListMeaning of elements, Listing, UsesExplain, Illustrate, Guide activityDrawing books, Illustrations, Pencils, Colors
7Mid-Term TestAssess understandingAll topicsMid-term assessment
8 & 9Nigerian Musical Instruments and Sounds they produceIdentify instruments, Explain soundsInstruments, Sound productionExplain, Guide playing, Identify soundsInstruments, Illustrations
10 & 11Foreign Musical InstrumentsIdentify instruments, Explain soundsInstruments, Sound production, PlayExplain, Play, Identify soundsPictorials, Foreign instruments
12 & 13Mode of GreetingIdentify greetings, Explain occasionsGreeting practices, OccasionsExplain, Practice, Identify valuesPictures, Charts
12 & 13Revision and ExaminationReview concepts learnedAll topicsReview and preparation for examination

Second Term Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 4

The second term Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 4 shifts the focus to the theme of “Performing Arts and Entertainment,” with the sub-theme of “Music.” Pupils delve into the world of music, starting with the definition of music and the distinction between music and noise. This understanding sets the stage for the exploration of various sources of music and their roles in different contexts, such as education and entertainment.

One of the highlights of this term is the study of musical instruments. Pupils are introduced to both Nigerian and foreign musical instruments, along with the unique sounds they produce. This segment not only broadens students’ awareness of musical diversity but also nurtures an understanding of the cultural significance of different instruments in various societies.

The scheme of work includes an examination of traditional norms, particularly modes of greeting in different parts of Nigeria. This exploration serves to deepen pupils’ appreciation for cultural diversity within their own country, as they learn about various forms of greeting, from handshakes to verbal greetings.

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1 & 2Principles of DesignDefine, List principles, Give useMeaning, Listing, UsesExplain, List, DemonstratePencil, Notebooks, Boards
3 & 4Types of Colours and TexturesIdentify colours, List sourcesTypes of colours, Sources, TexturesExplain, Demonstrate, ListPoster, Crayon, Leaves, Textured items
5 & 6Creative use of Colours and TexturesUses of colours, Draw and colour itemsColouring items, Using dye from leaves/rootsExplain, Demonstrate, Feel texturesColours, Pencils, Drawing books, Roots
7Mid-Term TestAssess understandingAll topicsMid-term assessment
8Classification of Music Instruments and SoundsClassify instrumentsClassification, Listen for differencesExplain, Listen, IdentifyChalkboard, Pictorials
9Definition of Drama and TheatreDefine theatre, Define drama, DifferentiateDefinitions, DifferencesListen, Copy, Watch drama videoChalkboard, Video, Pictures
10Some elements of Drama and TheatreIdentify elements, List and explainElements, ExplanationListen, Copy, Note pictorialsTextbooks, Notebooks, Pictorials
11Care of the EnvironmentDefine environment, Explain careMeaning, Environmental careExplain, Display, Note materialsChart, Materials for care
12 & 13Revision and ExaminationReview concepts learnedAll topicsReview and preparation for examination

Third Term Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 4

The third term Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 4 returns to the theme of “Arts and Crafts,” this time focusing on the sub-theme of “Crafts.” Pupils engage in hands-on activities related to crafts, expanding their creative horizons. The term commences with the exploration of principles of design, including the significance of colors and textures. This knowledge empowers students to make intentional choices in their creative projects.

One of the highlights of this term is the introduction of printmaking techniques, such as leaf and thumb prints. Pupils discover the art of creating unique patterns and designs using natural materials like leaves and their own thumbs. This practical engagement fosters a sense of accomplishment and encourages pupils to experiment with different artistic techniques.

The third term Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 4 discusses the art of modeling with paper mache. Pupils learn to work with materials like newspapers and starch to create three-dimensional objects. This segment encourages students to think beyond two-dimensional art forms and explore the possibilities of sculptural expression.

They begin by defining dance and its role in cultural expression. The exploration of Nigerian traditional dances highlights the significance of movement and rhythm in cultural celebrations. Additionally, pupils learn about basic movements in dance, understanding how music and body movements are intertwined.

The scheme of work concludes with a discussion on caring for the environment within the context of traditional norms. Pupils explore the importance of maintaining a clean and sustainable environment, drawing connections between cultural practices and environmental stewardship.

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1 & 2Print Making (Leaf and Thumb print)Define, Identify leaves, Print designsMeaning, Suitable leaves, PrintingExplain, Demonstrate, Draw and PrintPapers, Colours, Leaves, Charts
3 & 4Drawing and Shading (Still Life)Name materials, Identify objectsObjects, Still life setupExplain, Demonstrate, Draw and ShadePencils, Crayons, Drawing books
5 & 6Modelling of Paper MacheDefine paper Mache, Identify objectsMeaning, Materials, Object makingExplain, Demonstrate, Produce objectsOld newspaper, Starch, Moulds
7Mid-Term TestAssess understandingAll topicsMid-term assessment
8Definition of DanceDefine dance, Explain featuresFeatures, OccasionsExplain, Lead, ParticipateChalkboard, Video, Pictures
9Features of Nigerian Traditional DancesIdentify features, Name dancesCharacteristics, NamesExplain, Identify, Watch performanceChalkboard, Television, DVDs
10Basic Movements in DanceDefine movements, Explain dance conceptsMovements, Time, Space, Effort, MoodExplain, Guide, Respond to musicChalkboards, Textbooks, CD players
11Care of the EnvironmentList materials, Demonstrate careMaterials, Practical care, BenefitsExplain, Guide, Mention benefitsBrooms, Trash Bins, Shovel, Rake
12 & 13Revision and ExaminationReview concepts learnedAll topicsReview and preparation for examination

The Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 4 offers a holistic approach to arts education, encompassing various forms of artistic expression and cultural understanding. Throughout the three terms, students are encouraged to explore their creativity, learn about their cultural heritage, and appreciate the richness of artistic diversity. This scheme not only equips pupils with practical artistic skills but also fosters a deeper connection to their culture and surroundings. As they engage in hands-on activities and learn about various forms of art, students are poised to develop into well-rounded individuals with a strong appreciation for the arts and cultural traditions.

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