Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Cultural and Creative Art
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The Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 1 is divided into three terms. The scheme covers various aspects of arts, crafts, performing arts, and entertainment, aiming to introduce young learners to different art forms and foster creativity, cultural understanding, and self-expression. Each week’s topics and objectives are clearly outlined, along with the activities, teaching resources, and evaluation guides.

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First Term Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 1

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1Introduction to ArtsPupils should be able to explain what Arts is.Meaning of ArtsExplain what Arts is with visual aidsPictures, Real Arts, Crayons, Drawing Books
2 & 3Functional ArtsPupils should be able to identify types of functional Arts works in the home.Meaning of functional Arts<br>Types of Functional Art worksExplain what functional Art is<br>Identify different types of functional Art worksPictures, Real Arts, Pens, Crayons, Drawing Books
5 – 6Mid – Term Test
7Children’s Rhymes (contd)Pupils should be able to mention the uses of rhymes.Uses of rhymesGuide pupils on the uses of rhymesTape recorder and player, Cardboard paper, Notebooks, Pencils
8Children’s RhymesPupils should be able to identify the lyrics of given rhymes.Children’s rhymesEncourages individual and group recitation of rhymesTape recorder and player, Cardboard paper, Notebooks, Pencils
9 – 10CeremoniesPupils should be able to explain the meaning of ceremonies and identify different types.Meaning of ceremonies<br>Types of ceremoniesExplain the meaning of ceremonies<br>Mention and explain the different types of ceremoniesPictures of ceremonial events, Books, Video films, etc.
11Revision and Examination

Second Term Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 1

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1Meaning of CraftPupils should be able to define craft and identify craft works.Definition of craftDefines what craft isCharts, Real objects, Drawing book, Pencil, Crayon
2 – 3Types of CraftsPupils should be able to name different craft works and draw them.Types of Crafts<br>Examples of craft itemsExplain types of crafts<br>Groups pupils to draw different craft itemsPictures, Real craft items, Pencils, Crayons
4Types of Crafts (contd)Pupils should be able to produce a coloured diagram of a craft item.Drawing of craft itemsGroup pupils to produce a coloured drawingPictures, Real craft items, Pencils, Crayons, Drawing books
5, 6 & 8Role PlayPupils should be able to identify characters in a story and describe them.Introduction to Role Play<br>Identifying characteristics in a story<br>Describing a character in a storyExplains what role play is<br>Demonstrate characters in a story<br>Encourages pupils to try out roles of charactersIllustrations of characters in a story, Television, Video tapes, CDs
7Mid – Term Test
9Body Make-UpPupils should be able to mention parts of the body and the materials associated with ceremonies.Important values derived from ceremonies<br>Materials associated with ceremoniesExplains the important values derived from ceremonies<br>Guides pupils to mention things associated with ceremoniesPictures of ceremonial events, Ceremonial food types, Clothing and costumes
10Revision and Examination

Third Term Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 1

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1Drawing of different craft itemsPupils should be able to produce a coloured diagram of a craft item.Revision<br>Drawing of craft itemsGroup pupils to produce a coloured drawingCharts, Real objects, Drawing book, Pencil, Crayon
2 & 3Drawing of different craft items (contd)Pupils should be able to identify different craft items and draw them.Examples of craft items<br>Identifying different craft itemsShows illustration of craft items<br>Groups pupils to draw different craft itemsPictures, Real craft items, Pencils, Crayons, Drawing books, Ruler
4, 5 & 6Introduction to StorytellingPupils should be able to identify a story line in a story or folktale and create their own short story.Introduction to the art of story telling<br>Making up a story line with themesExplains what story telling is<br>Develops a story line idea<br>Makes up short story based on observation of real-life charactersStories in a book, Illustration of characters in the story, Television, Video tapes, CDs
7Mid – Term Test
8Body Make-Up (contd)Pupils should be able to beautify different parts of the body using local make-up materials.Beautifying parts of the body<br>Local make-up materials for beautifying different parts of the bodyGuides the pupils into beautifying different parts of the bodyPictures of persons wearing traditional make-up materials
9Revision and Examination
10 – 11Revision and Examination

Incorporating Local Cultural Practices: One unique aspect of this scheme is its focus on incorporating local cultural practices into the learning process. It aims to help children connect with their cultural heritage and understand the significance of traditional ceremonies, rhymes, and craft items in their communities. By using illustrations, pictures, and real craft items specific to their culture, students can gain a deeper appreciation for their cultural traditions.

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Features of the Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 1

1. Thematic Approach: The scheme is organized around themes such as “Introduction to Arts,” “Functional Arts,” “Entertainment,” “Traditional Ceremonies,” “Crafts,” and more. This thematic approach allows for a focused and comprehensive exploration of various art forms and cultural practices.

2. Clear Objectives: Each week’s topic is accompanied by specific learning objectives, clearly stating what students should be able to achieve at the end of the lesson. These objectives guide the teaching process and help assess students’ progress.

3. Sequential Progression: The scheme follows a logical sequence, gradually introducing students to different aspects of arts and culture. The topics build upon one another, allowing for a smooth and progressive learning experience.

4. Cultural Relevance: The scheme emphasizes cultural relevance by incorporating local practices, traditional ceremonies, rhymes, and craft items. This ensures that students connect with their own cultural heritage, fostering a sense of identity and pride.

5. Multimedia Resources: The scheme utilizes a variety of multimedia resources, including pictures, real craft items, videos, audio recordings, and charts. These resources make the learning process more engaging and interactive.

6. Hands-on Activities: The scheme encourages hands-on activities like drawing, coloring, and role-playing. These activities allow students to actively participate in the learning process and develop practical skills.

7. Storytelling and Role-Play: The inclusion of storytelling and role-play promotes creativity, language development, and social skills in students. It also helps them understand different characters and cultural values in traditional stories and folktales.

8. Incorporation of Performing Arts: The scheme integrates performing arts by introducing students to rhymes, songs, and entertainment forms. This allows students to explore their creativity and express themselves through different art forms.

9. Evaluation Guide: The scheme provides an evaluation guide for each topic, enabling teachers to assess students’ understanding and progress effectively. The guide offers clear criteria for evaluation and helps monitor students’ learning outcomes.

10. Cultural Preservation: By focusing on traditional ceremonies, crafts, and local makeup materials, the scheme promotes the preservation of cultural practices and heritage among young learners.

11. Emphasis on Morals and Values: Several topics within the scheme highlight the importance of morals, values, and ethical behavior. For example, in storytelling and role-play, students learn about themes like tolerance, truthfulness, respect, and obedience.

Overall, the Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 1 not only imparts knowledge and skills related to arts and culture but also fosters a sense of cultural identity, creativity, and social understanding among young learners. It stands out for its cultural relevance, interactive approach, and emphasis on holistic development.

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