Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work For Primary 2

Cultural and Creative Art
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The Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 2 is designed to introduce young learners to various aspects of arts and crafts, traditional arts, and festivals. The scheme aims to foster creativity, cultural appreciation, and artistic skills in the pupils. It is divided into three terms, each focusing on specific themes and sub-themes. The topics covered include Shapes and Sizes, Colouring Functional Artworks, Traditional Songs/Folk Songs, Traditional Dances, Traditional Festivals, Introduction to Craft Making, Designing Patterns of Basic Shapes, Melodic Patterns of Traditional Songs, Paper Craft Making and Decorations, Pattern Making using Motifs and Colours, and Dramatization of Storytelling.

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First Term Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work For Primary 2

In the first term of the primary three curriculum, the theme is “Arts and Crafts,” with a focus on the sub-theme “Arts.” During this term, students engage in various creative activities that help them develop a deeper understanding of shapes, sizes, and colors. In the initial weeks, pupils are introduced to shapes and sizes. They learn to recognize and name different shapes and sizes of objects. This is achieved through activities such as listening to explanations, observing real objects, and drawing shapes. The teaching and learning resources include real objects, pencils, drawing books, and pictures displaying different shapes and sizes. Pupils are encouraged to explain the meaning of shapes and identify basic shapes like squares, rectangles, and circles.

Moving forward, pupils delve into the world of colors and functional art. They draw different functional artworks and apply a variety of colors to these creations. Teachers guide pupils in understanding the significance of functional artworks and provide them with the opportunity to showcase their creativity through drawing and coloring. The resources used in this phase include pictures of functional artworks, colored pencils, crayons, and drawing books. Pupils also participate in a mid-term test during week 7.

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1 & 2Shapes and SizesExplain shapes, Identify shapesMeaning of shapesExplain shapes, Identify shapesReal objects, Pictures, Drawing books, Pencils
3Shapes and SizesDraw shapes, Sizes of objectsDifferent shapes, Sizes of objectsDraw shapes, Observe object sizesDiagrams of shapes, Pencils, Drawing books
4 & 5Colouring Functional ArtworksDraw and colour craftsDrawing functional ArtworksExplain different Artworks, Colour craftsPictures, real Artworks, Pencils, Crayons
6 & 8Traditional Songs/Folk songsIdentify folk songs, Perform songsIntroduction to traditional songsListen, sing, clap to traditional songsAudio tape, CDs, Notebooks, Pencils
9 & 10Traditional DancesIdentify & explain dancesTraditional dancesExplains dances, Imitate dance movementsVideos, Traditional clothing
11Revision and ExaminationReview concepts learnedAll topicsReview and preparation for examination
12 & 13ExaminationAssess understandingAll topicsFinal examination

Second Term Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 2

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In the second term, the focus remains on “Arts and Crafts,” with a shift towards the sub-theme “Crafts.” Pupils explore the use of lines in designs and learn about various methods of modeling objects. They gain hands-on experience in crafting using materials such as cardboard papers, markers, and drawing books. This term enhances pupils’ skills in creating designs and shaping objects using craft techniques.

1 – 3Introduction to Craft MakingIdentify types, Materials for craftMeaning of craft, Types of craftExplain craft, Display materials, Identify typesPaper, Fabric, Scissors, Drawing books
4 & 5Designing PatternsDesign patterns using shapesBasic shapes, Pattern makingExplain basic shapes, Design patternsDiagrams of shapes, Pencils, Coloured pencils
6 – 8Melodic Patterns of Traditional SongsExplain melodic patterns, Sing using solfaMelodic pattern of musicExplain patterns, Sing with solfa notationMusic manuscripts, Notebooks, Modulators charts
9 & 10Traditional FestivalsMention values from festivalsDifferent traditional festivalsExplain festival values, Mention festivalsPictures, Accessories, Costumes
11Revision and ExaminationReview concepts learnedAll topicsReview and preparation for examination
12 & 13ExaminationAssess understandingAll topicsFinal examination

Third Term Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 2

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The third term continues with the sub-theme “Crafts” and centers on “Methods of Modelling Objects.” Pupils are taught different methods of modeling objects using materials such as clay or plasticine and wooden boards. They learn to create objects through demonstrations and hands-on practice, which allows them to develop their crafting skills further.

1 – 3Paper Craft Making and DecorationsIdentify crafts, Uses of paper craftTypes of paper craft, UsesExplain crafts, Display crafts, Make paper craftsPaper, Glue, Scissors, Drawing books
4 – 6Pattern Making use of Motifs and ColoursDesign motifs, Make patternsMotifs, Pattern makingExplain motifs, Design patterns, Make patternsDiagrams of motifs, Pencils, Colours
7Mid-Term TestAssess understandingAll topicsMid-term assessment
8Dramatization of StorytellingPlay roles using charactersStorytelling elementsIntroduce story, Listen and note story pointsStory books, Characters, Cardboard papers
9Dramatization of StorytellingDramatize story, Explain elementsDramatic elementsExplain elements, Answer questions on behaviorIllustrations, Role-playing
10Traditional FestivalsMention values from festivalsDifferent traditional festivalsDiscuss values, Suggest valuesPictures, Accessories, Costumes
11Revision and ExaminationReview concepts learnedAll topicsReview and preparation for examination
12 & 13ExaminationAssess understandingAll topicsFinal examination

The Cultural and Creative Art Scheme of Work for Primary 1 provides a comprehensive and interactive approach to introducing young learners to various aspects of art, culture, and creativity. Through engaging activities and hands-on experiences, pupils develop their artistic skills, cultural awareness, and appreciation for traditional arts and performances. The scheme fosters creativity, self-expression, and cultural understanding in a fun and interactive learning environment.

The scheme of work also includes the theme “Performing Arts and Entertainment,” where pupils learn about traditional songs, dances, and the cultural significance of festivals. They identify, perform, and appreciate traditional songs and dances from their locality. Additionally, pupils explore traditional festivals, their associated values, and the costumes worn during these celebrations. Throughout the terms, pupils are assessed through various activities and examinations, which help gauge their understanding and progress in the subject.

The comprehensive scheme of work is designed to nurture pupils’ artistic and creative abilities, fostering an appreciation for cultural heritage and promoting hands-on learning experiences. By engaging in activities ranging from shape recognition to crafting and performing traditional arts, pupils gain valuable skills that contribute to their holistic development and cultural awareness.

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