English Language scheme of work for Primary 1

English Language scheme of work
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This article aims to present a unique and detailed English Language scheme of work for Primary 1 students, spanning the first term to the third term. The English Language is a crucial subject in the curriculum, providing young learners with the foundation they need to communicate effectively, read fluently, and write coherently. A well-structured scheme of work is essential to ensure a seamless and comprehensive learning experience for primary school students.

First Term English Language Scheme of Work for Primary 1

the revised table:

WeekTopicContentBehavioural ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesInstructional Materials
1Phonics: Animal Sounds– Identify different animal sounds by mimicking the animals – Match animals with their sounds – Use onomatopoeia to describe animal sounds (e.g., Cuckoo, meow, bark, etc.) – Explain various reasons for animal sounds– Pupils mimic animal sounds from their environment and mention the names of the animals – Identify different animals on a given chart and match them with their sounds – Watch a video depicting animals and their sounds – Demonstrate how animals express different emotions using different sounds in small groups– Charts – Animal picture cards – Animal sound clips – Web Resources: [link 1](https://sites.google.com/a/zahraa.tzafonet.crq.il/mou minh/list-of animals-sounds), link 2
Structure: Simple greetings and commands– Identify simple greetings and commands – Differentiate between formal/respectful and informal/casual greetings – Use simple commands – Demonstrate the use of greetings and commands in conversations– Greet and respond to greetings and commands from teachers – Play the roles of family members and teachers to demonstrate appropriate greetings in different contexts – Command each other to perform simple tasks – Use dialogues to demonstrate appropriate use of greetings and commands in small groups– Chart with flashcards containing symbols of commands – Pictures depicting modes of greetings among various groups
Reading: Oral and written comprehension– Identify pictures and predict main ideas of the passage – Read a story audibly – Derive new words from the passage and summarize the story in their own words – Answer questions on the passage– Make and justify predictions about events based on contents of given Tables, Pictures, Graphs, etc. – Read a given passage on tortoise and dog aloud – Check the meaning of new words in the dictionary and use them in sentences – Answer questions orally and in written form on the story – Role-play the tortoise and the dog in pairs– Pupils’ textbooks – Charts – Graphs – Tables – Pictures – Web Resources
Vocabulary: New words– Identify the correct pronunciation of the selected words – Classify the words into basic word categories (e.g., Foods, colors, shapes, etc.) – Use the new words in sentences– Pronounce each word correctly – Match pictures to words to sort words into categories/families – Use the new words in sentences – Generate a new sentence using the new words in pairs– Storybooks – Picture books – Word cards – Dictionaries – Web Resources: link
Writing: Writing of alphabet– Write the letters of the English alphabet – Differentiate between the upper case and lower case of the letters of the alphabet – Use both small letters and capital letters in words/simple sentences– Write the English alphabet in upper and lower cases and recite them – Study a given chart to identify the difference between the use of upper and lower cases of the English letters of the alphabet – Use upper case and lower case in words/sentences – Use charts/flashcards containing the alphabet in upper and lower cases and course books– Chart/Flashcards containing the alphabet in upper and lower cases – Course Book – Any other relevant material
2Phonics: Consonant and Vowel Sounds– Produce and identify basic sounds correctly – Distinguish the sounds of the different letters of the alphabet correctly – Differentiate between consonant and vowel sounds – Produce words with given sounds– Produce sounds and pronounce letters correctly as a class – Listen to pronunciation of sounds of different letters on an audio player and reproduce the sounds – Use alphabet charts/flashcards, real objects, and audio player/sound charts– Alphabet charts/flashcards – Real objects – Audio player/sound charts – Web Resources: link
Structure: Identification of persons-self– Identify the guidelines in describing themselves – Complete a guided essay on myself/yourself – Construct simple sentences to describe themselves– Study a given format description (e.g., Name, class, age, etc.) as a class – Read and complete omitted words in a given descriptive essay in small groups – Roleplay to describe each other/themselves in pairs– Pictures – Charts – Brightly colored picture books – Web Resources: link
Reading: Picture reading– Use details in pictures to make predictions – Relate the pictures to real-life situations – Answer questions on the pictures– Make predictions about the pictures by explaining their views about the picture in small groups – Describe their mothers in pairs – Answer questions on the pictures individually– Pictures – Charts – Brightly colored picture books – Web Resources: link
Vocabulary: New words– Explain the meaning of new words contextually – Use new vocabulary grammatically in own speech – Find additional 50-100 new words and master their meanings and usages– Identify new and familiar words in selected texts and stories in small groups – Role-play or dramatize the meanings of familiar and new words in pairs – Use the new words in sentences in pairs – Search for more new words with their meanings and usages individually– Storybooks – Textbooks – Picture books – Dictionaries – Web Resource: link
Writing: Writing of alphabet (cont’d)– Match the upper case letters to letters – Write the alphabet in upper case and lower case – Write words or sentences in upper case and the lower case in different situations– Match the uppercase to the lowercase in pairs – Write the alphabet in upper case and lower case individually – Produce words or sentences with lower and upper case in small groups– Flash Cards – Course book – Any other relevant material
3Phonics: Rhyming words, One syllable words– Blend sounds to form one syllable words – Recognize words that end with the same letter sounds – Identify rhyming words – Compose/recite poems, rhymes, and identify rhymes in the poems– Build new words by blending letter sounds in small groups – Identify words that end with the same sounds – Listen to sentences and clap to each syllable in a word as a class – Recite poems rhythmically in pairs– Word cards – Audio Tape – Tape Recorder – Listening Game – Web Resources: link
Structure: The articles “a” and “an”– Identify articles ‘a’ and ‘an’ – Explain when to use article ‘a’ or ‘an’ – Construct sentences with article ‘a’ or ‘an’– Recognize the use of articles on a displayed chart as a class – Differentiate between the use of articles ‘a’ and ‘an’ in pairs – Use articles ‘a’ and ‘an’ in sentences individually– Objects in the classroom – Chart/flashcards – Picture books – Web Resources: link
Vocabulary: New words– List objects in their classroom – Relate words to the objects – Construct sentences with the words– Name the objects in the class as a class – Match words to objects in small groups – Use the words in sentences individually– Classroom/school compound – Flash books – Pictures – Dictionaries – Web Resources: [link 1](www.myenglisheacher.eel > blog), link 2
Writing: Describe an object (bird, dog)– Use appropriate descriptive words – Differentiate features of an object – State the features of an object – Describe an object accordingly – Write 5 sentences on an object– Identify features of descriptive composition as a class – Mention the attributes of an identified object in small groups – Describe an object in pairs – Write five sentences on the object individually– Chart/flash containing pictures – Real object – Web Resources: link
Supplementary reading– Share with other pupils the story read – Discuss lessons learned from the book – Relate events in the story to their personal lives– Read a recommended story book/play/poem individually – Discuss the lessons learned from the reading and share with the class as a group – Share an event in the story and relate it to an event at home individually– Recommended story book
4Phonics: Build rhyming word families– Recite/sing rhymes and songs – Identify letter sounds in songs and rhymes – Recognize rhyming words from given word sets – Build rhyming word families– Sing songs and recite rhymes after an audio player as a class – Reproduce sounds of rhyming words in songs and rhymes in small groups – Match rhyming words to given words individually – Build families of words that rhyme in pairs– Charts – Picture books with rhymes and songs – Flash cards – Tape recorder – Web Resources: link
Vocabulary: Naming of objects in the kitchen– Identify objects in the kitchen – Name objects in the kitchen – Write the names of the objects in the kitchen and their uses– Name objects in the kitchen as a class – Identify objects in the kitchen in small groups – Write the names of objects in the kitchen and their uses in pairs – Role-play the use of objects in the kitchen in pairs– School Kitchen – Pictures containing objects in the kitchen – Flash card containing objects in the kitchen
Reading: Pictorial reading– Deduce the main idea of the passage – Analyze the purpose of the passage – Use evidence from the passage to explain supporting ideas – Explain the meaning of unfamiliar words in the passage – Relate the passage to their everyday activities– Read a given passage individually – Discuss the main idea of the passage in small groups – Analyze the purpose of the passage individually – Discuss supporting ideas from the passage using evidence from the passage in pairs – Relate the main ideas in the passage to their everyday activities individually– Traffic Sign objects – Pictures containing objects on the road – Web Resources: link
Structure: Action verbs on the uses of objects in the kitchen– Identify objects in the kitchen – List action verbs associated with the uses of objects in the kitchen (e.g., Sieving, frying, boiling, cutting) – Construct sentences with the action verbs– Mention some objects that can be found in the kitchens as a class – List action verbs for the objects and demonstrate the actions in small groups – Use the action verbs in sentences in pairs – Dramatize the action verbs in pairs– Chart containing names of objects used in the kitchen
Writing: Writing of first alphabet or letter of all the objects mentioned for the week– Write the first letter of all the objects mentioned for the week – Participate in matching words with objects in the kitchen according to their first letters – Write the uses of each object– Write objects in the kitchen mentioned for the week alphabetically in small groups – Match objects to their first letters in pairs – Write the uses of each object in pairs – Role-play the use of each object in the kitchen in pairs– Pictures containing objects in the kitchen – Flashcards containing objects in the kitchen and their names – Table containing names of objects in the kitchen on the right-hand side and alphabet on the left-hand side
5Phonics: Songs and Rhymes– Recite/sing rhymes and songs – Identify letter sounds in songs and rhymes – Recognize rhyming words from given word sets – Build rhyming word families– Sing songs and recite rhymes after an audio player as a class – Reproduce sounds of rhyming words in songs and rhymes in small groups – Match rhyming words to given words individually – Build families of words that rhyme in pairs– Picture books with rhymes and songs – Tape recorder – Web Resources: link
Structure: Matching of words and figure 1 for one, 3 for three– Identify figures by their spellings – Write figures in words – Match words and figures correctly– Identify figures by their spellings in pairs – Write numbers in words in small groups – Match figures with words individually– Flashcard containing figure and words – Table containing figures on the right-hand side and words on the left-hand side – Web Resources: link, link
Vocabulary: new words– Identify the listed words – Explain the meaning and uses of the words – Construct sentences with the words orally– Repeat the pronunciation of given words after the teacher as a class – Explain the use of the words in a given passage in pairs – Use the words in sentences individually – Dramatize the meaning of the new words in pairs– Chart containing words – Dictionaries – Web Resources: link
Writing: ‘Our House’– Produce two-letter words – Write two-letter words in a sentence – Analyze an essay on ‘our house’ by underlining two-letter words in the description– Produce two-letter words as a class – Identify two-letter words in sentences in pairs – Identify two-letter words in an essay individually– Flashcards of two-letter words – Sample of Composition on ‘Our House’
WeekTopicContentBehavioural ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesInstructional Materials
6Phonics: Vowel sounds/o/ – dog, pot /a: / – farm, fart– Pronounce the vowel sounds correctly; – Identify the sounds in given words; – Produce more words containing the vowel sounds.– Listen to pronunciation of sounds and repeat as a class; – Identify sounds in words in pairs; – Produce examples of words with the vowel sounds individually.– Sound charts and flash cards – Wall Chart with /a:/ and words, /o/ and words – Course book
Structure: Identification of objectsDifferentiate between the articles ‘a’ and ‘an’;– Identify objects that use articles ‘a’ and ‘an’; – Give examples of objects that use articles ‘a’ and ‘an’; – Use the articles ‘a’ and ‘an’ correctly in writing and speaking.– Distinguish ‘a’ from ‘an’ as a class; – Identify objects using ‘a’ or ‘an’ in small groups; – Create sentences with objects using ‘a’ or ‘an’ in pairs.– Real objects – Pictures – Recommended textbook
Vocabulary: new wordsSpell and pronounce words correctly; Identify words in a sentence; Form sentences with the new words.– Spell the words correctly; – Identify the new words in sentences; – Form sentences using the new words.– Spell words individually; – Identify new words in sentences in small groups; – Use new words in sentences in pairs; – Dramatize the meaning of new words in pairs.– Charts containing the words – Dictionaries
Reading: Pictorial reading of ObjectsIdentify objects that use ‘an’; Differentiate objects that use ‘an’ from others; Construct sentences with ‘an’.– Identify objects in pictures that use ‘an’; – Differentiate objects with ‘an’ from others; – Construct sentences using ‘an’ objects.– Identify objects using ‘an’ in pairs; – Differentiate ‘an’ objects from others in pairs; – Construct sentences using ‘an’ objects in small groups.– Real objects – Pictures – Toys
Writing: Describe animalsPronounce and spell words of three letters; List animals with three-letter words; Describe any of these animals.– Pronounce and spell three-letter words correctly; – List animals with three-letter words; – Describe any of these animals.– Pronounce and spell three-letter words in small groups; – List animals with three-letter words in pairs; – Describe animals with three-letter words in pairs.– Flashcards containing three-letter words – Recommended text
Supplementary Reading: Story BookShare the story read; Discuss lessons learned; Relate story events to personal lives.– Share the story with classmates; – Discuss lessons learned from the book; – Relate events in the story to personal lives.– Read a recommended story book individually; – Discuss lessons learned from the reading and share with classmates in pairs; – Relate events in the story to personal lives individually.– Recommended storybook
7MidtermMidterm Break
8Phonics: Blending soundsBlending sounds of letters to form words– Identify the sounds; – Pronounce the sounds; – Build words by blending the sounds of the alphabet.– Identify sounds from a given chart as a class; – Participate in class drills and exercises as a class; – Build words by blending sounds in small groups.– Pocket chart – Picture cards – Letter cards – Word charts
Structure: Differentiation of sexDifferentiate between the two sexes – male and female; Identify sentences about males and females; Use the right words for the right gender in sentences.– Differentiate between males and females; – Identify sentences about males and females; – Use the right words for the right gender in sentences.– Explain the differences between males and females in small groups; – Identify sentences about males and females in small groups; – Use words for males and females in sentences individually.– Textbook – Picture books
Vocabulary: New wordsRecognize and understand the meaning of new words; Use new vocabulary in speech; Explain the meaning of new words in context correctly;– Recognize and understand the meaning of new words; – Use new vocabulary in speech; – Explain the meaning of new words in context correctly.– Identify new and unfamiliar words in names of objects in small groups; – Find the meaning of new words in pairs; – Use new words in sentences individually; – Dramatize the meaning of new words in pairs.– Charts containing names of objects – Pictures of objects and their names – Textbooks – Dictionaries
Reading: Reading column of introductionInterpret pictures; Read to compare the pictures with the passage; Apply the main ideas to real life.– Interpret the pictures; – Read to compare the pictures with the passage; – Apply the main ideas to real life.– Explain who is being introduced in the pictures in small groups; – Relate the message with the pictures individually; – Introduce themselves as characters in a play group using the appropriate gender in pairs; – Dramatize the events in the pictures in pairs.– Storybooks – Textbooks – Picture books – Word cards
Writing: Introduction of personsIntroduce a person with the help of details in pictures; Use the right words when introducing self; Write three sentences about themselves.– Introduce a person with the help of details in pictures; – Use the right words when introducing self; – Write three sentences about themselves.– Study a given picture as a guide to describing themselves in small groups; – Use correct and appropriate words to describe each other in pairs; – Write about themselves individually.– Real objects – Picture books – Charts
Supplementary Reading: Story bookShare with other pupils the story read; Discuss lessons learned from the book; Relate events in the story to their personal lives.– Share with other pupils the story read; – Discuss lessons learned from the book; – Relate events in the story to their personal lives.– Read a recommended story book individually; – Share moral lessons derived from the book with each other in pairs; – Match themes in the story with real-life situations in small groups.– Flashcards – Lagos State Recommended Literature Text
9Phonics: Identification / PronunciationPronounce names of objects with /A/ or /æ/ sounds; Identify names of objects with /A/ or /æ/ in them; Write names of objects with /A/ or /æ/ in them.– Pronounce names of objects with /A/ or /æ/ sounds correctly; – Identify names of objects with /A/ or /æ/ sounds; – Spell names of objects with /A/ or /æ/ sounds correctly.– Pronounce names of objects with /A/ or /æ/ sounds in pairs; – Identify names of objects with /A/ or /æ/ sounds from a list in small groups; – Spell names of objects with /A/ or /æ/ sounds individually; – Identify new words with /A/ and /æ/ sounds and differentiate them in pairs.– Chart/flashcards containing names of objects with /A/ and /æ/ sounds – Chart containing /æ/ vowel sounds – Course book
Structure: More on simple commandsUse simple commands; Ask and answer questions on simple commands; Construct sentences with simple commands.– Use simple commands; – Ask and answer questions on simple commands; – Construct sentences with simple commands.– Role-play characters giving and obeying simple commands in pairs; – Ask and answer questions on simple commands individually; – Use simple commands in conversations in small groups.– Charts and flash cards containing symbols of commands
Reading: Picture reading of introductionObserve pictures and describe them; Recognize who the picture is introducing; Answer questions from picture reading.– Observe pictures and describe them; – Recognize who the picture is introducing; – Answer questions from picture reading.– Observe and describe pictures in small groups; – Recognize who the picture is introducing in small groups; – Answer questions from picture reading in pairs.– Picture books – Textbooks – Relevant pictures of persons
Writing: Objects of 5 letter wordsName objects containing five-letter words; Spell and pronounce the five-letter words; Describe the objects; Compare the objects.– Name objects containing five-letter words; – Spell and pronounce the five-letter words; – Describe the objects; – Compare the objects.– Participate in a five-letter words drill as a class; – Spell and pronounce five-letter words in small groups; – Describe objects with five-letter words individually; – Compare objects in pairs.– Textbooks
Vocabulary: New wordsRecognize and understand the meaning of new words; Use new vocabulary in own speech; Explain meaning of new words in context correctly.– Recognize and understand the meaning of new words; – Use new vocabulary in own speech; – Explain meaning of new words in context correctly.– Identify new and unfamiliar words in names of objects in small groups; – Find the meaning of new words in pairs; – Use new words in sentences individually; – Dramatize the meaning of new words in pairs.– Charts containing names of objects – Pictures of objects and their names – Textbooks – Dictionaries

Second Term English Language Scheme of Work for Primary 1

WeekTopicContentBehavioural ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesInstructional Materials
1Phonics: Revision on sounds– Identify the sounds; – Pronounce the sounds; – Cite examples of words containing the sounds; – Communicate with the sounds.– Recognize sounds from a chart as a class; – Give examples of words with the sounds in small groups; – Use the sounds in communication in pairs.– Charts – Audio player – Pronouncing Dictionary by Daniel Jones
Structure: Recognize common words– Recognize common words (e.g., My, you, I, are, is, yes, no, etc.) by sight; – Read a selected text to identify the common words; – Use the words in sentences.– Recognize common words by sight; – Identify common words in a text; – Use common words in sentences.– Pupils’ textbooks – Storybooks – School library
Vocabulary: New Words– Spell the selected new words; – Pronounce the words correctly; – Explain the meaning of the words; – Construct simple sentences with the new words.– Spell and write the new words; – Pronounce new words correctly; – Explain the meaning of new words; – Use new words in sentences.– Charts with words – Dictionaries – Pupils’ textbooks
Writing: Revision on writing of two to five-letter words– Produce and spell two to five-letter words correctly; – Identify objects with three to five-letter words; – Use five-letter word objects in conversations.– Blend vowel sounds and consonant sounds to produce two to five-letter words; – Name objects with three to five-letter words; – Use objects with five-letter words in conversations.– Chart/flashcards with consonant sounds and vowel sounds – Charts/flashcards with two-letter words – Web resource for reference
Supplementary Reading: Story Book– Share with other pupils the story read; – Discuss lessons learned from the book; – Relate events in the story to personal lives.– Share the story with classmates; – Discuss lessons learned from the book; – Relate events in the story to personal lives.– Recommended storybooks
2MidtermMidterm Break
3Phonics: Pronunciation: [I, j, k, L]– Pronounce the sounds /I/-/I:/ correctly; – Identify and pronounce words starting with sounds /1/ to /I/ (e.g., Iron, joy, king, lime) with sounds /i, j, k, l/. – Produce more words containing the sounds.– Pronounce /I/-/I:/ sounds correctly; – Identify and pronounce words with /i, j, k, l/ sounds; – Produce more words with these sounds.– Pronounce /I/-/I:/ sounds individually; – Listen and repeat words with /i, j, k, l/ sounds as a class; – Produce new words with these sounds in small groups.– Charts/flashcards with letters I-L and words – Chart cards with English letters and sounds
Structure: Descriptive Adjective using colors– Say the names of different colors; – Identify different colors; – Use colors to describe objects; – Create pictures of different colors.– Say names of different colors; – Identify different colors; – Use colors to describe objects; – Create pictures using different colors.– Chart/flashcards with pictures of different colors and their names – Color pack – Pupils’ course book
Vocabulary: New Words– Pronounce the new words correctly; – Spell the words correctly; – Explain the meaning of the words; – Construct simple sentences with the new words.– Pronounce and spell new words correctly; – Explain the meaning of new words; – Use new words in sentences.– Charts/flashcards with new words – Dictionaries – Pupils’ textbooks
Reading: Eye movement: reading from left to right; top to bottom– Identify the beginning and end of written words and sentences; – Recognize that sentences are read from the top to the bottom of the page; – Recognize that books are read from the front (beginning) to the back (end).– Identify word and sentence beginnings and endings; – Recognize the top-to-bottom reading order; – Understand the front-to-back reading order.– Word charts – Flashcards – Books and reading materials
Writing: “What I do every day”– Mention everyday activities; – Complete a guided essay on “what I do every day”; – Write simple sentences about their daily activities.– Mention everyday activities; – Complete a guided essay; – Write simple sentences about daily activities.– Flashcards of three-letter words – Charts of common three-letter words – Class text – Web resources for reference
4Phonics: Representation of objects with numbers– Count the objects given; – Say the number of the objects; – Use objects’ numbers in conversations.– Count objects; – Say object numbers; – Use object numbers in conversations.– Flashcards – Real objects – Pictures showing objects and numbers
Vocabulary: New Words– Pronounce the new words correctly; – Spell the words correctly; – Explain the meaning of the words; – Construct simple sentences with the new words.– Pronounce and spell new words correctly; – Explain the meaning of new words; – Use new words in sentences.– Charts/flashcards with new words – Dictionaries – Pupils’ textbooks
Comprehension: Explain simple written instructions– Explain simple written instructions; – Recognize main ideas drawn from pictures, illustrations, etc.; – Make predictions based on information in texts; – Answer questions on the selected passage.– Explain written instructions; – Identify main ideas from pictures; – Make predictions based on information; – Answer questions on the passage.– Pupils’ textbooks – Charts text – Graphs – Tables
Structure: Indicating plurals of objects– Identify plural forms of objects; – Show the plural forms of objects; – Write the plural forms of words in singular forms.– Identify plural forms; – Show plurals; – Write plurals.– Real objects – Wall charts – Pictures – Flashcards
Writing: Introducing and describing objects with six-letter words cont– Produce and spell six-letter words correctly; – Identify objects with six-letter words; – Use the objects in conversations.– Produce six-letter words; – Identify objects with six-letter words; – Use objects in conversations.– Chart/flashcards with consonant sounds and vowel sounds – Charts/flashcards with six-letter words
Supplementary Reading: Story Book/Play/Poetry– Share with other pupils the story read; – Discuss lessons learned from the book; – Relate events in the story to their personal lives.– Share the story; – Discuss lessons learned; – Relate events to personal lives.– Flashcards – Lagos State Recommended Literature Text
5Phonics: Pronunciation practices e.g., bi, by, buy, bye– Pronounce cards words similar sounding words correctly; – Identify the words that are used in sentences; – Differentiate between two words that sound alike.– Pronounce similar sounding words correctly; – Identify words used in sentences; – Differentiate words that sound alike.– Charts/flashcards – Pupils’ textbooks
Vocabulary Acquisition: Name some basic words categories correctly– Name some basic words categories correctly; – Sort pictures and words into basic word categories (e.g., Foods, colors, shapes, etc.); – Use those words in conversations.– Name categories correctly; – Sort pictures and words into categories; – Use words in conversations.– Storybooks – Textbooks – Picture books – Word cards – Dictionaries
Reading: Poem: Recitation of poem– Listen to poems attentively as their recites; – Recite poem taught; – Memorize poems.– Listen attentively to recited poems; – Recite taught poems; – Memorize poems.– Picture books with poems – Flashcards – Tape recorder
Vocabulary Acquisition: Name some basic words categories correctly– Name some basic words categories correctly; – Sort pictures and words into basic word categories (e.g., Foods, colors, shapes, etc.); – Use those words in conversations.– Name categories correctly; – Sort pictures and words into categories; – Use words in conversations.– Storybooks – Textbooks – Picture books – Word cards – Dictionaries
Reading: Poem: Recitation of poem– Listen to poems attentively as their recites; – Recite poem taught; – Memorize poems.– Listen attentively to recited poems; – Recite taught poems; – Memorize poems.– Picture books with poems – Flashcards – Tape recorder
WeekTopicContentBehavioral ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesInstructional Materials
5Phonics: Pronunciation practice– Recognize the sounds of each letter in a word; – Blend sounds together to form words; – Pronounce words correctly when using them in different sentences;– Pupils follow the example of a model to pronounce each letter in a word. – Pupils are guided to blend the letter sounds to pronounce in words. – Pupils, in pairs, use the pronounced in sentences. – Each pupil identifies the sounds and pronounced words in sentences.Word cards, Pupils’ textbooks
Structure: Expressing possession using ‘his’ and ‘her’– Identify possessive adjectives; – Describe possessive adjectives; – Use singular forms of possessive words to express ownership.– Pupils, as a class, identify possessive words in a given chart. – Pupils, as small groups, explain possessive adjectives. – Each pupil makes their own sentences using possessives in clear correct sentences.Real objects, Pictures of objects, Course books
Vocabulary Acquisition: Explain synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms– Explain synonyms as words with the same meaning; – Explain antonyms as words with opposite meanings; – Use synonyms and antonyms in sentences.– Pupils, in small groups, study a word chart and sort out word that have similar meanings. – Pupils brainstorm and mention words that have opposite meanings to the selected words. – Pupils, in small group, match pictures to words read aloud. – Each pupil uses the words in sentences.Storybooks, Textbooks, Picture books, Word cards, Dictionaries
Reading: Reading and answering questions to a given simple text– Read a given passage; – Explain the main ideas of the passage; – Answer questions on given simple text.– Pupils, as a class, are guided to read a passage. – Each pupil retells the story in the passage. – Pupils pair up to answer questions from simple textStorybooks, Text books, Picture books
Writing: Making strokes to form letters– Write letters using the correct sequence of strokes right from the start; – Recognize the strokes that make up a letter; – Use stroke in a words.– Pupils, as a class, watch the teacher make strokes on the board. – Each pupil recreates the strokes the teacher made. – Each pupil forms letters using strokes.Course book, Chart containing strokes and letters, WEB RESOURCE
6Phonics: Pronunciation: M-P Words– Produce m-p words; – Pronounce m-p words correctly; – Spell words of given letters correctly.– Pupils, as a class, list letters of the alphabet from M-P. – Pupils, as a class, listen and repeat after the teacher as he pronounces words that begin with letters M, N, 0, and P. – Pupils are guided, in small groups, to reproduce words that begin with M, N, 0, and P. – Each pupil produces own words that start with the letters M, N, 0, and P.Charts/flash cards containing letter M-P and words, Pupils text books, Charts containing letters and sounds, WEB RESOURCE
Structure: Further practice on asking questions– Identify question markers: who, what, etc. – Use ‘will shall, can’ etc. to ask questions; – Form simple questions from stories listened to or read.– Pupils, as individuals, identify question markers in given sentences – Pupils, as pairs, ask and each other questions with “will, shall, can, etc. – Pupils in pairs ask questions from the stories read.Storybooks, Pupils’ text books, Picture books
Vocabulary: New words– Identify new words from m-p words; – Spell and pronounce new words correctly; – Explain the meaning of new words; – Use new word in own speech.– Pupils in small groups identify new words from M-P words. – Pupils, as individuals, spell and pronounce new words. – Pupils, in pairs, explain the meaning of given new words. – Each pupil uses the new words in their own speeches.Chart/flashcards containing word that begin letters M-P, Pupils’ text books, Dictionaries
Reading: Answering oral and written questions– Read a given passage; – Explain in their own words information gained from the passages; – Answer both oral and written questions based on the passages.– Pupils, as a class, are guided to read a passage correctly. – Each pupil explains information gained from the passage. – Each pupil answers questions from the text and their teacher.Storybooks, Pupils’ text books, Picture books
Writing:– Write letters [a-e] in upper case and lower case; – Write letters a, b, c, d, e in upper and lower case beside each other; – Use the words lower case and upper case in words/sentences.– Pupils, in pairs identify the upper and lower case of the given letter of the alphabet. – Each pupil writes letters a, b, c d, e in upper case and lower case. – Pupil, as a small groups, use capital and small letters in words and sentences.Chart/flashcards containing letters of the alphabet, Course books, WEB RESOURCE
Supplementary reading: Concepts of Print: Identify the front cover, back cover, title, author of a book, etc.– Identify the front cover, back cover, title, author of a booklet; – Share with other pupils the story read; – Discuss lesson learnt from the book; – Relate events in the story to their personal lives.– Each pupil takes turns to identify parts of the book, i.e. front cover, title, title page, back cover, author, etc. – Each pupil reads a recommended story book/play/poem from Lagos State approved list of books – Pupils, in small groups, discuss and relate the themes of the story to the cover design.Recommended story book.
8Phonics: Pronunciation: Q-T words– Pronounce q-t words; – Pronounce q-t words correctly; – Spell words of given letters correctly.– Pupils, as a class, list letters of the alphabet from Q-T – Pupils, as a class, listen and repeat after their teacher as he pronounces words that begin with letters Q, R, S and T. – Each pupil spells and pronounces Q-T words.Charts/flash cards containing letters of alphabet and sounds, Pupils’ text books, WEB RESOURCE
Structure: Indicating sizes of objects– Identify objects; – Compare sizes of objects using appropriate language; – Arrange them according to size and describe the arrangement.– Pupils, as a class, watch the teacher as he displays two oranges on the table and asks them to point at the big one. – Pupils, as small groups, compare the size of objects and describe them, – Pupils, in pairs, role-play to indicate and compare their sizes e.g. I am slim. He is fat. – Pupils arrange objects according to size and describe the pattern of arrangement.Picture books, Pupils text book
Writing: Writing of alphabet f-j (object description)– Write letter f-j in upper case and lower case; – List objects starting with f, i, j in upper and lower case beside each other. Fan, jeep,; – Describe any of the objects.– Pupils, as a class list letters f-j. – Pupils, as individuals, write letters f-j in upper and lower cases. – Pupils, in pairs, describe an object.Charts/ flash cards containing letters F-J, WEB RESOURCE
Supplementary reading– Share with other pupils the story read; – Discuss lesson learnt from the book; – Relate events in the story to their personal lives.– Each pupil reads a recommended story book/play/poetry LS approved booklist. – Pupils, in pairs, share moral lessons derived from the book with each other. – Pupil, in small groups, match themes in the story with real life situation.Recommended story book.
9Phonics: Pronunciation Q-T words– Produce q-t words; – Pronounce q-t words correctly; – Identify q-t sounds in given words.– Pupils are guided, in small groups, produce Q-T words. – Each pupil pronounce Q-T words. – Pupils, in pairs, identify words that have Q-T sounds in them.Chart/ flash cards containing G-T words, Pupils text books, WEB RESOURCE
Vocabulary: New words– Identify new words; – Say the meaning of the new words; – Use new words in their own speech.– Pupils, as a class, listen as the teacher pronounces new words. – Each pupil pronounces the new words correctly. – Pupils, in small groups, discuss the meaning of new words – Each pupil uses new words in their speech.Chart/ flash cards, Pupils text books, Chart containing new words, Dictionaries
Reading: Answering oral and questions– Read a selected passage; – Derive meaning from the passage; – Answer questions correctly on the passage.– Pupils, as a class, are guided to read the story. – Pupils, in pairs, explain the passage in their language. – Each pupil answers written questions from the stories by writing the answers in their books.Storybooks, Pupils text books, Picture books
Writing: Letters K, L, M, O– Write letter k-o correctly; – Identify letters k-o upper and lower cases – Mention objects names started with letters k-o; – Describe the objects.– Pupils, in small groups, identify letter K-O. – Each pupil writes upper and lower case of letters K-O. – Pupils pair up to mention objects with letters K-O. – Each pupil describes the objects.Chart/ flash card containing all the letters of the alphabet, Chart/ flash card containing alphabet K-O, Writing books, WEB RESOURCE
Phonics: Talking about length: The use of long/short, tall/short– Indicate length using the right words for length; – Compare items/objects to determine the length; – Identify the use of length in sentences; – Make comparisons based on the attribute, for example, longer/shorter; – Use direct comparison whenever possible.– Pupils, as a class, listen to a short passage describing an item and identify the words indicating length. – Pupils are guided, in small groups, to compare length together. – Each pupil identifies lengths in sentences. – Pupils, in small groups, compare different objects or themselves using the appropriate attributes longer/shorter, taller/shorter. Grammar /measurementPupil text book, Charts containing words use for length, WEB RESOURCE
Structure: Punctuation marks-full stop (.)– Identify full stop (.) In books and other printed materials; – Explain the use of full stop; – Use full stop in words and sentences.– Pupils, as a class, identify the use of full stop in their materials. – Pupils, in small groups, explain the use of full stop. – Each pupil uses full stop in written sentences.Pupils text books, Storybooks, WEB RESOURCE
Vocabulary: New words– Identify new words; – Say the meanings of the new words; – Use new words in their own speech.– Pupils, as a class, identify the given new words; – Pupils, in small groups, discuss the meaning of the words as used in the story read. – Each pupil uses new words in own speech.Pupils text books, Flashcard containing the new words, Dictionaries
Reading: Answering oral and written questions– Read a selected passage; – Describe information gained from text in own words; – Answer written comprehension questions based on materials read; – Make and justify predictions of events in stories.– Pupils, as a class, read a story from an approved book. – Each pupil explains in own words instructions in text. – Each pupil answers questions based on text or story. – Pupils as a group play characters, in the story and connect information in story to life experiences.Pupils textbooks, Story books
Writing: Writing of letters P-W– Write letters p-w correctly: – Identify the upper and lower case of letters p and w – Use the letters for objects: – Describe the objects– Pupils in small group identify letter P-W. – Each pupil writes upper and Lower case of letters P-W. – Pupils pair up to use the letters for objects – Each pupil describes objectsAlphabet chart, Flashcards, Writing books, WEB RESOURCE
12Revision– Review and consolidate knowledge from previous weeks.– Engage in activities and exercises that revisit and reinforce concepts learned in previous weeks.Various instructional materials used in previous weeks.
13EXAMINATION– Assess pupils’ understanding of the English Language curriculum for this term.– Administer an examination based on the topics and lessons covered throughout the term.Various instructional materials used in previous weeks.
14EXAMINATION– Assess pupils’ understanding of the English Language curriculum for this term.– Administer an examination based on the topics and lessons covered throughout the term.Various instructional materials used in previous weeks.

Third Term English Language Scheme of Work for Primary 1

WeekTopicContentBehavioral ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesInstructional Materials
1Phonics: Production of basic sounds– Production of basic sounds in given words correctly– Produce and identify basic sounds correctly– Pupils listen to sound pronunciations – Differentiate between sounds and letters – Use sounds in wordsFlash cards/Alphabet charts, Pictures/Drawing, Tape recording/sound charts, Web resources: YouTube
Structure: Asking about the number of objects with the question form– List some objects – Ask about the number of objects using the right question form – Answer questions about the number of objects correctly– List some objects – Ask questions about the number of objects using the right form – Answer questions about the number of objects correctly– Listen to the teacher’s explanation on asking about the number of objects – Role-play asking and answering questions about the number of objects – Answer questions about the number of objectsReal objects, Picture books, Pupils’ textbooks, Counting blocks
2Vocabulary: New words– Identify new words – Explain new words – Use new words in own speech– Identify new words – Explain new words – Use new words in own speech– Identify and pronounce new words – Discuss meanings of new words – Use new words in new sentences – Role-play using new wordsStorybooks, Textbooks, Word cards, Dictionaries
Reading: Introduction of basic reading skills– Identify the basic reading skills – List the basic reading skills – Explain the importance of each reading skill– Identify the basic reading skills – List the basic reading skills – Explain the importance of each reading skill– Identify principles of reading skills – Explain the basic reading skills – Explain the importance of each reading skill – Apply reading principlesPupils’ textbooks, Word charts, Web resources: [Five Components of Reading](https://readinqeaQ. co.za/articles/2016/06/10/five-components-of-reading/)
3Phonics– Present letters using the correct sequence of strokes and curves right from the start – Recognize the strokes and curves that make up a letter – Use stroke and curves to form alphabetic– Present letters using the correct sequence of strokes and curves – Recognize the strokes and curves that make up a letter – Use stroke and curves to form alphabetic– Watch teacher make strokes and curves on the board – Reproduce the strokes made on the board – Form letters using strokes and curvesClass text, Charts, Writing books
Phonemic awareness, vocabulary– Pronounce sounds /u, v, w/ correctly – Contrast letter u, v, w and sounds /u, v, w/ – Identify u, v, w, sounds in a word– Pronounce sounds /u, v, w/ correctly – Contrast letter u, v, w and sounds /u, v, w/ – Identify u, v, w, sounds in a word– Pronounce sounds /u, v, w/ – Compare the letters u, v, w and sounds /u, v, w/ – Identify u, v, w, sounds in wordsClass text, Word charts
4Fluency and reading comprehension– Listen to songs and rhymes attentively – Sing songs taught – Recite rhymes– Listen to songs and rhymes attentively – Sing songs taught – Recite rhymes– Listen attentively and recite rhymes with teacher – Sing songs taught in small groups – Recite rhymes sounding words clearlyClass text, Word charts
Vocabulary: New words– Identify new words – Explain the meaning of new words – Use new words in own speech– Identify new words – Explain the meaning of new words – Use new words in own speech– Listen to new words as teacher pronounces them – Discuss the meanings of the new words – Use the new words in new sentences – Role-play the meaning of new wordsCharts, Class text, Dictionaries
Reading: The Sounds I hear– Identify the sounds they hear and what makes such sounds – Reproduce the sounds they hear – Distinguish the sounds– Identify the sounds they hear and what makes such sounds – Reproduce the sounds they hear – Distinguish the sounds– Listen to sounds made on an audio player – Reproduce the sounds heard – Identify what makes or made such soundsAudio-visual resources
Structure: Animal sounds– Identify and name sounds made by various animals – Reproduce sounds made by animals – Differentiate between animal sounds and human speech – Construct sentences with the sounds e.g., ‘The dog barks’.– Identify and name sounds made by various animals – Reproduce sounds made by animals – Differentiate between animal sounds and human speech – Construct sentences with the sounds e.g., ‘The dog barks’.– Identify the sounds of various animals as listed by the teacher – Pronounce the various sounds – Distinguish human speech from animal sounds – Use the sounds in sentencesAudio-visual resources
5Writing: Guided Composition: My father– Complete a guided composition on ‘my father’ – Describe their fathers in 5 simple sentences – Compare their write-ups– Complete a guided composition on ‘my father’ – Describe their fathers in 5 simple sentences – Compare their write-ups– Read to complete a guided composition on ‘My father’ in pairs – Describe their father orally in small groups – Write 5 sentences about their fathers – Read and compare their writings in small groups – Discuss what is similar about their fathers and share with the class in pairsCourse book pen, Recommended textbooks, Writing books
Phonics: Expressing gratitude and farewell– Express gratitude through role-play – Express farewell in various ways and situations – Express farewell– Express gratitude through role-play – Express farewell in various ways and situations – Express farewell– Role-play characters expressing gratitude in pairs – Role-play characters expressing farewell in various ways and situations in pairs – Express farewell individuallyPictures depicting relevant situations, Audio/Video, Course books, Wall charts
Simple greetings and commands: Differentiate between tones in greetings and commands– Demonstrate greetings for different people – Differentiate between tones in greetings and commands– Demonstrate greetings for different people – Differentiate between tones in greetings and commands– Demonstrate appropriate greetings for different people in role-play – Obey the teacher’s commands as a class – Model giving and obeying commands in pairs – Discuss the differences in the tones of greetings and commands in small groupsReal objects, Picture of objects, Course book pen
Structure: Habitual actions in the simple present tense– Explain what habitual action is – Make correct sentences to demonstrate habitual actions in the simple present tense – Consider the differences in singular and plural subject predicate– Explain what habitual action is – Make correct sentences to demonstrate habitual actions in the simple present tense – Consider the differences in singular and plural subject predicate– Listen to the teacher’s explanation of habitual actions – Make sentences about what they do habitually – Use singular and plural subject predicate – Share and discuss their sentences in pairsTextbooks, Charts, Real objects, Pictures
6Phonics: Sound /w/ in the initial position– Produce /w/ sound in the initial position of words – Read and write words beginning with /w/ sound– Produce /w/ sound in the initial position of words – Read and write words beginning with /w/ sound– Pronounce words with /w/ sound correctly – Read and write words beginning with /w/ sound – Listen to and produce sentences with /w/ soundFlashcards, Word charts, Coursebook pen, Pictures
Reading: Simple reading comprehension– Read simple texts and understand them – Answer questions based on the texts – Give appropriate responses to questions – Differentiate between statements and questions– Read simple texts and understand them – Answer questions based on the texts – Give appropriate responses to questions – Differentiate between statements and questions– Read a short text individually – Answer questions based on the text – Give appropriate responses to questions – Share answers with the classCourse books, Storybooks, Pictures
Vocabulary: New words– Identify new words – Explain the meaning of new words – Use new words in own speech– Identify new words – Explain the meaning of new words – Use new words in own speech– Listen to new words as teacher pronounces them – Discuss the meanings of the new words – Use the new words in new sentences – Role-play the meaning of new wordsCharts, Class text, Dictionaries
WeekTopicContentBehavioral ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesInstructional Materials
1Phonics: Production of basic sounds– Production of basic sounds in given words correctly– Produce and identify basic sounds correctly– Pupils listen to sound pronunciations – Differentiate between sounds and letters – Use sounds in wordsFlash cards/Alphabet charts, Pictures/Drawing, Tape recording/sound charts, Web resources: YouTube
2Structure: Asking about the number of objects with the question form– List some objects – Ask about the number of objects using the right question form – Answer questions about the number of objects correctly– List some objects – Ask questions about the number of objects using the right form – Answer questions about the number of objects correctly– Listen to the teacher’s explanation on asking about the number of objects – Role-play asking and answering questions about the number of objects – Answer questions about the number of objectsReal objects, Picture books, Pupils’ textbooks, Counting blocks
3Vocabulary: New words– Identify new words – Explain new words – Use new words in own speech– Identify new words – Explain new words – Use new words in own speech– Identify and pronounce new words – Discuss meanings of new words – Use new words in new sentences – Role-play using new wordsStorybooks, Textbooks, Word cards, Dictionaries
Reading: Introduction of basic reading skills– Identify the basic reading skills – List the basic reading skills – Explain the importance of each reading skill– Identify the basic reading skills – List the basic reading skills – Explain the importance of each reading skill– Identify principles of reading skills – Explain the basic reading skills – Explain the importance of each reading skill – Apply reading principlesPupils’ textbooks, Word charts, Web resources: [Five Components of Reading](https://readinqeaQ. co.za/articles/2016/06/10/five-components-of-reading/)
4Phonics– Present letters using the correct sequence of strokes and curves right from the start – Recognize the strokes and curves that make up a letter – Use stroke and curves to form alphabetic– Present letters using the correct sequence of strokes and curves – Recognize the strokes and curves that make up a letter – Use stroke and curves to form alphabetic– Watch teacher make strokes and curves on the board – Reproduce the strokes made on the board – Form letters using strokes and curvesClass text, Charts, Writing books
Phonemic awareness, vocabulary– Pronounce sounds /u, v, w/ correctly – Contrast letter u, v, w and sounds /u, v, w/ – Identify u, v, w, sounds in a word– Pronounce sounds /u, v, w/ correctly – Contrast letter u, v, w and sounds /u, v, w/ – Identify u, v, w, sounds in a word– Pronounce sounds /u, v, w/ – Compare the letters u, v, w and sounds /u, v, w/ – Identify u, v, w, sounds in wordsClass text, Word charts
5Fluency and reading comprehension– Listen to songs and rhymes attentively – Sing songs taught – Recite rhymes– Listen to songs and rhymes attentively – Sing songs taught – Recite rhymes– Listen attentively and recite rhymes with teacher – Sing songs taught in small groups – Recite rhymes sounding words clearlyClass text, Word charts
Vocabulary: New words– Identify new words – Explain the meaning of new words – Use new words in own speech– Identify new words – Explain the meaning of new words – Use new words in own speech– Listen to new words as teacher pronounces them – Discuss the meanings of the new words – Use the new words in new sentences – Role-play the meaning of new wordsCharts, Class text, Dictionaries
Reading: The Sounds I hear– Identify the sounds they hear and what makes such sounds – Reproduce the sounds they hear – Distinguish the sounds– Identify the sounds they hear and what makes such sounds – Reproduce the sounds they hear – Distinguish the sounds– Listen to sounds made on an audio player – Reproduce the sounds heard – Identify what makes or made such soundsAudio-visual resources
Structure: Animal sounds– Identify and name sounds made by various animals – Reproduce sounds made by animals – Differentiate between animal sounds and human speech – Construct sentences with the sounds e.g., ‘The dog barks’.– Identify and name sounds made by various animals – Reproduce sounds made by animals – Differentiate between animal sounds and human speech – Construct sentences with the sounds e.g., ‘The dog barks’.– Identify the sounds of various animals as listed by the teacher – Pronounce the various sounds – Distinguish human speech from animal sounds – Use the sounds in sentencesAudio-visual resources
6Writing: Guided Composition: My father– Complete a guided composition on ‘my father’ – Describe their fathers in 5 simple sentences – Compare their write-ups– Complete a guided composition on ‘my father’ – Describe their fathers in 5 simple sentences – Compare their write-ups– Read to complete a guided composition on ‘My father’ in pairs – Describe their father orally in small groups – Write 5 sentences about their fathers – Read and compare their writings in small groups – Discuss what is similar about their fathers and share with the class in pairsCourse book pen, Recommended textbooks, Writing books
Phonics: Expressing gratitude and farewell– Express gratitude through role-play – Express farewell in various ways and situations – Express farewell– Express gratitude through role-play – Express farewell in various ways and situations – Express farewell– Role-play characters expressing gratitude in pairs – Role-play characters expressing farewell in various ways and situations in pairs – Express farewell individuallyPictures depicting relevant situations, Audio/Video, Course books, Wall charts
Simple greetings and commands: Differentiate between tones in greetings and commands– Demonstrate greetings for different people – Differentiate between tones in greetings and commands– Demonstrate greetings for different people – Differentiate between tones in greetings and commands– Demonstrate appropriate greetings for different people in role-play – Obey the teacher’s commands as a class – Model giving and obeying commands in pairs – Discuss the differences in the tones of greetings and commands in small groupsReal objects, Picture of objects, Course book pen
Structure: Habitual actions in the simple present tense– Explain what habitual action is – Make correct sentences to demonstrate habitual actions in the simple present tense – Consider the differences in singular and plural subject predicate– Explain what habitual action is – Make correct sentences to demonstrate habitual actions in the simple present tense – Consider the differences in singular and plural subject predicate– Listen to the teacher’s explanation of habitual actions – Share and discuss their sentences in pairs – Make sentences about what they do habitually – Use singular and plural subject predicate – Share and discuss their sentences in pairsTextbooks, Charts, Real objects, Pictures
8Phonics: Asking and answering questions: Ask simple questions using “What’– Ask simple questions using “what”; – Answer simple questions correctly; – Form dialogues involving the use of questions and answers.– Ask simple questions using “what”; – Answer simple questions correctly; – Form dialogues involving the use of questions and answers.– Pupils are guided, in small groups, to ask one another simple questions. – Pupils, in small groups, answer the questions asked correctly. – Pupils, in pairs, use questions and answers in dialogues.Charts, Flannel graph, Real objects, Audio-visual materials
Structure: Expressing past actions– Differentiate between present actions and past actions; – Identify verbs actions that show past actions; – Express past actions.– Differentiate between present actions and past actions; – Identify verbs actions that show past actions; – Express past actions.– Pupils, as a class are guided to differentiate between present and past actions. – Each pupil identifies verbs that show past actions. – Each pupil makes sentences to express past actions.Charts/Flash cards, Recommended textbooks, Picture books, YouTube
Vocabulary: New words– Identify new words in the stories read; – Say the meaning of new words as used in the stories; – Use new words in own speech.– Identify new words in the stories read; – Say the meaning of new words as used in the stories; – Use new words in own speech.– Pupils, as a class, listen as the teacher reads stories. – Pupils, in small groups, identify new words in the stories. – Pupils, in pairs, discuss the meaning of new words. – Each pupil uses new words in their own speech.Recommended story books, Words cards, Dictionaries
Reading: Label reading– Explain what a label is; – Identify labels on objects. – Create\ design a label– Explain what a label is; – Identify labels on objects. – Create\ design a label– Pupils look at various objects e.g. milk, bottled water, soft drinks to brainstorm how they identify different objects and formulate the meaning of labels. – Pupils, in small groups, discuss why labels are used. – Each pupil identifies labels on objects.Picture books, Real objects, Charts containing different labels, YouTube
Writing: Description Guided essay on “My Classroom”– Identify all objects in the classrooms; – Describe their classrooms; – Answer guided questions on their classrooms.– Identify all objects in the classrooms; – Describe their classrooms; – Answer guided questions on their classrooms.– Pupils, as a class, recognize all items, objects, pupils and teacher in their classroom. – Pupils, in groups, describe their classrooms. – Pupils, in pairs, complete a guided essay on their classroom.Charts containing strokes and curves, Alphabet charts, Pupils text books
Supplementary reading– Share with other pupils the story read; – Discuss lesson learnt from the book. – Relate events in the story to their personal lives.– Share with other pupils the story read; – Discuss lesson learnt from the book. – Relate events in the story to their personal lives.– Each pupil reads a recommended story book/play/poem from Lagos State approved list of books. – Pupils, as a class, listen as the teacher pronounces the words e.g. months.Recommended story book.
9Phonics: Pronunciation practice e.g. months– Pronounce given words correctly; – Identify each month of a year; – Form a song on the months.– Pronounce given words correctly; – Identify each month of a year; – Form a song on the months.– Each pupil identifies each month of a year. – Pupils, in groups sing a song on months.Charts containing Days of the week, Pupils text books, YouTube
Vocabulary: New words– Spell and pronounce the new words correctly; – Identify the meaning of the words; – Use the new words in a sentence.– Spell and pronounce the new words correctly; – Identify the meaning of the words; – Use the new words in a sentence.– Pupils, as a class, repeat after the teacher as he pronounces the words. – Each pupil spells the words. – Each pupil uses new words in own sentences.Course books, Charts, Flash Cards, Dictionaries
Reading: Label reading– Read labels; – Explain what they understand; – Apply the objects to real life– Read labels; – Explain what they understand; – Apply the objects to real life– Each pupil identifies labels on objects. – Pupils, in small groups, discuss the labels on objects given to them. – Each pupil explain what they understand after reading the labels and relate the objects to real life.Real objects, Charts containing different labels, Picture books
Structure: Introducing nouns and pronouns– Describe nouns; – Identify nouns and pronouns in phrases and sentences; – Correctly use nouns and pronouns in sentences.– Describe nouns; – Identify nouns and pronouns in phrases and sentences; – Correctly use nouns and pronouns in sentences.– Pupils, in a class, are guided to describe a noun; – Pupils are guided, in small groups, to identify nouns and pronouns in sentences. – Each pupil uses nouns and pronouns in their own sentences.Course book, Real objects, Pictures, Flashcards, Web resources
WEEK: 10
10Phonics: What I can eat and I cannot eat– Differentiate between what can be eaten and cannot be eaten; – Explain why some things cannot be eaten.– Differentiate between what can be eaten and cannot be eaten; – Explain why some things cannot be eaten.– Pupils, as a class, listen attentively as the teacher explains what can be eaten and cannot be eaten, why some things cannot be eaten and why we eat. – Each pupil mentions what they think can be eaten and those that cannot be eaten. – Each pupil explains why the things they mentioned cannot be eaten.Real objects, Pictures, Course book, Charts
Vocabulary: New Words– Pronounce new words correctly; – Spell new words correctly; – Use new words on own speech.– Pronounce new words correctly; – Spell new words correctly; – Use new words on own speech.– Pupils, as a class, repeat after the teacher as he pronounces the words. – Each pupil spells the words. – Each pupil uses new words in own sentences.Course books, Charts, Flash Cards, Dictionaries
Reading: Label reading– Read labels; – Explain what they understand; – Apply the objects to real life.– Read labels; – Explain what they understand; – Apply the objects to real life.– Each pupil identifies labels on objects. – Pupils, in small groups, discuss the labels on objects given to them. – Each pupil explain what they understand after reading the labels and relate the objects to real life.Real objects, Charts containing different labels, Picture books
Structure: Singular and Plural– Identify singular and plural forms of objects; – Give singular and plural forms of objects; – Use singular and plural forms of objects in sentences.– Identify singular and plural forms of objects; – Give singular and plural forms of objects; – Use singular and plural forms of objects in sentences.– Pupils are guided, in small groups, are led to identify singular and plural forms of objects. – Pupils, in pair, give examples of singular and plural forms of objects. – Each pupil uses real objects to show singular and plural forms.Real objects, Wall charts, Pictures, Flash cards, Web resources
WEEK: 11
11Phonics: What I can eat and I cannot EAT– Identify different fruits and food; – List what they eat and cannot eat – Discuss why they can eat them and cannot eat them– Identify different fruits and food; – List what they eat and cannot eat – Discuss why they can eat them and cannot eat them– Pupils, as a class, identify different fruit and food. – Pupils, in pairs, list what they can eat – Pupils, in small groups, discuss the things they cannot eat and why they cannot eat them.Real objects, Pictures, Course book, Charts
Vocabulary: New words– Identify new words ; – Explain the meaning of the new words; – Use new words in own speech.– Identify new words ; – Explain the meaning of the new words; – Use new words in own speech.– Pupils, as a class, identify new words they came across while reading or listening to stories. – Pupils, as a class, discuss the words and their meanings. – Each pupil uses the new words in new sentences.Recommended story books, Course books, Libraries
Structure: Use of Article “A” and “An”– Describe articles ‘a’ and an’; – Identify objects that use articles “a” or “an”; – Use the articles in sentences.– Describe articles ‘a’ and an’; – Identify objects that use articles “a” or “an”; – Use the articles in sentences.– Pupils, as a class, listen to the teacher’s explanation of articles “A” and “An”. – Pupils, in small groups, identify objects using article “A”. – Pupils are guided, in small groups, use “A” and “An” in sentences.Real objects, Pictures, Course books, Toys
Reading: Label reading– Read labels; – Explain what they understand; – Apply the objects to real life.– Read labels; – Explain what they understand; – Apply the objects to real life.– Each pupil identifies labels on objects. – Pupils, in small groups, discuss the labels on objects given to them. – Each pupil explain what they understand after reading the labels and relate the objects to real life.Real objects, Charts containing different labels, Picture books
WEEK: 12

A well-structured scheme of work is vital for the effective teaching and learning of the English Language in Primary 1. Throughout the first to third term, students should progressively build their phonemic awareness, reading fluency, writing skills, and critical thinking abilities. Engaging and interactive activities will create an enjoyable and stimulating learning environment, ensuring that young learners develop a strong foundation in English language proficiency.

By following this comprehensive English Language scheme of work, educators can inspire a love for learning, foster effective communication, and set their students on a path to success in their language development journey. Remember that each student learns at their pace, so it is crucial to provide support and encouragement tailored to individual needs.

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