Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Civic Education
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The Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3 is structured to guide teachers and students through engaging activities and discussions that focus on components of Civic Education, national identity, national symbols, and security awareness. By nurturing an understanding of these concepts, students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to become active and responsible members of their community and nation. Civic Education is an essential subject that aims to instill values of good citizenship and societal responsibility in young learners. 

First Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3

In this term, the primary focus is on introducing students to the fundamental components of Civic Education. Students will be able to identify and list components such as nationality, rights and duties, democratic practices, and community values. They will participate in discussions, analyze posters, pictures, and video clips to gain a comprehensive understanding of these elements. Furthermore, students will explore the dimensions of Civic Education, encompassing the political, legal, social, economic, and cultural aspects. Engaging activities include explaining these dimensions, role-playing scenarios, and utilizing various teaching resources to enhance learning.

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 2

1Civic EducationPupils should be able to: – Identify and list the components of Civic EducationComponents of Civic Education – Nationality – Rights and duties – Democratic practices – Community valuesLead pupils to discuss relevant component of Civic EducationPosters; Pictures; Video Clips
4Civic EducationPupils should be able to: – Explain the dimensions of Civic EducationDimensions of Civic Education – Political – Legal – Social – Economic – CulturalGuide pupils to explain the dimensions of Civic Education; Participate in explaining the dimensions of Civic Education; Role-play situations that explain the components and dimensions of Civic EducationPosters; Pictures; Video Clips
8National IdentityPupils should be able to: – Explain the meaning of National IdentityMeaning of National Identity – Accepting and belonging to a nation by identifying with its goals and aspirationsLeads pupils to explain the meaning of national identityPosters; Pictures; Video Clips; Maps; National Symbols

Second Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3

During the second term, the curriculum shifts to nurturing a sense of national consciousness and identity. Students will delve into the meaning of national identity and its elements, such as citizenship, payment of taxes, and respect for national symbols. Through discussions and activities, pupils will grasp the importance of patriotism in promoting unity, development, and responsible resource utilization. Engaging in dialogues, examining maps, symbols, and videos, and participating in class discussions, students will internalize the significance of being patriotic citizens.

1National IdentityPupils should be able to: – List elements of National IdentityElements of National Identity – National anthem – Citizenship of a nation – Payment of taxes – Work for the success of the nation – Respecting national symbols, etc.Ask pupils to list the elements of National identity; Mention elements of national identityPosters; Pictures; Video Clips; Maps; National Symbols
4National IdentityPupils should be able to: – Discuss why Nigerians should be patrioticReasons for patriotism: – To promote unity – To promote development – To ensure the full and proper use of resources – To help the nation benefit from our knowledge and skillsGuides discussion on why Nigerians should be patriotic; Participate in discussing reasons for patriotismPosters; Pictures; Video Clips; Maps; National Symbols
8National SymbolsPupils should be able to: – Meaning and examples of National symbolsLeads pupils to explain the meaning of national symbols; Examine pictures and real objects and explain the meaning of symbolsExplain the meaning of national symbolsPictures of National symbols and other symbols; Posters; Video clips; Tours to see important national symbols; Tours to traditional and religious institutions

Third Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3

The final term continues to deepen students’ understanding of civic responsibilities and national values. The curriculum centres on national symbols, their meanings, and the respect they deserve. Pupils will learn to describe and differentiate between national symbols and other symbols, appreciating their significance in representing the country’s heritage and values. Additionally, this term introduces students to security awareness. Students will recognize various security agencies and their primary duties, equipping them with knowledge of whom to approach in times of danger. Activities include excursions to security agencies, discussions on criminal behaviours and their consequences, and promoting ways to avoid engaging in such behaviours.

1National SymbolsPupils should be able to: – Describe some National SymbolsDescription of National symbols: The eagle in the Nigerian coat of arms represents strength, – the green color of the national flag stands for agriculture and white stands for peace, etc.Guides pupils to draw and describe national symbols of Nigeria; Draw and describe Nigerian symbolsPictures of National symbols and other symbols; Posters; Video Clips; Tours to see important national symbols; Tours to traditional and religious institutions
4National SymbolsPupils should be able to: – Differentiate between national symbols and other symbolsDifferentiation: – National symbols – national flag, currency, National Anthem, coat of Arms, Constitution, etc. – Other Symbols – Traditional leaders – Religious leaders and highway codes, etc.Helps pupils to differentiate national symbols from other symbols; Differentiate between national and other symbolsPictures of National symbols and other symbols; Posters; Video clips; Tours to see important national symbols; Tours to traditional and religious institutions
8National SymbolsPupils should be able to: – Demonstrate respect for National and other symbolsGuides pupils to explain how to respect National and other symbols in Nigeria; Explain how to respect National and other symbolsExplain how to respect National and other symbolsPictures of National symbols and other symbols; Posters; Video clips; Tours to see important national symbols; Tours to traditional and religious institutions

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 4

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 6

Assessment and Evaluation

Throughout the Civic Education Scheme of Work, pupils will be assessed through various means, such as midterm and end-of-term tests. Teachers will evaluate students’ understanding and application of the concepts learned. Additionally, student participation in discussions, role-playing activities, and engagement with teaching resources will be considered in the evaluation process.

The Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3 aims to create a foundation for responsible citizenship and national consciousness. By focusing on components of Civic Education, national identity, symbols, and security awareness, students are equipped with the knowledge and values essential for their role in society. The engaging activities, discussions, and use of multimedia resources ensure an interactive and dynamic learning experience, fostering a sense of civic responsibility and pride in being contributing members of their community and nation.

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