Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Islamic Studies scheme of work
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The Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3 focuses on introducing young learners to fundamental concepts of Islamic teachings and practices. The curriculum spans across a variety of topics, including Arabic letters, Quranic recitation, Surah memorization, and the importance of good human relations. Below is a summary of the key objectives and content covered in each week of the 1st term, followed by a concluding note.

Read Also: Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

First Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Read Also: Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2

WeekModule/TopicObjectivesContentsTeaching ActivitiesPupils ActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
1Revision of Arabic Letters with FathahBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:(i) Pronounce the letters of the alphabet with the vowel “fathah”.(i) Write letters boldly on the chalkboard.(i) Listen to teacher’s pronunciation.A Cardboard with letters boldly displayed.
– Pronounce the letters of the alphabet with Fathah.(ii) Identify each letter from I to P.(ii) Pronounce letters with Fathah aloud.(ii) Pronounce letters as teacher does.Flash cards with letters written boldly.
– Identify each letter from I to P.(iii) Write the letter with Fathah from I to P.(iii) Use flash cards to guide letter recognition.(iii) Identify letters with Fathah.Information Technology Devices.
– Write the letter with Fathah from I to P.(iv) Pronounce two-letter words.(iv) Guide pupils to write letters with Fathah.(iv) Write letters with Fathah on board/exercise books.Flash cards with two-letter words.
– Pronounce the two-letter words.
2Revision of Arabic Letters with Fathah– Pronounce the letters with Fathah vowel from 1 to 3.– As in the previous week.– As in the previous week.– Pronounce letters from 1 to 3.
3Surah al-KawtharPupils should be able to:Transliteration Version of Surah al-Kawthar.– Recite Surah al-Kawthar word by word.– Listen to teacher’s recitation attentively.A copy of the Glorious Quran.
– Recite Surah correctly.– Recite Surah after teacher collectively/individually.– Recite Surah al-Kawthar correctly.Recorded CD, Cassette, etc.
– Identify difficult words and repeat their pronunciation correctly.– Pronounce difficult words repeatedly.– Identify difficult words and pronounce them correctly.Cardboard with transliteration version of Surah.
Flash cards with difficult words.
4Surah al-KawtharPupils should be able to:Surah al-Kawthar (Chapter 108 of the Holy Quran).– Write transliteration of Surah al-Kawthar on the board.– Listen to teacher’s recitation attentively.List of what could spoil salah.
– Memorize Surah al-Kawthar.– Recite Surah al-Kawthar word by word.– Memorize Surah al-Kawthar.Cardboard with the list of what could spoil salah.
– Recite Surah al-Kawthar off-hand.– Recite Surah after teacher collectively/individually.– Identify chapter’s number in Holy Quran and its verses.
5Asmaullahi al-Husna (Names of Allah)Pupils should be able to:Explanation of the five names of Allah.– Write names of Allah on the board.– Listen to the explanation of the teacher.Cardboard with names written in transliteration and meanings.
– Recite five names of Allah listed under content.– Recite names after the teacher.– Recite names individually or in a group.Audio clip of names in Cassette, CD, etc.
– Read meanings of names of Allah (11-15) in English.– Recite names repeatedly to memorize.– Commit names to memory.
6Asmaullah al-Husna (Names of Allah)Pupils should be able to:Explanation of the five names of Allah.– Write names of Allah on the board.– Listen to the explanation of the teacher.Cardboard with names written in transliteration and meanings.
– Recite five names of Allah listed under content.– Recite names after the teacher.– Recite names individually or in a group.Audio clip of names in Cassette, CD, etc.
– Read meanings of names of Allah (16-20) in English.– Recite names repeatedly to memorize.– Commit names to memory.
7Mid-Term Examination and Break
8Things that Spoil Salah (Prayer)Pupils should be able to:Things that spoil Salah.– Explain things that could spoil Salah.– Listen to teacher’s explanation.Cardboard with pictures illustrating acts that spoil Salah.
– Mention things that spoil Salah.– Mention things that spoil Salah.– Identify things that could spoil Salah.
9Life of Prophet Muhammad and HisExplain why people loved and respected the Prophet before his call to prophethood.Prophet Muhammad’s life before his prophethood.– Guide discussion about Prophet’s life before prophethood.– Participate in discussion about Prophet’s life.Picture of Cave Hira, Ka’bah, Hajar al-Aswad, Glorious Quran.
Prophet-hood– Explain why the Prophet went to the Cave Hira and his experience when the first revelation came to him.
10Importance of Human Relations in IslamExplain the term “obedience” to parents.Meaning of obedience to parents.– Discuss the meaning of obedience to parents.– Listen to the discussion and participate.Copy of Glorious Quran, Information Technology Devices.
– Mention reasons for obedience to parents.– Mention reasons for obedience to parents.– Mention reasons for obedience to parents.
– State acts of obedience to parents.– Discuss acts of obedience to parents.– Discuss acts of obedience to parents.

Second Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Read Also: Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 4

WeekModule/TopicObjectivesContentsTeaching ActivitiesPupils ActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
1Introduction of Alif as consonant andBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:(1) Identify and pronounce letters in different forms.(1) Write letters for identification.(1) Identify and pronounce letters.Chalkboard, Flashcards
prolongation of vowel(2) Identify and pronounce (I) alif as prolongation of vowel “fathah”.(2) Prolongation letters are: Alif, wa’w, and ya’u. Alif with fathah, wa’u with dummah, Yaw with Kasrah.(2) Explain prolongation letters and their vowels.(2) Mention prolongation letters and their vowels.Cardboard with letters, Flashcards
(3) Pronounce (I) alif with other consonants and the vowel fathah.(3) Prolongation letter alif with other consonant letters and vowel fathah.(3) Form consonant letters with prolongation letter alif and vowel.(3) Form consonant letters with prolongation letter alif and vowel.Information Technology Devices
(4) Form meaningful words with prolongation letter (I) alif and pronounce.(4) Formation of meaningful words with prolongation letter Alif (I) Babun.(4) Guide pupils to write and pronounce words.(4) Write and pronounce meaningful words with prolongation letter.Cardboard with words
2Introduction of wa’u as consonant andPupils should be able to:(1) Prolongation of letter wa’u and other consonant with vowel dummah.(1) Discuss the prolongation of letter wa’u and its vowel.(1) Identify and pronounce prolongation letter wa’u with vowel.Chalkboard, Flashcards
prolongation of vowel(2) Identify wa’u as prolongation letter with vowel dammah.(2) Formation of words with prolongation letter wa’u, e.g. Ju’un.(2) Guide pupils to form words with prolongation letter wa’u.(2) Form words with prolongation letter wa’u.Cardboard with words
(3) Pronounce wa’u with other consonant letters and vowel dammah.(3) Form of letters in different ways: Prolongation letter “wa’u” goes with vowel “dummah”.(3) Pronounce two-letter words with prolongation letter wa’u.(3) Pronounce two-letter words with prolongation letter wa’u.
3Introduction of ya’u as consonant andPupils should be able to:(1) Forms of letters: Prolongation letter “ya’u” goes with vowel “kasrah”.(1) Identify and explain prolongation letter ya’u with its vowel.(1) Identify and pronounce prolongation letter ya’u with its vowel.
prolongation of vowel(2) Pronounce “ya’u” with other consonant letters and Kasrah vowel.(2) Prolongation letter with other consonant letters.(2) Pronounce two-letter words with prolongation letter ya’u.(2) Pronounce two-letter words with prolongation letter ya’u.
(3) Formation of meaningful words with prolongation letter “ya’u”.(3) Form meaningful words with prolongation letter “ya’u”.(3) Form meaningful words with prolongation letter “ya’u”.
4Surah al-Ma’un (Recitation)Pupils should be able to:Transliteration of Surah al-Ma’un (Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim and verses 1-7).Explains the revelation of the Surah and its application.Listen attentively to the explanation and repeat after the teacher.Chalkboard, Glorious Quran, Audio clip
(1) Recite the Surah correctly.Write the transliteration of the surah on the chalkboard.Recite the surah after the teacher collectively and individually.Cardboard with difficult words
(2) Pronounce the difficult words in the surah correctly.Write the difficult words in the surah on cardboard.Identify mispronounced words and repeat correctly.
5Memorization of Surah-al-Ma’unPupils should be able to:Memorization of Surah-al-Ma’un verses (1-7).Write the surah in transliteration on cardboard.Recite the surah after the teacher and in groups.Cardboard with the surah written
(1) Mention the number of verses in Surah al-Ma’un.Recite the surah slowly.Recite the surah individually from memory.
6Belief in AngelsPupils should be able to:Belief in Angels: Explanation of Angels as creatures of Allah, their names, and specific duties.Discuss the stages of delivering the divine message by the Prophet.Mention the articles of faith, names of some Angels, and their duties.Map of Saudi Arabia, Mobile phone with video show
(1) Explain that Angels are creatures of Allah, created from light.Mention the names of some Angels.Participate in class discussion about Angels.of the Prophet (Muhammad – SAW)
(2) Recall the names of the Angels learnt.Explain the specific duties of Angels.Identify important places in Madinah.
7Mid Term Examination and Break
8Tayammum (Dry Ablution)Pupils should be able to:Meaning of Tayammam, purpose, circumstances, what spoils it, items for Tayammam.Explains the importance of Tayammam and its meaning.Mention reasons for performing Tayammam.Sand, Stone, Soil, Mobile phone with video show
(1) State the meaning of tayammam.Demonstrate how Tayammam is performed.Mention circumstances under which Tayammam is performed.
(2) Explain the circumstances under which tayammam is performed.List what spoils Tayammam and items with which it can be performed.Participate in practical demonstration of Tayammam.
9Life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW): FactorsPupils should be able to:Factors leading to the migration of the Prophet and Muslims from Makkah to Madinah.Discuss the opposition and persecutions faced by the Prophet and Muslims.Explain the circumstances that led to Migration to Abbysinia.Flashcard containing names of Angels
that led to his Hijrah(1) Explain the opposition of the unbelievers of Makkah to the message sent by Allah to Prophet Muhammad.Discuss the migration of the Prophet and Muslims to Madinah.Identify and explain the reasons for the migration of the Prophet.
(2) Recall some of the ways the Prophet and the Muslims were persecuted by the unbelievers of Makkah.Explain the establishment of Ummah in Madinah.Identify the circumstances that led to Migration to Abbysinia.
10Importance of Human Relation and MutualPupils should be able to:Importance of cooperation, obedience, and acts of kindness in Islam.Discuss the importance of cooperation and obedience in Islam.Explain the importance of cooperation and obedience.Holy Qur’an, Information Technology Device, etc.
cooperation in Islam(1) Explain why they should cooperate with people.Mention acts of kindness to various people.Mention the people they should cooperate with and be obedient to.
(2) Identify the people they should cooperate with.Participate in a discussion about cooperation, obedience, and acts of kindness.Identify the importance of human relations and cooperation.
(3) Mention the people they should be obedient to.Participate in a play demonstrating acts of kindness.Mention acts of kindness to parents, elders, fellow children, and other creatures.

Third Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Read Also: Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5

WeekModule/TopicObjectivesContentsTeaching ActivitiesPupils ActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
1Introduction to TanwinBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:(1) Pronounce Tanwin with vowel “Fathatani”.(1) Explain Tanwin as in the content.(1) Identify Tanwin with vowel in the content.Cardboard with various combinations of Tanwin
(2) Identify Tanwin with vowel “Fathatani”.(2) Letters with Tanwin: Kasratani ( o ).(2) Write three words on the chalkboard with Tanwin.(2) Pronounce Tanwin with vowels in the content.Flashcard with different vowels of Tanwin
(3) Copy letters with Tanwin vowel “Fathatani” ( o ).(3) Use of Tanwin in words: Baytan.(3) Pronounce the Tanwin many times.(3) Pronounce words with Tanwin correctly.
(4) Use Tanwin in words and pronounce them correctly.(4) Tanwin with vowel “Fathatani” sound is pronounced as /an/.(4) Guide pupils to pronounce similar words they could generate.(4) Copy letters with Tanwin.
2Introduction to TanwinPupils should be able to:(1) Al-Tanwin with vowel “Kasrah” (2 Letters with Tanwin: Kasratani ( o ).(1) Explain the differences between Salah al-Jum’ah and other prayers.(1) Mention where your Jum’ah mosque is located.Video clip of how Salah al-Jum’ah is performed.
(1) Pronounce Tanwin with vowel “Kasratani”.(3) Use of Tanwin in words: Birin, Basin.(2) Discuss Shaytan and his link with Jinn, his position among the Angels before his disobedience to Allah.(2) Identify the ways Muslims are persecuted today.The picture of a mosque.
(2) Identify Tanwin with vowel “Kasratani”.(4) Tanwin with vowel “Kasratani” is pronounced as /in/.(3) Dramatize how the Imam leads the prayer.(3) Mention where Cave Hira’ and Abbysinia are located today.Pictures of the Ka’bah.
(3) Copy letters with Tanwin vowel “Kasratani” ( o ).Pictures of Hajar al-Aswad.
3Introduction to TanwinPupils should be able to:A copy of the Glorious Qur’an.
(1) Explain that Jinn is a kind of supernatural creature of Allah.
(2) Say that Allah created Jinn from fire.
(3) Mention the likeness and differences between human beings and Jinn.
(4) Explain that Shaytan is of Jinn.
(5) Explain the position of Shaytan before the creation of Adam and why Shaytan became accursed.
4Surah QurayshPupils should be able to:Transliteration version of Surah Quraysh: Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim.Recites Surah Quraysh slowly word by word to pupils’ hearings.Listen attentively to the teacher’s presentation.Video clip of how Salah al-Jum’ah is performed.
(1) Recite The Surah correctly.Asks the pupils to read it the way he does.Ask questions to clear any issues not understood.Pictures of the cave of Hira’.
(2) Write the Transliteration version of Surah Quraysh: Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim.Writes the Surah in transliteration on the chalkboard.Mention why they live a modest life in the society.Pictures of Immorality dressing.
Asks the pupils to read it the way he does.Information Technology Device, etc.
5Surah-QurayshPupils should be able to:
(1) Recite the surah correctly.
(2) Commit the surah into their memory.
(3) Pronounce the difficult words in the surah correctly.
6Jinn and ShaytanPupils should be able to:Lead the pupils through discussion to know that Allah gave the Prophet qualities of good human relations.Listen to the teacher’s explanation attentively.Copy of Glorious Qur’an.
(1) Explain that Jinn is a kind of supernatural creature of Allah.Recalls Prophet’s judgment over the placing of Hajar al-Aswad.Ask questions to clarify ideas.Picture of Immorality dressing.
(2) Say that Allah created Jinn from fire.Tells the pupils how the Prophet’s search for the cave of Hira for meditation, where he received the first revelation.Mention the lessons of modesty in the verses.Information Technology Device etc.
(3) Mention the likeness and differences between human beings and Jinn.Explain how the first revelation came using Q96:1-5.Recite Qur’an verses on modesty.
(4) Explain that Shaytan is of Jinn.
(5) Explain the position of Shaytan before the creation of Adam and why Shaytan became accursed.
7Mid – Term Examination and Break
8Salah al-Jum’ah (Friday Prayer)Pupils should be able to:Explains the term modesty.Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanation.Cardboard with various combinations of Tanwin
(1) Explain the meaning of Salah al-Jum’ah.Illustrate the acts of modesty.Mention why they live a modest life in the society.Flashcard with different vowels of Tanwin
(2) Mention the conditions governing its obligation.Explain the importance of modesty in the society.Mention the importance of Jum’ah prayer.
(3) State when and how it is performed.Recite Qur’an verses on modesty.
9Hijrah of the Prophet Muhammad to MadinahPupils should be able to:Mention the place where Cave Hira’ and Abbysinia are located today.
and the establishment of the Ummah(1) Explain the circumstances that led to migration to Abbysinia and how they were received.Identify the ways Muslims are persecuted today.
(2) Recall the Muslims’ patience in the face of persecution.Mention the ways Muslims can promote the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
(3) State what led the Hijrah of Muslims to Yathrib.
(4) Explain how Ummah (Muslim community) was established in Madinah (Yathrib).
10Importance of Human Relation and MutualPupils should be able to:
cooperation in Islam (Modesty)(1) Explain the term modesty in Islam.
(2) Highlight the acts of modesty.
(3) State the significance of modesty acts.
(4) Recite Qur’anic verses on modesty.

The Primary 3 Islamic Religious Studies curriculum provides a comprehensive foundation for young learners to cultivate a strong understanding of Islam’s principles, practices, and values. By nurturing their spiritual connection, promoting ethical behavior, and instilling a sense of community, the curriculum equips students with the tools to navigate their lives as informed and responsible Muslims. As these young minds progress through their educational journey, they are better equipped to contribute positively to both their faith and society at large.

Read Also: Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 6

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