Civic Education Scheme of Work For Primary 4

Civic Education
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The article titled “Civic Education of Work For Primary 4” is a comprehensive guide aimed at educating primary level students, specifically those in the fourth grade, about key civic education concepts. The central theme of the module is “National Consciousness,” which revolves around instilling a sense of civic responsibility, understanding government structures, recognizing national values, appreciating the meaning of a nation, and addressing challenges related to ethnicity. The article provides a detailed breakdown of the module’s objectives, contents, activities, teaching resources, and evaluation methods for each section. This summary aims to highlight the salient points covered in the article while maintaining a plagiarism-free approach.

First Term Civic Education Scheme of Work For Primary 4

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 2

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 3

1 & 2Meaning and importance of good governancePupils should be able to:The art of governing peopleGuide pupils to explain governanceCharts on social services provided by government
3 & 4Types of Government(2) Identify government for different levelsLevels of Government (i) Local Government (ii) State Government (iii) Federal GovernmentAssist pupils to identify levels of governanceVideo clips on government activities, Textbooks
5 & 6Good Governance(3) State features of good governanceGood GovernanceAssist pupils to list features of good governanceVideo clips on government activities, Textbooks
8 & 9Different types of Government(2) Differentiate between the various types of government e.g. traditional and constitutionalDifferences between the different types of government (i) Monarchy – King or Queen, hereditary or succession. No end to tenure (ii) Oligarchy – Few people who are privileged or powerfulOrganizes pupils to discuss the difference between the twoPhotographs, Charts, Resource persons, Government institutions, Video clips, Nigerian constitution

Second Term Civic Education Scheme of Work For Primary 4

1 & 2National ValuesPupils should be able to: (2) List some valuesSome Examples of values (i) Honesty (ii) Obedience (iii) Hard work (iv) Tolerance (v) Political faith etc.Leads pupils to identify at least 5 Civic valuesText books, Newspapers, Magazines, Biographies, etc.
3 & 4Needs for Civic Values in the society(3) Discuss the need to imbibe values in the societyNeeds for Civic Values in the society (i) Self-discipline, (ii) Self-contentment, (iii) Thinking and talking positively about our country etc.Guide pupils to identify people in the society with good civic valuesMaps, Pictures, Video clips, Charts, Class textbooks, Newspapers/magazines
5 & 6Nation(2) Identify and explain the characteristics of a nationCharacteristics of a Nation (i) Common territory (ii) Common customs & traditions (iii) Common economy (iv) Common languageHelp pupils identify and explain the characteristics of a nationMaps, Pictures, Video Clips, Charts, Class textbooks, Newspapers/magazines
8 & 9Building our NationPupils should be able to state reasons why we should build our nationReasons why we should build our nation (i) For peaceful co-existence (ii) For common use of resources (iii) To unite us against external aggression (iv) To benefit from one another etc.Leads pupils to discuss and give reasons why we should build a nationMaps, Pictures, Video Clips, Charts, Class textbooks, Newspapers/magazines
10 & 11Ethnicity and its problems(3) Explain the consequences of ethnicity in NigeriaConsequences of ethnicity are communal conflict, political violence, nepotism / discrimination, under-development, resources, etc.Organizes and helps pupils to feel the consequences of ethnicityMaps, Posters, Video clips, Pictures, Newspapers / magazines

Third Term Civic Education Scheme of Work For Primary 4

1 & 2Prevention of drug abuse – Life coping skillsPupils should be able to: (1) List behaviors that promote physical, mental, and social well-beingHealthy promoting behaviors – Stress: regular exercise, constructive plays – Positive and good relationship with peers etc.Arranges a guided class discussion on behaviors that can help in the promotion of physical and mental healthTextbooks, Newspapers, Magazines, Biographies, etc.
3 & 4Attitude to different forms of accident(1) List other forms of accident and their causes.Meaning and types of accidents – Road, Air, water, rail, fire, hot water, etc. which can cause physical injuries, burns, scalds, bruises and sometimes death.Leads pupils to discuss the meaning, forms, and causes of accidentsMaps, Pictures, Video clips, Charts, Class textbooks, Newspapers/magazines
5 & 6First aid treatment for accident victims(2) Explain types of first aid treatment to be given to victims of burns, scalds, bruises, and road accidentsThe first aid treatment – Burns and scalds: Do not touch the affected area; cover the affected part with clean cloth, take him/her to the hospital; – Bruises; Put ice block in a towel and place it on the surface of the bruise.Demonstrate how to administer first aid treatment on victims of bruises, scalds, burns, and road accidentsFirst aid materials/box
8 & 9Characteristics of drug abusers, their treatment, and rehabilitation(2) List some characteristics of abusers of alcohol, tobacco, and cannabisCharacteristics of abusers of (a) Alcohol: (i) Aggressiveness – Convulsion (ii) Slowed speech – hallucination (iii) Shaking of the hands – inability to maintain balance, disobedience (b) Tobacco: (i) Smells, discoloration of lips, burnt / dark fingers, colored teeth etc. (c) Cannabis (i) Undue excitement (ii) False source of confidence and pleasure etc.Organize guided class discussion on characteristics of alcoholics, tobacco addicts, and addicted users of cannabisPosters, Pictures, Resource persons, First aid materials/box
10 & 11Other people’s beliefs and traditions(1) Explain ways in which other people’s beliefs and traditions differ from oursWays our beliefs and tradition differ from and similar to others: – The names they call God – The methods of worship – The style of dressing etc.Explain the meaning of ethnicity as they understand itMaps, Posters, Video clips, Pictures, Newspapers/magazines

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 5

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Primary 6

Summary of Civic Education Scheme of Work For Primary 4

The module begins with a focus on good governance, an essential concept in understanding the functioning of societies and governments. Students are introduced to the meaning and importance of good governance. The objectives of this section include enabling pupils to explain the concept of good governance and identify government structures at different levels: local government, state government, and federal government. The article suggests various activities for achieving these objectives, such as guiding pupils to explain governance, assisting in identifying levels of government, and using teaching resources like charts and video clips to enhance learning. The evaluation process involves assessing students’ ability to explain governance and identify the three levels of government.

Continuing in this vein, the module explores the various types of government. Students are encouraged to differentiate between different forms of government, including traditional forms like monarchies and modern forms like constitutional governments. This section aims to deepen students’ understanding of government structures and their functions. The activities suggested in this section include identifying leaders in students’ communities, discussing the differences between traditional and constitutional forms of government in groups, and using resources like photographs, charts, and video clips to enhance the learning experience. The assessment strategy involves identifying differences between traditional and constitutional forms of government.

Transitioning to the theme of “National Values,” the module delves into the meaning of values and their significance in civic life. The objectives encompass explaining the meaning of values and listing some examples of civic values. The activities recommended for achieving these objectives include guiding discussions on the meaning of civic values, leading students to identify individuals with good civic values, and utilizing resources such as textbooks, newspapers, magazines, and biographies. The evaluation process assesses students’ ability to explain the meaning of values and list examples of values.

In a further exploration of “National Values,” the article emphasizes the need to inculcate these values in society. Students are introduced to concepts like self-discipline, self-contentment, and positive thinking about their country. The module aims to foster a sense of responsibility and commitment towards the betterment of society. The activities proposed include guiding students to identify individuals with good civic values in society and explaining the importance of values. The evaluation strategy involves assessing students’ understanding of the significance of values in the context of society.

Moving forward, the module addresses the meaning of a nation, a crucial concept in understanding the dynamics of a country. Students learn that a nation consists of a group of people who share a common territory, customs, traditions, economy, and language, and who are governed by the same authority. The objectives include guiding students to define a nation and identify the characteristics that define a nation. The activities suggested involve using teaching resources like maps, pictures, video clips, charts, textbooks, newspapers, and magazines to help students grasp the concept of a nation. The evaluation process assesses students’ ability to define a nation and identify its characteristics.

The module then delves into the importance of building a strong nation. Students are encouraged to recognize the reasons behind nation-building, such as peaceful coexistence, resource utilization, unity against external threats, and mutual benefits. The activities recommended include discussions on the reasons for building a nation and utilizing resources like maps, pictures, video clips, charts, textbooks, newspapers, and magazines. The assessment strategy evaluates students’ comprehension of the reasons for nation-building.

Shifting the focus to a pertinent issue, the module addresses ethnicity and its challenges. Students are introduced to the meaning of ethnicity, which influences social, economic, and political decisions. The objectives include guiding students to understand the meaning of ethnicity and identify its causes. The activities proposed involve using teaching resources like maps, posters, video clips, pictures, newspapers, and magazines to facilitate discussions on ethnicity. The evaluation process assesses students’ ability to define ethnicity and identify its causes.

In continuation, the module explores the causes and consequences of ethnicity in Nigeria. Students learn that factors such as feelings of resource allocation injustice, colonialism, poverty, illiteracy, and political strategies contribute to ethnicity. The consequences of ethnicity include communal conflict, political violence, nepotism, underdevelopment, and resource scarcity. The objectives include explaining the consequences of ethnicity and identifying potential solutions. The activities suggested involve practical activities to help students understand the consequences of ethnicity and suggest solutions. The evaluation strategy assesses students’ understanding of the consequences of ethnicity and their ability to propose solutions.

The module concludes with a discussion on potential solutions to ethnic challenges. Students are encouraged to explore ways to address ethnic tensions, such as promoting tolerance, patriotism, government policies, public enlightenment campaigns, and inter-marriages. The objectives include guiding students to suggest solutions to the problem of ethnicity. The activities recommended involve discussions and the use of resources like maps, posters, video clips, newspapers, and magazines. The evaluation process assesses students’ ability to suggest solutions to the challenges posed by ethnicity.

To summarize, the “Civic Education Scheme of Work For Primary 4” article provides a structured and comprehensive approach to teaching primary level students about essential civic education concepts. By exploring topics related to good governance, government types, national values, the meaning of a nation, and the challenges of ethnicity, the module aims to foster a sense of civic responsibility and national consciousness among young learners. Through engaging activities and the utilization of diverse teaching resources, educators can effectively impart crucial civic knowledge to primary 4 students, thereby contributing to their holistic development and active participation in society.

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