Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 2

Christian Religious studies
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This Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2 covers a range of topics related to Jesus Christ, His teachings, miracles, and the plan of salvation as depicted in the Bible. The scheme is designed to help pupils develop a deeper understanding of Christian principles and values while encouraging them to apply these teachings in their daily lives.

The first term begins with lessons on “Jesus the Man of Prayer.” Pupils are taught about Jesus’ prayer life, the reasons why He prayed, and the importance of prayer in the life of a Christian. The subsequent weeks focus on “Jesus Teaching on Prayer,” “Types of Prayer,” “Forms of Prayer,” and “Prayer Positions,” helping pupils to understand different aspects of prayer and its significance.

The second term delves into the “Power of Jesus,” exploring various Bible stories that demonstrate Jesus’ power over evil, diseases, and death. Pupils are encouraged to discuss the lessons learned from these stories and the importance of obedience in a Christian’s life.

In the third term, the focus shifts to the “Plan of Salvation,” covering stories of important figures such as Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses. Pupils learn about the promises of God, faithfulness, and the significance of each character’s role in the plan of salvation.

The scheme uses a variety of teaching methods, including Bible readings, storytelling, discussions, dramatization, and audio-visual aids, to make the learning experience engaging and enjoyable for the pupils.

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 1

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 3

First Term Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 2

Week 1-2: Jesus the Man of Prayer

  • Identify Jesus as a man of prayer.
  • State the reasons why Jesus prayed.
  • Mention instances in their lives when they ought to pray.
  • Explain the importance of prayers in the life of a Christian.

Week 3: Jesus Teaching on Prayer

  • Describe how Jesus taught us to pray.
  • Say the Lord’s prayer.
  • Discuss the reasons Jesus asked us to pray.
  • Explain the importance of prayer.

Week 4: Types of Prayer

  • List types of prayer.
  • Enumerate some of the things to pray for.
  • Explain why Christians pray.

Week 5: Forms of Prayer

  • Mention the different forms of prayer.
  • Identify the people in the Bible that prayed the different forms of prayer.
  • Explain the reasons for the different forms of prayer.

Week 6: Prayer Positions

  • List different positions Christians could take while praying.
  • Name people in the Bible that prayed in different positions.
  • State possible reasons why people pray in these different positions.

Week 7: Mid-Term Test

Week 8-10: The Power of Jesus

  • Identify Bible evidence of the power of prayer.
  • Identify people in the Bible who prayed.
  • State what they asked for in their prayers.
  • Explain how God answered their prayers.
  • Discuss the importance of the power of prayer.

Week 11: Revision

Week 12-13: Examination

Second Term Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 2

Week 1: The Early Life of Jesus

  • Narrate the message of the angel to Joseph after the departure of the wise men.
  • Name the people who were at the presentation of Jesus in the temple.
  • State what Simeon said at the temple during the presentation of Jesus.
  • State the messages in the teachings of Jesus at the Temple.

Week 2-3: Jesus’ Preparation of His Ministry

  • Mention the events that prepared Jesus for His ministry.
  • Explain the baptism of Jesus and the temptation in the wilderness.
  • Name the disciples of Jesus.
  • Discuss the significance of Jesus calling the twelve to be His disciples.

Week 4-5: The Power of Jesus (continued)

  • Discuss more powers of Jesus, e.g., power over evil, diseases, and death.
  • Narrate the stories of the paralyzed man whom Jesus healed.
  • Name people in the Bible whom Jesus raised from the dead.
  • State the significance of Jesus’ healing and raising from the dead in the life of Christians.

Week 6: Jesus Teaching on the Kingdom of God

  • List the various things Christians should do in preparation for the kingdom of God.
  • Discuss Jesus’ teachings on the kingdom of God.
  • Explain the importance of obedience as illustrated in the events in the life of Christians.

Week 7: Mid-Term Test

Week 8-9: The Fall of Man

  • Narrate the account of how God created Adam and Eve.
  • Identify the differences between the creation of Adam and Eve and other creatures.
  • Explain the disobedience of Adam and Eve and the punishment God gave them.
  • Explain the punishment God gave to the serpent for leading Adam and Eve to sin against God.
  • State God’s promise of salvation.

Week 10: Plan of Salvation

  • Narrate the story of Abraham.
  • Explain how Abraham demonstrated his faith and obedience to God.
  • Enumerate the things promised to Abraham.
  • Identify the blessings of God to Abraham as a result of his obedience.

Week 11: Revision

Week 12-13: Examination

ThirdTerm Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 2

Week 1

Topic: Jesus’ Teaching on the Kingdom of God (cont’d)

Performance Objectives:

  • Pupils should be able to list the various things Christians should do in preparation for the kingdom of God.


  • Preparation for the kingdom – Repentance
    • Holiness
    • Self-denial
    • Detachment from worldly things
    • Humility
    • Generosity

Teaching and Learning Activities:

  • The teacher reads appropriate Bible passages to the pupils.
  • The teacher guides the pupils to identify the things Jesus says Christians should do in order to enter the kingdom of God.
  • The pupils listen to the Bible passages and participate in the discussion.


  • The pupils will be assessed on their ability to list the various things Christians should do in preparation for the kingdom of God.


  • The Holy Bible
  • Bible story books
  • Pictures of Lazarus and the rich man
  • Pupils’ texts

Week 2-3

Topic: The Fall of Man

Performance Objectives:

  • Pupils should be able to:
    • Narrate the account of how God created Adam and Eve.
    • Identify the differences between the creation of Adam and Eve and other creatures.
    • Explain the disobedience of Adam and Eve.
    • Discuss the punishment God gave Adam and Eve.
    • Describe the punishment given to the serpent for leading Adam and Eve to sin against God.
    • State God’s promise of salvation.


  • The story of Adam and Eve
  • Punishment of disobedience
  • First promise of salvation

Teaching and Learning Activities:

  • The teacher reads the story of the creation of Adam and Eve from the Bible.
  • The teacher guides the pupils to discuss the disobedience of Adam and Eve.
  • The pupils listen to the Bible readings and participate in the discussion.


  • The pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
    • Narrate the account of how God created Adam and Eve.
    • Explain the disobedience of Adam and Eve.
    • State the punishment God gave Adam and Eve.
    • Describe the punishment given to the serpent.
    • State God’s promise of salvation.


  • The Holy Bible
  • Pictures of things God created
  • Pictures of Adam and Eve in the garden
  • Pupils’ texts

Week 4-5

Topic: Plan of Salvation

Performance Objectives:

  • Pupils should be able to:
    • Narrate the story of Abraham.
    • Explain how Abraham demonstrated his faith and obedience to God.
    • Enumerate the things promised to Abraham.
    • Identify the blessings of God to Abraham as a result of his obedience.
    • Discuss the rewards of obedience.


  • Call of Abraham
  • Abraham’s call and obedience
  • God’s promise to Abraham
  • Abraham’s demonstration of faith and obedience
  • Blessings of God to Abraham
  • Rewards of obedience

Teaching and Learning Activities:

  • The teacher tells the story of Abraham’s call.
  • The teacher leads the pupils in dramatizing relevant parts of the story.
  • The teacher guides the pupils to discuss the rewards of obedience.
  • The pupils listen to the Bible stories and participate in the discussion.


  • The pupils will be assessed on their ability to:
    • Narrate the story of Abraham.
    • Explain how Abraham demonstrated his faith and obedience to God.
    • Enumerate the things promised to Abraham.
    • Identify the blessings of God to Abraham as a result of his obedience.
    • Discuss the rewards of obedience.


  • The Holy Bible
  • Pictures of Abraham about to sacrifice his son Isaac
  • Pupils’ texts

Week 5-6: Plan of Salvation (Continued)


  • To narrate the story of the birth of Jacob.
  • To describe the relationship between Jacob and his brother Esau.
  • To discuss Jacob’s dream at Bethel.
  • To state the blessings promised to Jacob.

Teaching Activities:

  • Read and tell the story of Jacob and Esau to the pupils.
  • Guide pupils to dramatize how Jacob cheated his brother Esau.
  • Help pupils explain Jacob’s dream at Bethel.
  • Read and explain the blessing promised to Jacob in the Bible.

Learning Activities:

  • Pupils listen to Bible readings and stories.
  • Pupils ask and answer questions related to the story.
  • Pupils participate in class discussions.
  • Pupils dramatize the story of Esau and Jacob.

Teaching Resources:

  • The Holy Bible.
  • Bible story books.
  • Pictures of Esau and Jacob.
  • Pupils’ textbooks.

Pupils’ Expected Outcomes:

  • Pupils should be able to tell the story of the birth of Jacob.
  • Pupils should state what happened between Jacob and his brother.
  • Pupils should narrate Jacob’s dream at Bethel.
  • Pupils should describe the blessings promised to Jacob.

Week 7: Mid Term Test

Week 8: Plan of Salvation (Continued)


  • To discuss the relationship between Joseph, his brothers, and parents.
  • To discuss Joseph’s dreams.
  • To relate Joseph’s faithfulness and the rewards to the promise of salvation.

Teaching Activities:

  • Narrate the story of the relationship between Joseph, his brothers, and parents.
  • Ask the pupils to tell the dreams they have had and discuss them.
  • Describe Joseph’s experience in Potiphar’s house and the prison.

Learning Activities:

  • Pupils tell their dreams.
  • Pupils dramatize the story of Joseph’s life.
  • Pupils listen to the teacher’s story.

Teaching Resources:

  • The Holy Bible.
  • Dramatize costumes.
  • Illustrations of the life of Joseph in pictures.

Pupils’ Expected Outcomes:

  • Pupils should explain the relationship between Joseph and his brothers.
  • Pupils should narrate Joseph’s dreams.
  • Pupils should explain the rewards of Joseph’s faithfulness.

Week 9-10: Plan of Salvation (Continued)


  • To tell the story of the birth of Moses.
  • To show how Moses identified himself with his people.
  • To discuss the significance of the burning bush.
  • To explain the events that led to the release of the Israelites from Egypt.
  • To describe the events of the crossing of the Red Sea.

Teaching Activities:

  • Read the Bible account of the story of the birth of Moses.
  • Guide pupils to describe the ways Moses identified with his people and narrate the story of the burning bush.
  • Discuss the events that led to the liberation of Israelites and the crossing of the Red Sea.
  • Teach pupils the song of Miriam at the triumph of Israelites over Pharaoh.

Learning Activities:

  • Pupils listen to the Bible account of the birth of Moses.
  • Pupils ask and answer questions.
  • Pupils participate in class discussions.
  • Pupils dramatize the story of Exodus and the crossing of the Red Sea.
  • Pupils sing Miriam’s song of triumph on the crossing of the Red Sea.

Teaching Resources:

  • The Holy Bible.
  • Pictures of Israelites crossing the Red Sea.
  • Bible pictures showing different events in Moses’ life and conditions of the Israelites in Egypt.
  • Drama costumes and materials.
  • Pupils’ texts.

Pupils’ Expected Outcomes:

  • Pupils should narrate the story of the birth of Moses.
  • Pupils should give instances when Moses identified himself with his people in Egypt.
  • Pupils should explain the importance of the burning bush.
  • Pupils should describe the events that led to the release of the Israelites from Egypt.
  • Pupils should describe what happened at the Red Sea.

Week 11: Revision

Week 12-13: Examination

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 4

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 5

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 6

In conclusion, the Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 2 provides a comprehensive and engaging plan to introduce young pupils to essential biblical stories and teachings. By focusing on the theme of Plan of Salvation and using diverse teaching methods, the scheme aims to nurture pupils’ spiritual growth and understanding of Christian principles

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