Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Christian Religious studies
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The Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3 covers a range of topics over three terms, aiming to educate pupils about essential aspects of Christian faith and teachings.

First Term Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 1

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 2

1Introduction to CRK– Meaning of CRK– Understand the concept of CRK– Class discussion on CRK significanceBible, Chalkboard
2Creation– God’s creation of the world– Describe the story of creation– Storytelling about creationIllustrated Bible
3Noah and the Ark– The story of Noah and the flood– Explain the lesson from Noah’s obedience– Drawing and coloring Noah’s ArkPictures of Noah’s Ark
4Abraham and Isaac– Abraham’s faith and sacrifice– Understand faith and obedience to God– Role-play of Abraham and IsaacBible, Props
5Joseph and His Coat– Joseph’s journey and colorful coat– Learn about resilience and God’s plan– Craft activity making colorful coatsCraft materials
6Moses and the Burning Bush– Moses’ encounter with God– Understand God’s call and leadership– Dramatization of Moses’ storyVisual aids, Props
7Midterm Assessment– Revision of topics covered so far– Assess understanding of previous lessons– Midterm test and reviewQuestion papers, Marker
8David and Goliath– David’s courage and trust in God– Learn about bravery and trust– Storytelling and discussionVisual aids, Bible
9Jonah and the Whale– Jonah’s journey in the big fish– Understand God’s forgiveness and second chances– Art and craft making a big fishCraft materials
10Jesus’ Birth and Early Life– Birth of Jesus and His teachings– Learn about the significance of Jesus in Christianity– Christmas play and discussionNativity scene, Bible
11Revision– Review of all topics covered– Consolidate knowledge of previous lessons– Group discussions and quizRevision materials
12End-of-Term Examination– Assessment of the term’s learning– Evaluate students’ understanding of CRK– Final examinationQuestion papers, Marker
13End-of-Term Examination– Assessment of the term’s learning– Evaluate students’ understanding of CRK– Final examinationQuestion papers, Marker

Second Term Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

1Review of First Term– Recap of first-term topics– Refresh understanding of previous lessons– Group discussions and Q&A sessionPrevious term’s materials
2Zacchaeus and Repentance– Zacchaeus’ encounter with Jesus– Learn about repentance and transformation– Storytelling and role-playVisual aids, Bible
3The Last Supper– Jesus’ last meal with His disciples– Understand the significance of the Last Supper– Communion activity and discussionBread, Grape juice, Bible
4Palm Sunday and Easter– Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and Easter– Learn about the events of Palm Sunday and Easter– Crafts and storytellingVisual aids, Craft materials
5The Good Samaritan– The parable of the Good Samaritan– Understand the importance of helping others– Role-play and discussionVisual aids, Bible
6Miracles of Jesus– Jesus’ healing and miracles– Discover the power and compassion of Jesus– Science experiments and storytellingVisual aids, Simple props
7Midterm Assessment– Revision of topics covered so far– Assess understanding of previous lessons– Midterm test and reviewQuestion papers, Marker
8The Prodigal Son– The parable of the Prodigal Son– Learn about forgiveness and reconciliation– Drama and discussionVisual aids, Bible
9Pentecost and Holy Spirit– The coming of the Holy Spirit– Understand the significance of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit– Art and craft making Holy Spirit dovesCraft materials
10Missionary Work– Christian missionaries and their work– Learn about spreading the Christian faith globally– Guest speaker and discussionGuest speaker, World map
11Revision– Review of all topics covered– Consolidate knowledge of previous lessons– Group discussions and quizRevision materials
12End-of-Term Examination– Assessment of the term’s learning– Evaluate students’ understanding of CRK– Final examinationQuestion papers, Marker
13End-of-Term Examination– Assessment of the term’s learning– Evaluate students’ understanding of CRK– Final examinationQuestion papers, Marker

Third Term Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

1Review of Second Term– Recap of second-term topics– Refresh understanding of previous lessons– Group discussions and Q&A sessionPrevious term’s materials
2The Ten Commandments– Moses and the Ten Commandments– Learn about moral values and God’s laws– Role-play and discussionVisual aids, Bible
3The Beatitudes– Jesus’ teachings on the Beatitudes– Understand the values of humility and compassion– Art and craft making a Beatitudes posterCraft materials
4The Miracles of Jesus– More of Jesus’ healing and miracles– Discover additional miracles and their meanings– Science experiments and storytellingVisual aids, Simple props
5Christian Worship– Understanding Christian worship– Learn about the importance of worship in Christianity– Visit to a local church and discussionChurch visit, Bible
6The Lord’s Prayer– The significance of the Lord’s Prayer– Understand the prayer Jesus taught His disciples– Memorization and recitation of the prayerVisual aids, Bible
7Midterm Assessment– Revision of topics covered so far– Assess understanding of previous lessons– Midterm test and reviewQuestion papers, Marker
8Christian Festivals– Christmas and Easter celebrations– Learn about the significance of these Christian festivals– Crafts and storytellingVisual aids, Craft materials
9Heroes of Faith– Biblical heroes and their faith stories– Understand the importance of faith in Christianity– Storytelling and role-playVisual aids, Bible
10Church Leaders– Roles of church leaders and clergy– Learn about the different roles in Christian leadership– Guest speaker and discussionGuest speaker, Bible
11Revision– Review of all topics covered– Consolidate knowledge of previous lessons– Group discussions and quizRevision materials
12End-of-Term Examination– Assessment of the term’s learning– Evaluate students’ understanding of CRK– Final examinationQuestion papers, Marker
13End-of-Term Examination– Assessment of the term’s learning– Evaluate students’ understanding of CRK– Final examinationQuestion papers, Marker

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 4

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 5

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 6

Summary Of Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

The first term begins with the story of the Israelites’ deliverance from Egypt. Pupils are expected to narrate the story of their bondage, how God delivered them, and the crossing of the Red Sea. The Passover is covered next, where pupils learn the meaning, story, precepts, and importance of this event. The story of Moses and the Bronze Serpent in the Wilderness is explored, with lessons on grumbling and God’s instructions.

The second term delves into Jesus’ significance, portraying Him as the way to the Father, the Good Shepherd, and the Bread of Life. Pupils learn the spiritual meaning of these titles, their qualities, and how Jesus demonstrated them. They also study the metaphors of Christians as salt and light, understanding their roles in the world and society.

The third term focuses on Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection. Pupils are taught the meaning of suffering and learn about various biblical figures who experienced suffering, including Jesus, His disciples, and Stephen. The lessons emphasize the importance of Christ’s suffering for redemption. The term also covers the Holy Spirit and His gifts, discussing the Holy Spirit’s role in the lives of believers.

The last part of the scheme of work introduces pupils to concepts related to the second coming of Jesus Christ. They learn about Christ’s ascension, His promise of returning, and the need for vigilance and good Christian behavior in preparation for His second coming.

Throughout the scheme of work, pupils engage in various activities such as storytelling, discussions, question-and-answer sessions, dramatizations, and participating in class activities. The teaching resources include the Holy Bible, pictures, audio-visual materials, and charts. The evaluation guides include asking and answering questions, participating in discussions, and other interactive activities.

Overall, the Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3 aims to provide pupils with a comprehensive understanding of foundational Christian teachings, encouraging moral and spiritual development while emphasizing the importance of faith, values, and ethical behavior.

the Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3 offers a well-structured and comprehensive curriculum designed to instill important religious values and teachings in young learners. By immersing students in biblical stories, concepts, and principles, this scheme fosters a deeper understanding of Christian faith while encouraging personal growth and moral development. Through interactive activities, discussions, and engagement with various teaching resources, students are given the opportunity to explore their faith, reflect on its relevance to their lives, and develop a sense of responsibility towards others and the world around them.

The scheme’s thoughtful progression through different themes and topics, from the historical narratives of the Israelites to the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ, enables students to grasp the fundamental tenets of Christianity in an age-appropriate manner. The inclusion of activities that promote critical thinking, group participation, and individual reflection enhances the learning experience, encouraging pupils to internalize these teachings and apply them to their daily lives.

Ultimately, the Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3 plays a vital role in nurturing not only religious knowledge but also virtues such as compassion, empathy, and ethical decision-making. By guiding students to explore the stories of faith, teachings, and values rooted in Christianity, this scheme contributes to the holistic development of young individuals, equipping them with the tools to lead meaningful and purposeful lives based on principles of love, kindness, and faith.

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