Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 1

Christian Religious studies
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This Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1 covers from the First Term to the Third Term. This comprehensive scheme is designed to introduce young learners to the foundational principles of Christianity, focusing on the life, teachings, and significance of Jesus Christ. Throughout these three terms, students will embark on an enriching journey, delving into various aspects of Jesus as our Saviour, brother, and friend, while exploring the importance of love, obedience, and keeping God’s commandments. By combining interactive learning methods, engaging Bible passages, and thought-provoking discussions, this scheme aims to foster spiritual growth and ethical values in our young pupils. Let us embark on this remarkable adventure together, as we guide our young learners towards a deeper understanding of their faith and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

First Term Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 1

The First Term Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 1 focuses on introducing young pupils to the concept of God as the Creator, His goodness, and His gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. The term is divided into 13 weeks, and each week covers specific topics and learning objectives.

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 2

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 3

Week 1-2: God the Creator
In these weeks, pupils are taught about the attributes of God as the Creator, invisible, all-powerful, and present everywhere. They learn about what God created, why He created things and man, and the purpose behind human existence. Activities include storytelling, discovering God’s creatures, appreciating and maintaining God’s creations, and engaging in creative drawing exercises.

Week 3-4: God the Giver of Good Things
Pupils explore the various ways God shows goodness to humanity, such as giving life, good health, and protection. They also learn about the reasons for God’s goodness, which include His love for us and His act of creation. The children are encouraged to reflect on the good things they can do for others and how they can show kindness and generosity.

Week 5-6: God’s Gift of His Son
During these weeks, pupils learn about the biblical accounts of the angel’s visit to Mary and Joseph, the birth of Jesus Christ, and the visits of the angels to the shepherds and the wise men. They engage in dramatizations, discussions, and memorize relevant Bible verses to understand the significance of Jesus Christ as God’s gift to humanity.

Week 7: Mid-Term Test
A mid-term test is administered to assess pupils’ understanding and retention of the topics covered in the first half of the term.

Week 8: God’s Gift of His Son (Continued)
The focus is on discussing the purpose of Christmas and why Christians celebrate it. Pupils engage in discussions, dramatizations, and singing of Christmas carols to understand the significance of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ during the Christmas season.

Week 9-10: God is Our Father
These weeks concentrate on teaching pupils about their identity as children of God and the responsibilities they have as His children. They learn to worship God, pray, and understand the loving and caring nature of God, symbolized as a father’s role in a family. The children are taught songs, read Bible stories, and engage in discussions to internalize the concept of God as their Heavenly Father.

Week 11: Revision
A week is dedicated to revising the topics covered throughout the term, reinforcing the pupils’ understanding of the material.

Week 12-13: Examination
The term concludes with a comprehensive examination to assess the pupils’ overall comprehension of the subjects covered during the term.

Throughout the term, teaching methods include storytelling, dramatizations, discussions, memorization of Bible verses, singing songs, and engaging with visual aids such as posters and pictures. The scheme of work aims to provide a solid foundation of Christian religious knowledge and values to Primary 1 pupils, nurturing their faith and understanding of God’s love and goodness.

Second Term Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 1

The Christian Religious Studies (CRS) scheme of work for Primary 1 Second Term aims to cultivate a strong foundation of faith in young pupils. The curriculum centres on teaching children how to embrace their identity as children of God and highlights essential practices like thanksgiving, praise, and prayer. Over the course of twelve weeks, the students will explore various biblical teachings, memorize passages, engage in interactive discussions, and participate in prayers and worship.

Week 1-2: Things we must do as children of God In the initial weeks, the pupils will learn the importance of expressing gratitude and thanking God for His love, protection, and provision. They will explore different ways of showing thanks, such as singing, praising, prayer, worship, and offering. The story of the healing of the ten lepers will be used to illustrate why it is crucial to thank God for what He has done for us.

Week 3-4: Things we must do as children of God (Contd) Continuing the theme, the pupils will delve deeper into the concept of praising God. They will recite Psalm 103:1-2 and sing songs of praise, learning about notable figures from the Bible who sang praises to God, like David, Moses, Hannah, Mariam, Simeon, and Mary. Discussions will focus on the reasons for praising God, such as gratitude and appreciation for His blessings.

Week 5-6: Things we must do as children of God (Contd) Prayer will be the central focus in these weeks. The students will understand why prayer is essential in their relationship with God and how to pray, using the Lord’s Prayer as a guide. They will be encouraged to say personal prayers, seeking God’s help, expressing gratitude, seeking forgiveness, and more. The importance of reading the Bible and learning from Jesus’ teachings will also be emphasized.

Week 7: Mid-Term Test A mid-term test will be conducted to assess the students’ understanding and retention of the concepts covered so far.

Week 8-10: Discovering God through Jesus This section will center on Jesus’ teachings and how they help children to grow closer to God. The pupils will learn about obeying God, loving, worshiping, and serving Him. They will explore Bible verses that emphasize Jesus’ teachings on obedience and delve into prayer as a way of discovering God. Additionally, they will be encouraged to attend church programs and Sunday school for deeper learning.

Week 11: Revision The eleventh week will be dedicated to revision, where the students will recap the essential topics covered throughout the term to reinforce their understanding.

Week 12-13: Examination In the final weeks, the pupils will undertake an examination to assess their overall grasp of the concepts covered in the term.

Teaching Materials: To facilitate an engaging and interactive learning environment, the scheme of work will incorporate various teaching materials, including:

  1. The Holy Bible: The primary source of biblical teachings and stories.
  2. Bible Pictures: Illustrating people expressing thanks, praise, and prayers to God.
  3. Song Charts and Cassette Players: To teach and reinforce songs of thanksgiving and praise.
  4. Audiovisual Recordings: Displaying Bible stories and teachings through multimedia presentations.
  5. Prayer Books: To help the students learn different prayers and develop a habit of personal prayer.
  6. Pictures of Jesus: Depicting Jesus kneeling and praying to encourage prayerful habits.
  7. Memory Verses: To memorize key passages from the Bible.

Conclusion: The Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1 Second Term aims to nurture a strong faith foundation in young pupils. By focusing on gratitude, praise, and prayer, the curriculum seeks to instill in the students a sense of identity as children of God. Through interactive learning methods and engaging teaching materials, the students will be encouraged to build a personal relationship with God and embrace the teachings of Jesus. The holistic approach of this scheme of work endeavors to make religious education an enjoyable and enriching experience for Primary 1 pupils.

Third Term Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 1

The Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1, Third Term, focuses on the theme “Jesus Our Saviour.” The term is divided into 13 weeks, covering various aspects of Jesus as our Saviour, brother, and friend, and the importance of love, obedience, and keeping God’s commandments.

Week 1-2: “Jesus our Saviour” – In this section, pupils are introduced to the concept of Jesus as our Saviour and Emmanuel. They learn about Jesus’ saving acts in the Bible, the people He saved, and how these saving acts relate to His promises to save us today. The teachings, deliverance, death, and resurrection of Jesus are explored through relevant Bible passages.

Week 3-4: “Jesus our brother and friend” – Pupils discover that Jesus calls His disciples His brothers and defines His friends through Bible passages. They learn how they can become brothers and sisters of Jesus and what Jesus does for us as His friends. Additionally, they discuss how to show brotherly and sisterly love to one another.

Week 5-6: “Jesus Commands us to love” – The focus of this section is on the love of God and love for one another. Pupils learn about the things Jesus asked His disciples to do to demonstrate their love for God and others. They also identify the qualities of Christian love and understand why Jesus emphasizes the importance of love.

Week 7: “Mid-Term Test” – A test is conducted to assess pupils’ understanding of the topics covered in the first half of the term.

Week 8-10: “Jesus wants us to obey and keep God’s commandments” – Pupils explore instances of obedience to God in the Bible and discuss the commandments of God. They learn about the rewards received for obeying and keeping God’s commandments.

Week 11: “Revision” – A week dedicated to revisiting and reinforcing the topics covered throughout the term.

Week 12-13: “Examination” – The term concludes with a comprehensive examination to assess pupils’ overall understanding of the subject matter.

Unique Approach: This scheme of work offers a unique approach to Christian Religious Studies for Primary 1 students by providing a well-structured curriculum centered on the character and teachings of Jesus Christ. The lessons integrate Bible passages and stories to make the learning experience engaging and spiritually enriching for young learners.

Furthermore, the scheme incorporates interactive activities such as class discussions, role-playing, and memory verse recitation to encourage active participation and foster a deeper understanding of the topics. The use of visuals, such as pictures and charts, enhances visual learning and aids in grasping key concepts.

The scheme’s focus on important Christian values like love, obedience, and keeping God’s commandments instills ethical principles in pupils from an early age. By exploring examples of obedience in biblical characters and the rewards for following God’s commandments, students develop a sense of moral responsibility and a desire to live in accordance with Christian principles.

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 4

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 5

Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 6

Overall, this scheme of work is designed to nurture the spiritual growth of Primary 1 students, helping them develop a strong foundation in Christian beliefs and values while fostering a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

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