Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 2

Islamic Studies scheme of work
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The Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 2 is designed to introduce students to various aspects of Islamic knowledge, including the Arabic alphabet, vowels, two-letter words, and important Surahs. The curriculum also includes lessons on the attributes of Allah, the beautiful names of Allah, the Iqamah, and the use of shaddah and alif as maddah signs in Arabic writing. Through a combination of recitation, memorization, and practical activities, students are guided to understand and apply these teachings in their daily lives. The curriculum aims to instil a deep understanding and love for Islam in young students and lays a solid foundation for further Islamic studies in higher grades.

Read Also: Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

First Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 2

Read Also: Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 3

WeekModule/TopicObjectivesContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupils ActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
1Revision of Arabic AlphabetPupils should be able to:Recognition and pronunciation of the Arabic alphabetRevise the alphabetListen attentivelyCopy of the alphabet, flash cards
(1) Read the Arabic alphabet correctly(1) Recognition of the alphabet(2) Read in groupsRead individually and in groupsChart with the alphabet
(2) Identify the letters of the alphabet(2) Pronunciation of the various letters of the alphabet(3) Identify the letters on the blackboardRecite the alphabet individually
2Introduction of vowelsPupils should be able to:Recognition and pronunciation of Arabic vowelsRead or pronounce the vowel soundsListen attentivelyChart with different vowels
(1) Distinguish the vowels:(1) Reads or pronounces the vowel soundsWrites the vowels on the chalkboardRecite the names of vowelsAlphabet with vowel signs
Al – fathah, al- kasra, al- dummah and al- sukun(2) Participate in writing and using vowels with letterswith proper pronunciation
3Joining of two-letter wordsPupils should be able to:Identification, pronunciation, and writing of two-letter wordsWrites two-letter words on the boardIdentify the two-letter words on the boardChart with two-letter words
(1) Identify two-letter words(1) Identification of two-letter words(2) Pronounces them correctlyPronounce the two-letter words with vowel signsFlash cards
(2) Pronouncing two-letter words(3) Drills the pupilsWrite the words in their exercise books
4Surah al-LahbPupils should be able to:Recitation and memorization of Surah al-LahbRecites the SurahRecite after the teacherRecorded Surah on Cassettes, CDs, etc.
(1) Recite Surah al-Lahb(1) Recitation of Surah al-Lahb(2) Recite in groupsRecite in groups and individuallyTeacher’s copy of the Glorious Qur’an
(2) Learn by heart Surah al-Lahb(2) Memorization of Suratul – Lahab(3) Recite individuallyRepeat the difficult words
5Revision and introduction of more attributesPupils should be able to:Recall and introduction of attributes of AllahRevision of Al-Khaliq Al-Rabb Al-Rahman Al-RahimRevises and introduces five more attributesPictures depicting attributes of Allah
of Allah(1) Recall attributes taught in year one(1) Revision of Al-Khaliq Al-Rabb Al-Rahman Al-Rahim(2) Discusses meaning of each attributeGuides pupils to put into play the introduced attributes
(2) Mention attributes:(2) Allah’s name as a Guide in Arabic is(3) Guides pupils on applying attributes of Allahon how to distinguish between how man sees, rules, and
(i) AL-HADI (The Guide)AL-HADIPut into play introduced attributes of Allahjudges
(ii) AL-MALK (The Ruler)(3) Allah sends guidance through messengers and Prophets
(iii) AL-HAKTM (The Judge)AL-MALK
(iv) AL-BASTR (The All Seeing)AL-HAKIM
6Asma’u Allahi al-husna (Beautiful Names of Allah)Pupils should be able to:Recitation and comprehension of ten names of AllahWrites names of Allah in ArabicListen attentively to name pronunciationCardboard with names in Arabic and English
(1) Recite the ten names of Allah listed under content(1) Write the ten names of Allah in Arabic(2) Recites the names after the teacherRecite names individually or in groups
(2) Read the meaning of these names in English(2) Write the English meaning of each name(3) Recites names in order to memorizeRepeated recitation to learn names by heart
(3) Commit the names to memory(3) Explain the meaning and importance of each
7Mid Term Test
8(1^ IqamahPupils should be able to:Recitation and understanding of IqamahRevises how Adhan is saidListen to teacher’s recitation of IqamahPicture of worshippers standing for Iqamah
(1) Recite the Iqamah(1) Recitation of the Iqamah(2) Recites Iqamah step by stepRecite Iqamah step by stepRecorded Iqamah on Cassette, CD, etc.
(2) State when Iqamah is said(2) Explains when Iqamah is said(3) Recites the whole text
(3) Explain why Iqamah is said(3) Explains why Iqamah is said
9Learning five names out of thePupils should be able to:Identification and mention of functions of ProphetsReads the names listedMention five names out of the twenty-fiveChart with names of Prophets
twenty-five Prophets of Allah(1) Mention twenty-five Prophets of Allah mentioned in the Qur’an(1) Reads the names listed under content(2) Writes English meaning of each namenames mentioned in the Qur’anFlash cards, etc.
(2) Mention five names out of the twenty-five names mentioned(2) Identifies functions performed by the Prophets(3) Explains importance of each function(2) State that all Prophets are equally important
in the Qur’an(3) Mentions functions performed by the Prophets(3) Mention one function performed by the Prophets
10Brief History of Prophet Adam (AS) and Nuhu (AS)Pupils should be able to:Narration of history and qualities of Prophet Adam and NuhuNarrates history of Adam and NuhuPoint out favours done to Prophet AdamPicture of Ark with flood
(1) Narrate the history of Prophet Adam (AS) and Nûhu (AS)(1) History of Prophet Âdam and Nûhu(2) Explains attitudes of Nûhu’s peopleExplain consequences of disobedience of son and
(2) State the qualities of Âdam (AS) and Nûhu (AS)(2) Quality of Âdam and Nûhu(3) Narrates history of Nûhu, his peoplepeople of Prophet Nûhu
(3) Mention consequences of disobedience of the son and people(3) Consequences of disobedience of son and people of Nûhu(4) Mention punishment inflicted on Nûhu’s people

WEEK 11: Revision

WEEK 12&13: Examination

Second Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 2

Read Also: Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 4

WeekModule/TopicObjectivesContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupils ActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
1&2Joining of three-letter wordsPupils should be able to:Revision of two-letter words.Revise previous alphabet lettersListen to teacher’s pronunciationCardboard with alphabet letters
(1) Recall the two-letter words done earlier.Joining three-letter words to form a word.Write complex letters on board and pronounce themPronounce letters correctly
(2) Join three-letter words to form a word.Identify three-letter words.Pinpoint letters with similar sounds and differencesRecite all twenty-eight letters
3Introduction of shaddah and alif as maddah signPupils should be able to:Shaddah and alif as maddah signs.Pronounce words when vocalizedIdentify shaddah in a wordChart with shaddah and alif as maddah signs
(Prolongation)(1) Identify shaddah.Meaning and usage of shaddah.Write words containing shaddah and alif maddah signsDistinguish between shaddah and alif maddah signsChart showing usage of shaddah and alif maddah signs
(2) State why shaddah is used.Identify ‘alif’ as a prolongation sign.
4Surah al-NasrPupils should be able to:Correct recitation and memorization of Surah al-NasrRecite surah with correct pronunciationRecite surah individually and in groupsRecorded surah on various media
(1) Recite Surah al-Nasr correctly.Difficult word memorization.Recite surah verse by verse
5Practical Demonstration of Raka’ah in SalahPupils should be able to:Explanation and demonstration of Raka’ah in SalahExplain meaning of Raka’ahDemonstrate Raka’ah postures individually and in groupPictures showing different postures
(1) Explain the meaning of Raka’ah.Postures of Raka’ah in Salah.Demonstrate correct postures
6Al-TashahhudPupils should be able to:Understanding and memorization of Al-Tashahhud.Correct recitation of Al-TashahhudRecite Al-Tashahhud after teacherRecorded Al-Tashahhud on various media
(1) State the Tashahhud.Reciting Al-Tashahhud correctly.Explain when and why Al-Tashahhud is recited
8Brief History of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS)Pupils should be able to:Narration of history and qualities of Prophets.Narrate history of Prophets Ibrahim and IsmailIdentify qualities of ProphetsCharts and pictures of idols
(1) Narrate the history of Prophets Ibrahim (AS) and IsmailObedience to Allah and stand against idol worship.Guide pupils in discussion and drama planningRecount history of Prophets
9Brief History of Prophet Yûsuf (AS), Mûsa (AS) and TsaPupils should be able to:Narration of history and lessons of Prophets.Narrate history and guide pupils’ discussionIdentify qualities and lessons of ProphetsCharts and pictures
(AS)(1) Narrate the history of Prophets Yûsuf, Mûsa, and Tsa.Lessons in the history of each Prophet.Identify moral lessons and qualities of ProphetsMention qualities and lessons
10Virtuous Conducts in IslamPupils should be able to:Explanation of virtuous conducts in Islam.Explain punctuality in salat and other occasionsIdentify needs for punctualityBroom, brush, clean and dirty clothes

Third Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 2

Read Also: Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 5

WeekModule/TopicObjectivesContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupils ActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
1Revision of Previous TermReview and refresh previous term’s content.Previous term’s material.Conducts a recap session of the previous term.Participate in the recap and review.Previous term’s materials
2Surah al-KafirunPupils should be able to:Recitation and memorization of Surah al-Kafirun.Recites the surah, learns difficult words.Recite the surah individually and in groups.Recorded Surah on various media
(1) Read Suratul-Kafirun.Story of the surah and its significance.Drills pupils on difficult words.
3/4Salah al-Jama’ah (congregational prayer)Pupils should be able to:Explanation and demonstration of Salah al-Jama’ah.Demonstrate how Salah al-Jama’ah is performed.Perform the prayer with the teacher as Imam.Mat, carpet rug
(1) Explain Salah al-Jama’ah.Conditions and significance of Salah al-Jama’ah.Explain the importance and practice of the prayer.Perform Salah al-Jama’ah individually and in groupsCongregational prayer in picture
5History of Prophet Muhammad from birth toPupils should be able to:Birth of the Prophet and early events.Narrate the story of his birth and experiences.Listen to the story. Identify social practices.Picture of Ka’bah, Nursing mother
the death of his mother(1) Narrate the story of his birth and early life.The role of his grandfather and uncle in his upbringing.Identify good treatment under his guardians.Identify religious practices.Angel picture, surgeon picture
6History of Prophet Muhammad under thePupils should be able to:Upbringing under his grandfather and uncle.Narrate the history of his guardians.Narrate the story of his upbringing.Grandfather/uncle relationship pictures
custody of his grandfather and his uncle(1) Mention the names of his grandfather and uncle.Role of his grandfather and uncle in his upbringing.Mention qualities of his guardians.Identify care received under them.
7Mid Term TestAssess understanding of covered topics.Topics covered so far.Conducts a midterm assessment.Participate in the midterm test.
8History of Prophet Muhammad, his marriagePupils should be able to:Marriage of Muhammad to Khadijah.Narrate the story of his marriage to Khadijah.Listen to the history. Mention key points.Obedient servant picture, sales pictures
to Khadijah(1) Narrate the marriage procedure of Muhammad to Khadijah.Details of their marriage.Narrate marriage procedure to the class.Narrate the marriage procedure.Mutual respect pictures
9Virtuous conducts in Islam: Meaning ofPupils should be able to:Meaning and importance of obedience and kindness.Guide pupils in demonstrating obedience.Mention reasons for obedience and kindness.Obedience and kindness pictures
obedience and kindness to people(1) Explain the meanings of obedience and kindness.People who should be obeyed and treated kindly.Demonstrate acts of obedience and kindness.Demonstrate acts of obedience and kindness.
10Virtuous conducts in Islam: Modesty andPupils should be able to:Meaning and importance of modesty.Narrate examples of modest acts.Identify reasons for being modest.Modesty and its importance pictures
its importance(1) Explain the meaning of modesty and its importance.Examples of modest acts.Demonstrate acts of modesty through role-play.Mention advantages of modesty.
14Revision of Term’s WorkReview and consolidate the term’s content.Topics covered in the term.Conducts a revision session for the term.Participate in the revision.

Throughout these terms, the Primary Two Islamic Studies curriculum remains committed to nurturing students’ moral character, Islamic knowledge, and spiritual growth. By intertwining practical examples, Quranic teachings, and stories of Prophets, the curriculum equips students with the tools to navigate life with integrity, compassion, and devotion. As students progress through these terms, they embark on a meaningful journey towards a deeper understanding of Islam’s teachings and their application in everyday life.

Read Also: Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 6

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