Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Islamic Studies scheme of work
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The Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1 is a comprehensive and well-structured curriculum designed to introduce young learners to the fundamental principles and teachings of Islam. This scheme of work spans three terms, covering a diverse range of topics aimed at nurturing the students’ understanding of Islamic beliefs, practices, and values. Throughout the academic year, students will progressively engage in interactive lessons that promote Quranic recitation, memorization of essential Surahs, learning about Allah’s mercies, the significance of daily prayers, the importance of the Adhan (call to prayer), and observing Islamic rules of conduct. Each term is carefully crafted to build upon the knowledge gained in the previous one, fostering a strong Islamic foundation while nurturing a love for the faith and its teachings. Through engaging activities, discussions, and practical demonstrations, the Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1 endeavours to instil in students a sense of spiritual growth, moral development, and a deeper connection with their faith.

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First Term Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

This Islamic Studies Scheme of Work is designed for Primary 1 students for the first term. It is a total of 13 weeks and covers essential topics to provide a strong foundation in Islamic knowledge. The scheme of work is divided into weekly topics and objectives, focusing on Arabic Alphabet pronunciation, Surah al-Fatihah recitation, the Six Articles of Faith, Cleanliness in Islam, attributes of Allah, Prophet Muhammad as the last prophet, and obedience to Allah.

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1Arabic AlphabetBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: <br> (1) Pronounce the letters of the alphabet up to sa’y (j)Teacher introduces letters boldly on the chalkboard, pronounces them, and guides pupils to recognize and identify.Pupils listen to teacher’s pronunciation, pronounce letters correctly, and identify taught letters.Cardboard with bold letters, Flash cards with letters, IT Devices
2Arabic AlphabetPronounce the letters from to IReview of previous week’s content.Pupils pronounce letters correctly, identify them, and write them down.Pronounce letters from w to I, identify letters, write them down.
3Arabic AlphabetPronounce the letters from toReview of previous week’s content.Pupils pronounce letters, identify them, and practice writing.Pronounce letters, identify them, write them correctly.
4Surah al-FatihahPupils should be able to recite Surah al-Fatihah correctly and understand its meaning.Teacher recites the Surah word by word, explains its meaning, and shares the circumstances for recitation.Pupils listen attentively, recite after the teacher collectively, and memorize the Surah.Glorious Qur’an copy, Recorded cassette, Flash cards, CD
5Articles of FaithPupils should be able to enumerate and understand the six articles of faith in Islam.Teacher discusses and explains the six articles of faith, their importance, and relevance in Islam.Pupils listen, read articles collectively and individually, and discuss advantages of faith.Cardboard with Articles of Faith, Flash cards
6Cleanliness in IslamPupils should be able to explain the need for cleanliness and its practices in Islam.Teacher discusses the importance of cleanliness, using Hadith and Qur’anic verses.Pupils listen, discuss cleanliness practices, and describe means for cleanliness.Pictures of cleanliness tools, e.g., water, soap, broom
7Mid – Term Exam & Break
8Attributes of AllahPupils should be able to enumerate four attributes of Allah and understand their significance.Teacher introduces four attributes and their Arabic names.Pupils listen, pronounce attributes, and understand their uniqueness.Cardboard with attributes of Allah
9Prophet MuhammadPupils should be able to explain Prophet Muhammad’s role and the Glorious Qur’an as the final guidance.Teacher discusses Prophet Muhammad’s role, his international message, and the Qur’an as final guidance.Pupils listen, understand Prophet’s role, and realize the importance of the Qur’an.Copy of the Glorious Qur’an, Chalkboard
10Obedience to AllahPupils should be able to explain the reasons for obedience to Allah and understand His blessings.Teacher emphasizes obedience to Allah and His blessings in various forms.Pupils listen, observe natural objects, and understand the importance of obedience.Copy of the Glorious Qur’an, Objects or pictures of Allah’s creations

Week 11: Revision

This week serves as a revision period for all the topics covered in the previous weeks, ensuring that students grasp the concepts well.

Week 12-13: Examination

The final two weeks are designated for examinations to assess students’ understanding and knowledge acquired throughout the term.

Second Term Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

The Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1 Second Term focuses on various aspects of Islamic education, aiming to instil essential knowledge and values in young learners. The term covers the recitation and memorization of Surah al-Nas and Surah al-Falaq, which are fundamental chapters of the Quran. Additionally, it introduces the concept of Allah as the sustainer (Al-Rabb) and teaches children how to perform al-Wudu’ (ablution) correctly. The scheme emphasizes the importance of obedience to parents and introduces the names and messages of the first five prophets of Allah. The term ends with a revision and examination to assess the students’ understanding and progress.

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1RevisionRefresh and consolidate previous term’s knowledge.Review concepts from the previous term’s curriculum.Pupils actively participate in reviewing previous term’s content.Chalkboard, class materials from previous term.
2Surah al-NasPupils should be able to: <br> (1) Recite Surah al-Nas correctly <br> (2) Memorise Surah al-Nas <br> (3) State the circumstances for reciting the surah.Teacher introduces Surah al-Nas, guides pupils in pronunciation, explains meaning, and mentions appropriate times to recite it.Pupils listen, repeat after the teacher, and practice recitation.Glorious Qur’an copy, Recorded cassettes, CD, etc.
3Surah al-FalaqPupils should be able to: <br> (1) Recite Surah al-Falaq correctly <br> (2) Memorise Surah al-Falaq <br> (3) State the circumstances for reciting the surah.Teacher introduces Surah al-Falaq, guides pupils in pronunciation, explains meaning, and mentions appropriate times to recite it.Pupils listen, repeat after the teacher, and practice recitation.Glorious Qur’an copy, Recorded cassettes, CD, MP, etc.
4Allah the sustainer (Al-Rabb)Pupils should be able to: <br> (1) Give examples of essential things provided by Allah for sustenance <br> (2) State that Allah is the sustainer of all creatures.Teacher explains the concept of sustenance, uses examples, and emphasizes Allah’s role as the sustainer.Pupils listen, observe growth of seeds under different conditions, and understand Allah’s provision.Seeds, seedlings, pots, water, pictures of Allah’s creations.
5How to perform al-Wudu’Pupils should be able to: <br> (1) Understand what al-Wudu’ is <br> (2) Explain the purpose of al-Wudu’ <br> (3) Demonstrate how to perform al-Wudu’.Teacher explains al-Wudu’ and its significance, demonstrates the steps, and guides pupils in practical application.Pupils listen, observe, and practice performing al-Wudu’.Clean kettle of water, hand washing basin, pictures of ablution process.
6Things that spoil al-Wudu’Pupils should be able to: <br> Enumerate factors that invalidate al-Wudu’.Teacher lists factors that break al-Wudu’, discusses each point, and explains the need for fresh ablution.Pupils listen, memorize the factors, and understand their importance.Pictures illustrating activities that break al-Wudu’.
7Mid Term TestAssess pupils’ understanding of term’s content so far.Conduct a midterm examination to gauge pupils’ comprehension and progress.Pupils take the midterm test.Test papers, examination environment.
8Name of the first five prophets of AllahPupils should be able to: <br> (1) Mention names of the first five prophets of Allah <br> (2) State the messages they carried.Teacher introduces the first five prophets, pronounces their names, discusses their messages, and emphasizes their roles.Pupils listen, repeat names, and understand significance of each prophet’s message.Cardboard with prophet names, examples of good and evil deeds.
9 & 10Obedience to ParentsPupils should be able to: <br> (1) Explain reasons for obeying parents <br> (2) State ways to show obedience to parents.Teacher discusses obedience to parents, reasons behind it, and ways to demonstrate respect and obedience.Pupils listen, engage in discussion, and practice respectful behavior.Glorious Qur’an, IT Devices.

Week 11: Revision

This week will be dedicated to revising all the topics covered during the term. It will help reinforce the concepts and ensure that students have a strong understanding of the material.

Week 12-13: Examination

The term will conclude with an examination to assess the students’ comprehension and knowledge. The examination will cover all the topics taught during the term.

Throughout the term, the scheme of work focuses on interactive and engaging methods of teaching Islamic studies. Practical demonstrations, observations, and discussions are used to ensure a holistic understanding of the subjects. The scheme encourages pupils to actively participate and engage with the content, making their learning experience meaningful and enjoyable. By the end of the term, students are expected to have a solid foundation in the recitation of Surahs, understanding Islamic practices, and demonstrating respect and obedience to their parents, teachers, and Allah.

Third Term Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 1

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1RevisionConsolidate previous term’s knowledge.Review concepts from the previous term’s curriculum.Pupils actively participate in reviewing previous term’s content.Chalkboard, class materials from previous term.
2Surah al-IkhlasPupils should be able to: <br> (1) Recite Surah al-Ikhlas correctly <br> (2) Memorize Surah al-Ikhlas <br> (3) State the circumstances for reciting the surah <br> (4) Understand that God is One.Teacher introduces Surah al-Ikhlas, guides pupils in pronunciation, explains meaning, and mentions appropriate times to recite it.Pupils listen, repeat after the teacher, and practice recitation.Glorious Qur’an copy, Recorded cassettes, CD, MP, etc.
3Allah the Beneficient and the MercifulPupils should be able to: <br> (1) Give examples of Allah’s mercies to creatures <br> (2) Explain that Islam is also a mercy of Allah to human beings.Teacher discusses Allah’s beneficence and mercy, provides examples (e.g., rain, sun, moon), and emphasizes Islam as a mercy.Pupils listen, engage in discussion, and understand Allah’s blessings and mercy.Pictures of sun, moon, stars, rivers, etc.
4The five daily salawatPupils should be able to: <br> (1) Mention names of the five daily salawat <br> (2) State the times of these salawat.Teacher introduces names of the five daily salawat, explains their significance, and clarifies the prayer times.Pupils listen, learn the names, and understand the prayer schedule.Mats or carpets, pictures of prayer stages.
5Pupils should be able to: <br> (1) Mention the number of raka’ah for each prayer <br> (2) Recognize that salah is an act of obedience to Allah.Description of the number of raka’ah for each prayer.Teacher demonstrates the prayer stages, invites pupils to participate, and explains the importance of salah.Pupils observe the demonstration and practice recitation.
6Al-AdhanPupils should be able to: <br> (1) Recite the text of al-Adhan <br> (2) State the time al-Adhan is said.Teacher recites al-Adhan, discusses its purpose, and explains the appropriate times for recitation.Pupils listen, repeat the Adhan, and understand its significance.Picture of person reciting al-Adhan, recorded cassette, CD, etc.
7Mid Term TestAssess pupils’ understanding of term’s content.Conduct a midterm examination to gauge pupils’ comprehension and progress.Pupils take the midterm test.Test papers, examination environment.
8Pupils should be able to: <br> (1) Explain why al-Adhan is said.Teacher discusses the purpose of al-Adhan, its role in alerting Muslims, and its importance.Pupils listen, engage in discussion, and understand the significance of al-Adhan.Pupils participate in discussions.
9 & 10Islamic Rules of ConductPupils should be able to: <br> (1) Demonstrate Islamic rules of conduct <br> (2) State reasons for observing these rules <br> (3) Understand the importance of greetings in Islam.Teacher explains Islamic conduct related to table manners, sneezing, greetings, etc.Pupils observe, discuss, and practice various aspects of Islamic conduct.Pictures depicting Islamic rules of conduct.

Week 11: Revision

Week 12 & 13: Examination
The last two weeks will be devoted to conducting examinations to assess the students’ understanding and retention of the topics taught throughout the term.

Read Also: Islamic Studies Scheme of Work for Primary 6

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