Basic Science Scheme of Work For Primary 1

Basic science
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The Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 1 in the third term aims to further enhance students’ understanding of living and non-living things. The term commences with a summary and revision of the second term’s work, reinforcing the foundation for the upcoming topics. The first weeks of the term focus on “Living Things,” where students are taught to identify themselves as living things and recognize other living things in their classroom and school environment. Visual aids such as pictures and charts are used to assist students in this process, and they are encouraged to independently explore their school surroundings to identify living things.

Following this, the focus shifts to “Living Things at Home.” Again, pictures and charts are utilized to guide students, and they are prompted to recognize at least five living things present in their home environment. The next topic introduces “Non-Living Things,” where students learn to identify non-living objects in the classroom, such as chairs, desks, books, and pencils. The use of visual aids helps students better understand the distinction between living and non-living things.

After a mid-term test to assess their progress, the students continue learning about non-living things, this time extending their understanding to non-living elements found both in the school and at home. Common non-living things such as water, soil, paper, and stones are introduced and taught using pictures, charts, and real-life examples.

The scheme of work concludes with revision sessions to consolidate the knowledge gained throughout the term. Students participate in interactive games and group discussions, addressing any remaining doubts or confusion. The term culminates with an examination to evaluate the students’ overall understanding and retention of the subject matter.

Throughout the term, a variety of teaching strategies are employed to create an engaging and interactive learning experience for the students. These strategies include the use of pictures, charts, practical activities, discussions, and assessments to cater to different learning styles and ensure a holistic understanding of the subject matter. By the end of the third term, students will have a solid foundation in the concepts of living and non-living things, equipping them with valuable knowledge for future learning and exploration.

Basic Science Scheme of Work For Primary 2

Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3

First Term Basic Science Scheme of Work For Primary 1

The Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 1 first term focuses on introducing young pupils to their immediate environment, teaching them to observe and identify various elements in and around their classroom, school, and home. The term begins with a study walk around the school premises and outside, encouraging students to make lists of things they observe. The scheme also covers topics related to soil, air, and water, helping pupils understand their significance and interdependence.

WeekModule/TopicPerformance ObjectivesContentsActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
1 – 2Exploring your EnvironmentPupils should be able to: (1) Observe and identify things in and around the classroom, school, and homeThings in and around the classroom, school, and homeTake pupils on a study walk around and outside the school. Encourage pupils to observe and list things in the homePupils observe and list things in the school environment
3Exploring your Environment(2) Identify types of roads around the school and roads outside the schoolTypes of roads within and outside the schoolGuide pupils to mention types of roadsList types of roads
4Exploring your Environment(3) Demonstrate walking along the road and crossing the road safelyWalking along the road and crossing the roadDemonstrate walking safely along the road and crossing the roadDemonstrate working safely along the road
5Soil, Air, and WaterPupils should be able to: (1) Identify other parts of their surroundings – Soil, air, and waterOther parts of the surrounding (e.g., soil, water, and air) – SoilGuide pupils to identify soil, air, and water as other components of the surroundingTouch and feel soil in the playground
6Soil, Air, and Water(1) Demonstrate that air existsAirDemonstrate the existence of air using paper or hand fanCreate air currents by blowing with the mouth or using a hand or paper fan
7Mid Term Test
8Soil, Air, and WaterPupils should be able to demonstrate that air occupies space using balloonsAirDemonstrate that air occupies space by inflating balloonsInflate balloons, polythene bags, nylon, etc.
9 – 10Soil, Air, and WaterList the common sources of waterWaterTake pupils on a tour of nearby water sourcesMention sources of water
12 – 13Examination

Second Term Basic Science Scheme of Work For Primary 1

The second term of Basic Science for Primary 1 students focuses on the identification of colors and their application in the context of road traffic lights and markings. The term begins with a summary and revision of the topics covered in the first term to ensure a strong foundation for further learning.

Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 4

Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 5

WeekModule/TopicPerformance ObjectivesContentsActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
1Summary and Revision of First Term’s Work
2-3Colour (Identification)Pupils should be able to: (1) Identify different colours (2) Collect materials of different coloursColours of objectsUse the colour chart to guide pupils in identifying coloursProvide pupils with different materials to identify various colours
4Colour (Identification)(3) Observe road traffic light and identify their coloursRoad traffic light signsDraw road traffic signs for pupils to observeObserve road traffic light signs
5 – 6Colour (Identification)(4) State the function of each road traffic light signFunctions of road traffic light signsTake pupils to observe various road traffic signs in their locationWatch the road traffic light signs as they change and the movement of vehicles
7Mid-Term Test
8-9Colour (Identification)(5) Identify road markings and their coloursRoad MarkingsSupervise pupils in drawing and painting road traffic signsDraw and paint road traffic signs (e.g., Zebra crossing)
10Summary and Revision

Third Term Basic Science Scheme of Work For Primary 1

The Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 1 in the third term focuses on building upon the knowledge acquired during the second term. The term begins with a summary and revision of the second term’s work, reinforcing the understanding of living and non-living things. The main topics covered in this term are “Living Things” and “Non-Living Things,” which are further subdivided into specific objectives.

Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 6

WeekModule/TopicPerformance ObjectivesContentsActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
1Summary and Revision of Second Term’s Work
2 – 3Living ThingsPupils should be able to: (i) Identify self as a living thing (ii) Identify other living things in the classroom and school environmentLiving Things in the school environmentUse pictures and charts to guide pupils in identifying living thingsGuide pupils to explore the school surroundings and identify living things themselves
4 – 5Living ThingsIdentify other living things at homeLiving Things in the homeUse pictures and charts to guide pupils in identifying living things at homeIdentify other things as living things in the home
6Non-Living ThingsPupils should be able to identify non-living things in the classroomNon-living things in the classroomUse pictures and charts to identify non-living things in the classroomIdentify non-living things in the classroom
7Mid-Term Test
8 – 9Non-Living ThingsPupils should be able to identify non-living things in the school and at homeNon-living things in the schoolUse pictures and charts to identify non-living things in the school and at homeIdentify non-living things in the school compound
10Summary and Revision

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