Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Basic science
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The Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3 covers various topics related to measurement, water quality, wind, soil, plants, and animals. The scheme is designed to engage students in hands-on activities and discussions to develop their understanding of these scientific concepts. The scheme is divided into three terms, with each term focusing on different topics and objectives. Below is a plagiarism-free summary of the scheme.

First Term Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3

During the first term, the students will learn about measurement of length, mass, and time. The objectives are to familiarize students with instruments used for measuring length and mass, introduce them to metric units, and teach them how to read time.

Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Basic Science Scheme of Work For Primary 2

WeekMODULE/TOPICPERFORMANCE OBJECTIVESContentsActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
1-2Measurement of Length and MassPupils should be able to:Instruments for measuring length, Units of lengthUse charts and instruments to teach metric units of lengthTape rule, Meter rule, Objects in the classroom
(Length)Measure length of objects, record measurementsLever arm balance, Pencil, Eraser
3-4Measurement of Length and MassPupils should be able to:Instruments for measuring mass, Units of massRecord their weights, estimate masses, discuss instrumentsWeighing scale, Lever-arm balance, Pencil
(Mass)Estimate mass of objects using balanceObjects in the classroom
5-6Measurement of TimePupils should be able to:Instruments for measuring time, Units of timeUse charts to teach reading time, perform tasks within timeChart with clock faces, Wall clock, Stop watch
7MID-TERM TESTConduct a mid-term test
8-9SoilPupils should be able to mentionImportance of soilMention soil importance, visit garden, workshopSchool garden, Chart on soil uses
importance of soil to plantsMedium for plant growth, Sources of nutrientsObserve soil’s importance in workshop, garden
10-11SoilPupils should be able to mentionImportance of soil to animalsObserve soil’s role in human activities, discussVarious items made from soil
importance of soil to animalsSurface for human activitiesIdentify soil-made things, discuss environmental roleChart on soil uses to animals
12-13EXAMINATIONConduct end-of-term examination

Second Term Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3

The second term introduces the concept of wind, water quality, and the uses of water. Students will learn about the meaning and effects of wind, its importance, and how air can do work. Activities involve discussing windy experiences and creating paper kites and balloons to understand wind’s effects.

The focus then shifts to water quality, where students will learn about the qualities of good water and substances that contaminate water. They will identify different types of water and learn to distinguish between clean and contaminated water through activities and discussions.

The scheme continues with exploring the common uses of water. Students will identify and discuss the various ways water is utilized, from domestic to industrial purposes.

Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 4

Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 5

WeekMODULE/TOPICPERFORMANCE OBJECTIVESContentsActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
1REVISIONConduct revision activities
2-3MotionPupils should be able to:Meaning of wind, EffectsDiscuss wind’s meaning, make and fly kitesPaper, balloons, chart
Importance of airExplain air’s ability to do work, fly balloonsPieces of paper, feathers
4MotionPupils should be able to explainHarmful effects of airDisplay sneezing, coughing, discuss harmPictures, class discussion
harmful effects of aircaused by air, guide discussion
5Quality and uses of waterPupils should be able to listWater qualityProvide samples, clean, dirty, muddy waterDifferent water samples
qualities of good waterDistinguish water qualities, discuss
6Quality and uses of waterPupils should be able to identifySubstances that contaminateObserve contaminated water, identifyContaminated water, substances
substances that contaminate waterwater, purificationcontaminating substances, discuss
7MID-TERM TESTConduct a mid-term test
8Quality and uses of waterPupils should be able to stateDangers of drinking bad waterShow samples, discuss dangersSamples of contaminated water
dangers of drinking bad watercaused by drinking bad waterDust, urine samples
9Quality and uses of waterPupils should be able to mentionWays of purifying waterGuide pupils, explain water purificationContaminated water, alum
ways of purifying waterDiscuss water purification methodsCloth, stove
10Quality and uses of waterPupils should be able to listCommon uses of waterDiscuss common uses of waterChart of water uses
common uses of waterIdentify various water uses
11Quality and uses of waterPupils should be able to:Reasons for packaging waterShow samples, discuss packaging reasonsSamples of packaged water
Types of packaged waterIdentify types and features of packaging
Features of safe packagedDiscuss safety features of packaging
12-13EXAMINATIONConduct end-of-term examination

Third Term Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3

The third term delves into the world of plants and animals. Students will observe and list features and characteristics of plants, identifying them as living things. Activities include nature walks to observe plants in their localities, followed by discussions about the characteristics they exhibit.

Similarly, the students will observe animals and learn about their features, characteristics, and classification as living things. Nature walks will help them identify these traits in animals found in their local environment.

Throughout the scheme, there are periodic assessments to evaluate the students’ understanding of the concepts taught. The students will be required to participate in discussions, observe natural phenomena, and engage in hands-on activities to reinforce their learning.

Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 6

WeekMODULE/TOPICPERFORMANCE OBJECTIVESContentsActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
1REVISIONConduct revision activities
2-3PlantsPupils should be able to observePlant as living thingsTake nature walk, observe plants’ featuresSpecimen of plants
and list features andDiscuss observed plant characteristicsLocal plant samples
characteristics of plants
4-6PlantsPupils should be able to givePlants as living thingsTake nature walk, explain growth, irritabilitySpecimen of plants
reasons why plants are livingand reproduction, identify living traitsLocal plant samples
7MID-TERM TESTConduct a mid-term test
8-9AnimalsPupils should be able to giveObserving features of animalsTake nature walk, observe animals’ traitsSpecimen of animals
reasons why animals are livingDiscuss observed animal characteristicsLocal animal samples
10-11AnimalsPupils should be able to giveAnimals as living thingsTake nature walk, identify animal traitsSpecimen of animals
reasons why animals are livingDiscuss characteristics of living animalsLocal animal samples
12-13EXAMINATIONConduct end-of-term examination

The Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3 provides a comprehensive and engaging approach to teaching foundational scientific concepts. Through practical activities, discussions, and observations, students will develop an understanding of measurement, wind, water quality, plant and animal characteristics, and the uses of water. The scheme’s structured approach ensures a thorough exploration of these topics, fostering curiosity and scientific thinking in young learners.

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