Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 4

Basic science
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The educational landscape is constantly evolving, driven by a deep-seated commitment to fostering knowledge and critical thinking among young learners. One such endeavour is the development of the Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 4. This meticulously designed curriculum aims to nurture students’ understanding of fundamental scientific concepts while encouraging hands-on engagement, discussions, and critical thinking.

First Term Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 4

The first term of the Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 4 kicks off with the module “Changes in Nature.” In this module, students are introduced to the concept of change and its manifestations in the world around them. The performance objectives for this module are multifaceted, encompassing the ability to define change, identify changes in the environment, differentiate between temporary and permanent changes, and provide examples of each type of change. To achieve these objectives, students embark on a journey of exploration, observation, and discussion.

Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 1

Basic Science Scheme of Work For Primary 2

1-2Changes in NaturePupils should be able to:– Meaning of change– Guides pupils to state the meaning of change– A poster showing changes occurring in school and home surroundings– State the meaning of change
– Mention the changes they observe– Uses posters to initiate and guide class discussion– Immediate school surrounding– Mention changes they observe
– State differences between temporary– Carries out class demonstrations to distinguish between temporary and permanent changes– Water– State differences between temporary and permanent changes
and permanent changes– Writes notes on chalkboard based on activities– Nails– Give examples of temporary and permanent changes
– Give examples of temporary and– Candle
permanent changes– Matches
– Wood
– Piece of paper
– Container
– Pieces of cloth
3Our WeatherPupils should be able to state– Meaning of Weather– States the meaning of weather– Chart showing the weather conditions– State the meaning of weather
the meaning of weather– Participate in class discussion and group activities
4Our WeatherPupils should be able to:– Factors affecting weather– Guides pupils to discuss factors affecting weather– Chart showing the weather conditions– List two factors affecting the weather
– Relate weather conditions to changes– Participate in class discussion and group activities– Describe the effect of changes in the factors
in these factors
5Our WeatherPupils should be able to:– Name the standard weather instruments– Provides pictures of standard instruments– Chart showing the weather instruments– Name the standard weather instruments
– Improvise simple weather instruments– Arranges a unit to a meteorological station– Various sizes of cans, sheet of metal, thermometer– Improvise simple weather instruments (wind vane)
6Our WeatherPupils should be able to:– Identify and write simple weather symbols– Uses chart to guide pupils to identify and draw weather symbols– Chart showing the weather symbols– Identify and write simple weather symbols
– Observe weather changes over a period– Guide pupils to make weather observations and records– Cardboard papers, coloured pencils– Observe weather changes over a period
of about three weeks– Crayons
8-9Safety in OurPupils should be able to:– Meaning of safety and right to life– Guides pupils to discuss ways of keeping safe– Road sign chart– State the meaning of safety
Environment– List ways of keeping safe at:– Participate in class discussion– List ways of keeping safe at:
– Home – School – On the road– Home – School
10Safety in OurPupils should be able to list– Simple safety devices– Guides pupils to list simple safety devices– Safety devices– List at least three safety devices
Environmentat least three safety devices– Participate in class discussion– Chart / Pictures
– Fire Extinguisher
– Net (e.g. Insecticide treated net)
– Shoe
– Water
– Sand bucket

Second Term Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 4

As the second term unfolds, the curriculum shifts its focus to the intriguing realm of “Changes in Plants and Animals.” This module is designed to foster an understanding of the changes that occur in the natural world, particularly in the lives of plants and animals. Students embark on a journey of observation, exploration, and classification.

The performance objectives of this module include observing and describing changes in plants, identifying the young ones of various animals, and understanding their life cycles. Through hands-on activities, students gain insights into the growth patterns of plants. They observe changes such as leaf fall and the flowering of plants, noting how these changes are influenced by environmental factors.

Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 3

Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 5

2-3Changes in Plants and AnimalsPupils should be able to:– Observe and describe changes in plants– Guides pupils to observe changes in a growing plant and record them– Bean seeds– Observe and describe changes in plants
– Record the changes observed– Initiate and guide discussion on other changes in plants– Glass jars, Water– Record changes observed
4-6Changes in Plants and AnimalsPupils should be able to:– Observe and describe changes in different animals– Guide pupils to identify and name the young ones of animals– A chart on the life cycle of some insects– Give the names of young ones of animals
– Initiate class discussion on life cycle of insects– Specimens of young ones of some animals– Identify and name young ones of animals
8-9Human Body (The Mouth)Pupils should be able to:– Name the types of teeth in the mouth– Show pupils the types of teeth and guide discussion on uses– Chart of human teeth– Name types of teeth in the mouth
– Locate the relative positions of teeth– Participate in class discussion– Model of the mouth– Locate positions of teeth in the mouth
in the mouth
10Human Body (The Mouth)Pupils should be able to:– State the role of the tongue in feeding– Initiate and guide class discussions– Diagram of the lips, Picture of tongue– State the role of the tongue in feeding
11Human Body (The Mouth)Pupils should be able to:– State the role of the lips in feeding– Initiate and guide class discussions– Diagram of the lips, Model of the mouth– State the role of the lips in feeding

Third Term Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 4

The third term of the curriculum shines a spotlight on “Water” and the captivating concept of the “Water Cycle.” Students are introduced to the different states of water and the processes that drive its transformations. The performance objectives include identifying pure water, observing the evaporation and condensation processes, and understanding the water cycle.

Through hands-on activities and discussions, students explore the properties of water. They learn to differentiate pure water from other liquids by observing their color, taste, and odor. This activity fosters keen observation skills and a scientific mindset among young learners.

Basic Science scheme of work for Primary 6

2WaterPupils should be able to:– Identify pure water as a liquid– Differentiate water from other liquids– Water, Containers– Identify pure water as a liquid
with no colour, taste, and odour– Observe water and other liquids
3WaterPupils should be able to:– Observe that heated water can– Demonstrate evaporation– Source of heat, Covered pot– Observe heated water evaporate
disappear as steam
4WaterPupils should be able to:– Observe that steam can change– Demonstrate condensation– Cool flat surface / pot– Observe steam condense
back to water
5WaterPupils should be able to:– Observe that water can change– Present ice blocks and explain frozen water– Ice block– Observe ice blocks and understand
to ice (solid)
6Water CyclePupils should be able to:– Make a chart of water cycle– Lead class discussion on drying up of streams– Chart of water cycle– Make a chart of water cycle
8Water CyclePupils should be able to:– State relationships between– Lead class discussion on rain formation– Chart of water cycle, Clouds– Describe relationships between rain
formation of rain and water cycleformation and water cycle
10Meaning LiquidsPupils should be able to:– Measure amounts of liquids– Provide pupils with measuring instruments– Measuring cylinders, Jars– Measure liquids accurately
accurately using graduated– Guide pupils to take accurate measurements– Rulers, Pens, Containers
measuring instruments– Initiate discussion on metric units– Empty jam jars
– Strips of paper, Notebooks

The Basic Science Scheme of Work for Primary 4 is a thoughtfully designed curriculum that nurtures young minds and fosters a deep appreciation for the natural world. Through interactive activities, discussions, and hands-on experiences, students engage with scientific concepts in a meaningful way. Whether they are observing changes in their environment, exploring the intricate processes of weather and water, or delving into the fascinating life cycles of plants and animals, students are empowered to become curious, critical thinkers. This curriculum not only imparts scientific knowledge but also instills a lifelong love for learning and exploration. As students progress through these modules, they embark on a journey of discovery, inquiry, and understanding, setting the stage for a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and scientific inquiry.

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