Physical Development Scheme of Work for Nursery 1 (Age 3)

Physical Development Scheme of Work for Nursery
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Physical development is a crucial aspect of a child’s growth and overall well-being. In Nursery 1, children are at the tender age of three, and their physical development plays a vital role in shaping their motor skills, coordination, and overall physical capabilities. The Physical Development Scheme of Work for Nursery 1 is designed to provide a carefully structured and age-appropriate plan to foster the children’s physical growth and abilities in a fun and engaging manner.


The scheme aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Develop gross motor skills: Through various activities such as running, jumping, hopping, and throwing, the children will enhance their large muscle movements and overall physical coordination.
  2. Enhance hand-eye coordination: Activities like sand play and ball games will help the children improve their hand-eye coordination, which is essential for fine motor skills development.
  3. Foster creativity and imagination: Creative rhymes and movement games will encourage the children to express themselves physically, stimulating their imagination and creativity.
  4. Encourage communication and collaboration: Group activities and games will promote communication and collaboration among the children, fostering social skills and teamwork.


The Physical Development Scheme of Work for Nursery 1 adopts a child-centred and play-based approach. The activities are carefully selected to align with the children’s developmental needs and interests, ensuring an enjoyable and engaging learning experience. Play is at the heart of this scheme as it is through play that young children learn best.

Learning Activities

The scheme includes a variety of learning activities that cater to different physical aspects of development. From creative rhymes with joyful movements to sand play and colour run games, each activity is designed to provide specific benefits to the children’s physical growth.

Safety Measures

The scheme emphasizes the importance of safety during physical activities. Teachers are instructed to provide a safe play environment and supervise the children closely during movement games and outdoor activities. Additionally, the children are reminded to wash their hands immediately after each activity to maintain good hygiene.

Learning Resources

To enrich the learning experience, the scheme includes a list of web links and video resources that teachers can use to support their lessons. These resources offer ideas, tips, and inspiration for creating dynamic and engaging physical development sessions.


While the scheme does not mention formal assessments for Nursery 1 children, continuous observation and informal assessment of the children’s progress are essential. Teachers can use observation checklists and anecdotal records to understand each child’s physical development and identify areas that may need additional support or focus.

First Term Physical Development Scheme of Work for Nursery 1

in tabular form:

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesHealth TipsEmbedded Core SkillsCross Curricular LinkLearning ResourcesInstructional Materials
1Introduction to SelfThe pupils are expected to: Talk about self; Identify parts of their body– Pupils are taught how to touch/identify the parts of their bodyEncourage pupils to wash hands after activitiesCreativity and Imagination; Communication and Collaboration; Digital literacyLiteracy; Science; Number workWeb links, Video links, Whistle, Charts, Colouring pictures, Music, Space to playDrum, beat music, Space to play
2Balancing (Walking on Straight Line)The pupils are expected to: Walk on a straight line to control their body; Develop body balancing equilibrium– Pupils walk on a line in a normal manner while maintaining distance from the person in frontEncourage pupils to wash hands after activitiesCore skills; Creativity and Imagination; Digital literacyNumber work; Letter work; ScienceWeb links, Video links, Whistle, Baskets, Split ball, Music, Chart, Board, Posters, Television, Space to playColoured face, A straight line
3Catching the BubblesThe pupils are expected to: Blow bubbles in different directions; Catch and chase bubbles using different body parts– Pupils catch and chase bubbles in the air; Run, catch, reach, and pop bubbles while playing with peersEncourage pupils to wash hands after activitiesDigital literacy; Collaboration and Communication; Creativity and ImaginationNumeracy and Thinking Strategy; Literacy and Language; Science; ActivitiesWeb links, Video links, Soap, Water, Bubbles stick, Bubbles toy, Science or Whistle, Rainbow, HoseWhistle, Rainbows
4Playing with Balls/Ball Games (Catching and Throwing)The pupils are expected to: Play with soft balls by catching and throwing to each other– Pupils demonstrate throwing and catching skills; Pupils throw and catch balls to each other in pairsEncourage pupils to wash hands after activitiesDigital literacy; Collaboration and Communication; Creativity and ImaginationNumber work; Social habit; ScienceWeb links, Video links, Baskets, Balls, Video tapes, Chart, Board, Posters, Television, Whistle, MusicBaskets, Balls
5Ball Game (Picking the Ball)The pupils are expected to: Practice picking up balls and throwing into a basket or box; Identify colors of each ball– Pupils pick up balls and throw into a basket or box; Pupils pick balls of different colors and drop them into different basketsEncourage pupils to wash hands after activitiesDigital literacy; Collaboration and Communication; Creativity and ImaginationNumeracy; Science; Social habitWeb links, Video links, Light weight, Basket, Cone, Whistle, A large box, Open placeBasket, Cone
6Mid Term BreakEncourage pupils to wash hands regularlyCore Skills
7Athletics 25m DashThe pupils are expected to: Run a straight line within a short distance– Pupils run on a straight line within a short distanceEncourage pupils to wash hands after activitiesDigital literacy; Collaboration and Communication; Creativity and ImaginationNumeracy; Science; Social habitWeb links, Video links, Whistle, Stop watch, Canvas, Spike shoe, Music, Field, Space to playWhistle, Stop watch
8Water PlayThe pupils are expected to: Engage in water play to develop eye/hand coordination– Pupils play with waterEncourage pupils to wash hands after activitiesDigital literacy; Collaboration and Communication; Creativity and ImaginationNumeracy; Science; Social habitWeb links, Video links, Toys of different colors, Colour song, Traffic song, Egg carton, Bottles, Match strokesToys of different colors, Egg carton
9Colour Matching CavesThe pupils are expected to: Match, combine, and sort colors to make simple color batches– Pupils create colored cards from colorful cardboards; Pupils recite rhymes on primary colors; Pupils make color matching and sorting with energy boxEncourage pupils to wash hands after activitiesDigital literacy; Collaboration and Communication; Creativity and ImaginationNumeracy; Science; Social habitWeb links, Video links, Toys of different colors, Colour song, Traffic song, Egg carton, Bottles, Match strokesToys of different colors, Egg carton
10RevisionEncourage pupils to wash hands after activitiesCore Skills
11-12ExaminationEncourage pupils to wash hands after activitiesCore Skills

Note: The scheme of work covers various topics related to physical development, such as body parts identification, balancing, catching and throwing, running, and water play. Each week includes specific learning objectives, learning activities, health tips, and the core skills that will be developed. Additionally, cross-curricular links and learning resources are provided for further exploration and reinforcement of the topics.

Second Term Physical Development Scheme of Work for Nursery 1

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1Revision of First Term
2Twisting of the Body– Twist the body in a simple exercise– Demonstrate twisting in a simple exercise– Critical thinking and problem-solving – Digital literacy – Collaboration and communication– Web links: – – – – Instructional materials: – Open space or field – Whistle – Charts – Video clips – Mats
3Safety at School– Discuss safety tips with teachers– Solve cooperative problems using different safety activities– Digital literacy – Collaboration and communication – Creativity and imagination– Web links: – – –
4Safety Walk at School– Walk around the school– Identify and count safety items– Collaboration and communication – Creativity and imagination– Web links: – – –
5Our Environment– Recognize different types of environment– Perform easy environment activities in the school– Creativity and imagination – Communication and collaboration – Digital literacy– Web links: – – –
6Mid Term Break
7Ball Games (Keep the Balloon Moving)– Keep the balloon in the air without touching the ground – Identify the color of the balloon– Play with balloons in small groups– Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination – Collaboration and communication– Web links: – – – – Instructional materials: – Balloons – Feathers – Balloon pump – Cups – Pictures of balloon – Music – Charts – Flashcards
8Block Building Game– Match building blocks to shapes and colours– Web links: – – – – Instructional materials: – Soft toy blocks of different shapes and colours – Wooden blocks – Cardboard – Worksheet – Free safe space to play– Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination – Collaboration and communication– Web links: – – – – Video links: – – little sports – nuffieldhealth
9Physical Coordination Exercise– Perform physical coordination exercises– Play “Simon Says” with physical activities such as hopping, jumping, etc.– Digital literacy – Creativity and imagination – Collaboration and communication– Web links: – – – – Video links: – – little sports – Nuffield health

Note: The scheme of work is organized into weeks, with each week covering a specific topic and learning objectives. The learning activities, embedded core skills, and learning resources are provided for each week to support teaching and learning. The scheme includes topics such as body twisting, safety at school, environmental awareness, ball games, block building, physical coordination exercises, and revision/examinations.

Third Term Physical Development Scheme of Work for Nursery 1

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsMovement BenefitsHealth TipsLearning ResourcesInstructional Materials
1Revision of 2nd Term’s– Pupils mould sand in groups outdoors.– Teacher leads class in revisiting topics covered in the 2nd term.Digital literacyN/AN/AVideo Links: https://activeforlife.comN/A
2Creative Rhyme (Movement)– Create movement through joyful music– Pupils run on the spot in groups with the help of music.Creativity and ImaginationDevelop gross motor skills, hand-eye coordinationWash hands after each activityVideo Links:, https://www.atlasmission.comMusic, Pictures, Whistle, Open space
3Sand Play (Physical Development)– Explore the environment using sand for play– Explore mixing primary coloursDigital literacy, Creativity, Imagination, Communication, CollaborationDevelop gross motor skills, hand-eye coordinationWash hands after each activityWeb Links:,, https://learning4kids.netSand tray, Space, Whistle, Charts, Pictures, Plastics bottle tops
4Colour Run Games– Pupils mix primary colours to form other colors.– Perform fun games with the instructorDigital literacy, Creativity, Imagination, Communication, CollaborationDevelop gross motor skills, hand-eye coordinationWash hands after playWeb Links:, https://playteachrepeat.comChart, Marker, Open space of field, Whistle, Stopwatch
5Tape Jumping Games– Jump over tape lines– Pupils jump as far as they can on taped lines.Digital literacy, Creativity, Imagination, Communication, CollaborationDevelop gross motor skills, hand-eye coordinationWash hands after each activityWeb Links:,, https://pininterest.comOpen space, Chart, Pictures, Flash cards, Masking tape
6Mid-Term BreakN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
7Indoors Throwing Activities– Throw balls into baskets– Pupils crush newspaper into balls and throw them into baskets.Digital literacy, Creativity, Imagination, Communication, CollaborationDevelop gross motor skills, hand-eye coordinationWash hands after each activityWeb Links: https;//>blog,,, https://pininterest.comNewspaper, Big basket, Soft ball, Bean bags, Feathers, Scarf
8Run Exercise– Perform fun games with instructor– Pupils perform simple fun games in groups, such as hopping like a frog or jogging in place.Digital literacy, Creativity, Imagination, Communication, CollaborationDevelop gross motor skills, hand-eye coordinationWash hands after each activityWeb Links:, https://www.mommypoppings.comN/A
9-10Indoor Games– Demonstrate ways of using softballs and volleyballs– Pupils play indoors using soft foam balls for volleyball or catch.Digital literacy, Creativity, Imagination, Communication, CollaborationDevelop gross motor skills, hand-eye coordinationWash hands after each activityWeb Links:,, https://unicefkidpower.orgMusic, Volleyball, Balloon, Whistle, Safe play area
10-11Revision– Review content from the term– Teacher leads class in revising the topics covered in the term.Digital literacyN/AN/AN/AN/A
12-13Examinations– Assess pupils’ understanding of the term’s content– Pupils take examinations to evaluate their knowledge and skills.Digital literacyN/AN/AN/AN/A

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