Health Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 1 (Age 3)

Health Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery
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As parents and educators, we all strive to give our children the best start in life, and one fundamental aspect of their well-being is fostering healthy habits from a young age. Health habits not only promote physical well-being but also contribute to emotional and mental development, laying the foundation for a healthier and happier future. To support this essential aspect of early childhood education, we are delighted to introduce the “Health Habits Scheme of Work” for Nursery 1.

Why Health Habits Matter in Early Childhood

The early years of a child’s life are a critical time for learning and growth. It is during this time that their brains develop rapidly, and their behavior patterns are established. By instilling positive health habits early on, we can empower our young ones to make better choices and embrace a lifestyle that promotes overall well-being. From personal hygiene and sanitation practices to understanding the importance of a balanced diet, these health habits pave the way for a healthier, happier, and more successful life.

The Objectives of the Health Habits Scheme of Work

The Health Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 1 has been thoughtfully designed to cater to the specific needs and interests of young children, aged 3 years. The primary objectives of this scheme are as follows:

1. Promote Self-awareness: Through engaging and interactive activities, we aim to help children recognize their bodies, understand their basic needs, and develop a sense of personal responsibility for their well-being.

2. Foster Cleanliness and Hygiene: Teaching young children about good hygiene practices, such as handwashing and maintaining a clean environment, will not only keep them healthier but also prevent the spread of illnesses.

3. Encourage Healthy Eating Habits: We strive to introduce children to a variety of nutritious foods and emphasize the importance of a balanced diet in supporting their growth and development.

4. Develop Positive Physical Activity: Through fun and age-appropriate exercises, we seek to instill a love for physical activity, which will contribute to their physical development and overall health.

5. Cultivate Emotional Well-being: By incorporating activities that promote emotional expression and coping skills, we aim to help children manage their emotions in a positive and healthy way.

How the Scheme of Work is Structured

The Health Habits Scheme of Work is divided into carefully planned weekly lessons, each focusing on specific health aspects suitable for Nursery 1 children. From revising previous topics to exploring the meaning of sanitation, pests control, and community hygiene, each lesson is engaging and designed to keep children actively involved in their learning journey.

Our approach to teaching health habits centers around interactive activities, visual aids, and the integration of core skills such as communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving. By creating a stimulating learning environment, we ensure that children are enthusiastic participants in their own health education.

Empowering Children for a Healthier Future

As parents and educators, we understand the profound impact of instilling healthy habits in children from an early age. The Health Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 1 provides the stepping stones for creating a solid foundation for lifelong well-being. By nurturing positive health habits, we are empowering our little ones to make informed decisions, prioritize their health, and embrace a life of vitality and happiness.

Through this scheme, we hope to embark on a journey of learning, growth, and discovery, as we guide our children towards becoming healthy, happy, and confident individuals.

Let’s join hands in cultivating health habits and nurturing a generation of well-rounded and thriving young minds!

First Term Health Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 1

WeekTopicLearning ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1Personal Hygiene: Care for the Body 1– Mention parts of the body (e.g., head, mouth, ears, etc.)– Pupils in pairs identify body partsCommunication and CollaborationAudio Visual Resources
– Discuss personal hygiene– Pupils sing songs on body partsPictures/Charts, Dolls, Comb, Lotion, etc.
2Personal Hygiene: Care for the Body 2– List and discuss consequences of neglecting body care (e.g., germs, rashes)– Pupils demonstrate brushing techniques in pairsCommunication and CollaborationAudio Visual Resources, Water, Sponge, etc.
– Discuss good oral hygiene– Class sings songs on oral hygieneToothbrush, Toothpaste, Towel, Pictures/Charts
3Personal Hygiene: Toilet Uses– State types of toilets (e.g., pit, water closet, potty)– Pupils in pairs identify and locate toilets in school premisesPersonal Development and CommunicationAudio Visual Resources, Toilet Paper, Soap, etc.
– Mention uses of toilets (e.g., urinate, defecate)– Pupils in groups discuss how to use different types of toiletsPictures/Photos, Disinfectants, Potty, etc.
4Toilet Habits– Mention items found in the toilet (e.g., tissue paper, soap)– Pupils in pairs demonstrate proper toilet habitsPersonal Development and CollaborationAudio Visual Resources, Tissue Paper, etc.
– Pupils practice flushing toilets, washing hands, and proper tissue disposalTissue Paper, Disinfectants, Basin, Pictures/Charts
5Good Health Habits– Explain the meaning of good health habits– Pupils recite health tips and exercise togetherPersonal Development and CollaborationAudio Visual Resources, Water, Fruit Chart
– Mention ways to maintain good health habits (e.g., eating balanced diet)– Pupils observe “a fruit-a-day” in schoolWebsite Resource:
7Bad Health Habits– Give the meaning of bad habits (e.g., gossiping, stealing)– Pupils in pairs recite examples of bad habits from posters/chartsCommunication and CollaborationAudio Visual Resources, Posters/Charts, etc.
– Class discussion on bad habits common in the classroomWebsite Resource:
8Safety Rules– Explain the meaning of safety rules– Pupils in pairs demonstrate road-crossing and stranger alertCritical Thinking and Problem SolvingAudio Visual Resources, Electrical Cables, etc.
– List and discuss safety rules for children (e.g., avoiding sharp objects)Website Resource:
9Safety Rules (Contd)– Explain the meaning of safety rules (continued)– Pupils watch cartoon/video clips relating to danger and stranger alertCitizenshipPictures/Charts, Gum, Markers, etc.
– List and discuss safety rules for children (continued)Website Resource:
11Revision– Review and revise the topics covered in the previous weeks
12-13Examination– Conduct the final examination

Second Term Term Health Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 1

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1RevisionRecall the last term’s topic through revision, with the aid of the teacher– Pupils revise the last term’s topic with the help of the teacher.Communication and CollaborationAudiovisual Resources: Toys, charts, pictures, books, and video clips
Attempt questions given by the teacher correctly to assess their level of understanding– Pupils individually attempt the questions given and proffer correct answers.Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
2ImmunizationExplain the meaning of immunization– Pupils in small groups identify pictures/photographs/posters/charts showing immunization programs.Personal Development and CollaborationAudiovisual Resources: Syringe, cotton wool, methylated spirit, photographs, etc.
Identify the benefits of immunization– Pupils in pairs search the internet for videos showing babies/children receiving immunization.Digital LiteracyWebsite Resource:
3Disease: IllnessGive a simple meaning of disease– Pupils as a class relate each part of their body to common illnesses.Personal Development and CommunicationAudiovisual Resources: Charts, posters, pictures, magazine cuttings, etc.
State examples of common diseases among children– Recite the ABC of diseases, linking each letter with a common disease.
4Toilet HabitsMention some items found in the toilet– Pupils in pairs demonstrate how to clean up after using the toilet and more.Personal Development and CollaborationAudiovisual Resources: Toilet, tissue paper, disinfectants, etc.
5Good Health HabitsExplain the simple meaning of good health habits– Pupils as a class recite health tips and engage in exercises.Personal Development and CollaborationAudiovisual Resources: Water, fruit chart, etc.
Mention ways of maintaining good personal health habits– Pupils observe “a fruit-a-day” in the school and recite the ABC of fruits.Website Resource:
6Mid Term Break
7Bad Health HabitsGive a simple meaning of bad habits– Pupils in pairs recite examples of bad habits from posters/charts.Communication and CollaborationAudiovisual Resources: Posters/charts, flashcards, newspaper cuttings, etc.
List examples of bad habits common in the classroom– Pupils as a class discuss bad habits common in the classroom.Website Resource:
8Safety RulesExplain the meaning of safety rules– Pupils in pairs demonstrate proper road crossing and stranger alert procedures.Critical Thinking and Problem SolvingAudiovisual Resources: Electrical cables, sockets, lighters, etc.
List and discuss some safety rules a child needs to keepWebsite Resource:
9Safety Rules (Contd)Explain the meaning of safety rules– Pupils watch cartoon/video clips related to danger and stranger alerts.CitizenshipAudiovisual Resources: Pictures/charts, cardboard, gum, etc.
List and discuss some safety rules a child needs to keepWebsite Resource:

Third Term Health Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 1

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1Revision of 2nd Term– Recall the last term’s TOPIC through revision, with the aid of the teacher– Pupils revise the last term’s TOPIC with the help of the teacher.– Communication and collaboration– Audio-visual resources
Work– Attempt questions given by the teacher correctly to assess their understanding of the last term’s work– Pupils individually attempt the questions given and proffer correct answers.– Critical thinking and problem-solving– Water, basin, buckets, cups, broom, rake, charts, towels, etc.
– Leadership and personal development– Alum, chlorine, disinfectants, Izal, scrubbing brush, etc.
– Scheme of Work, Course Book, online information
2Sanitation I– Explain the meaning of sanitation– Pupils take a short trip around the school compound and participate in a sanitation exercise in their classroom.– Personal development and collaboration– Posters/charts on waste trucks
– State places where general sanitation can take place– Pupils individually dispose of refuse in a trash can.– Trash can, broom, parker, mop, hand gloves, etc.
– Mention some materials that can be used for sanitation– Sweeping and mopping a limited area in the classroom.– Disinfectant, soap, water, face mask
3Sanitation II– Mention the agency in charge of sanitation in Lagos State (LAWMA – Lagos State Waste Management Authority)– Pupils participate in a sanitation exercise in the school environment.– Personal development and digital literacy– Pictures/photographs/charts showing different insects
– State general guidelines on cleanliness– Watch videos on proper disposal of water.– Newspaper clippings, television (Discovery channel)
4Pests– Mention some examples of pests– Pupils observe pictures and charts of different insects.– Personal development and collaboration– Chart on insects, plastercine
– Give a simple explanation of the harmful effects of pests on humans– Pupils cut and paste pests on cardboards in pairs.– Imagination and creativity– Audio-visual resources
5Pests Control– Identify ways of reducing pests in our environment– Watch videos on how to control pests as a class.– Personal development and collaboration– Cutlass, pesticides, bin, etc.
6Mid-Term Break
7Reptiles Control– Give a simple meaning of reptiles– Pupils participate in a sanitation exercise in the school environment.– Digital literacy and collaboration– Pictures/photographs/charts of different reptiles
– Mention where reptiles can be found– Pupils watch videos on fumigation process on the internet.– Newspaper and magazine clippings of reptiles, television
8Reptiles Control– Enumerate ways of preventing reptiles in our environment– Pupils go on sight-seeing within the school environment to observe some lizards in their natural habitat in groups.– Critical thinking and problem-solving– Camphor, spray bucket, hand gloves, face mask, website resources
(Contd)– Imagination and creativity
9Community Hygiene:– Give a simple meaning of cleanliness– Sing songs on cleanliness as a class.– Collaboration and communication– Broom, rake, parker, mop, etc.
Cleanliness– State simple household chores– Pupils perform simple household chores in small groups.

Note: During all sanitation exercises, pupils should wash their hands with soap and water.

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