Social Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 1 (Age 3)

Scheme of Work for Nursery
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Welcome to the Social Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 1! This carefully crafted curriculum aims to provide a nurturing and enriching learning experience for our young learners in Lagos State. The early years of education are crucial in shaping a child’s understanding of social behaviours, values, and cultural norms. With this in mind, our Social Habits program is thoughtfully designed to help children develop essential social skills, empathy, and respect while celebrating diversity.

Throughout this scheme of work, we will guide our Nursery 1 pupils on a journey of exploration and discovery, where they will be introduced to various aspects of social habits, religion, culture, and national symbols. Through engaging learning activities, interactive discussions, and creative play, our aim is to foster a positive and inclusive learning environment that encourages curiosity and active participation.

In Week 1, we will begin with a warm welcome back to school, where pupils will have the opportunity to share their holiday experiences and engage in the revision of the previous term’s work. As we progress, we will delve into understanding religion and places of worship, encouraging pupils to recognize and appreciate different faiths and their practices.

Throughout the following weeks, our little learners will explore the rich cultural diversity of Nigeria, identifying the basic cultures of Yoruba, Hausa, and Igbo. They will learn to respect and exchange pleasantries in different cultures, as well as appreciate various aspects of cultural practices such as traditional songs, dances, and dressing styles.

Our pupils will also be introduced to national symbols and places, instilling in them a sense of pride and respect for their country, Nigeria. They will learn about the National Anthem, the National Flag, and the Pledge, and will be encouraged to express their ideas and thoughts about their homeland.

In the spirit of continuous learning, regular revision and examination periods have been incorporated into the scheme to assess the pupils’ progress and reinforce their understanding.

As educators, we are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment that nurtures each child’s unique qualities. We encourage parental involvement in this journey, as we believe that a strong partnership between school and home is essential for a child’s holistic development.

We are excited to embark on this adventure of social discovery and exploration with our Nursery 1 pupils. By the end of this scheme of work, we hope that they will have grown not only in knowledge but also in compassion, understanding, and appreciation for the diverse world around them.

Let’s begin this wonderful journey together, building a strong foundation for a future filled with kindness, empathy, and respect for others.

WeekTopicLearning ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesLearning Resources
1MYSELFBy the end of the lesson, pupils are expected to:– The teacher points to herself with a rhyming tone and says her name. The pupils respond by repeating the teacher and stating their names.– Pictures
– Talk about self and say their names.– Pupils mention at least three names of their classmates.– Birth certificates
– Mention at least three names of their mates.– Pupils identify themselves as a boy or girl.– Calendar
– Identify themselves as a boy or girl.– Songs and rhymes
– Instructional materials
2MYSELF CONTINUEPupils are expected to:– Pupils recall previous content about themselves.–
– Talk more about myself by including their age.– Pupils express themselves with good intonation.–
– Tell their ages in time.– The teacher tells them his/her age jokingly and teaches them their ages using information provided by parents.–
3MY FAMILYPupils are expected to:– The teacher shares a story centered on family, motivating pupils to talk about their own family members.–
– Pupils mention names of their family members (father, mother, brother, sister).– Pictures of a family
– Songs and rhymes
– Role play
4MY SCHOOLPupils are expected to:– Pupils relate to the name of their school, discuss the name of the head of the school, and state some school activities.–
– Sightseeing of the school environment
5GOOD MANNERS IN THE SCHOOLPupils are expected to:– The teacher teaches the five magic words and greetings during circle time.–
– Cultivate good manners in the school.– Pupils practice greetings using the magic words.–
– Use their five magic words.– Charts and pictures
– Role play
7SIMPLE GREETINGSPupils are expected to:– Teacher sings different rhymes on greetings and teaches basic greetings and appropriate responses.–
– Greet at the proper time.– Pupils practice greetings in a role-play using various greeting phrases.–
– Practice the habits of greeting people.
8APPRECIATION AND COURTESYPupils are expected to:– Pupils learn about appreciation and courtesy, including the five magic words
– Discuss appreciation.– Pupils are motivated to appreciate tokens of love and gifts by saying thank
– Apply the attitude of appreciation and simple meaning of courtesy.– Pupils show courtesy and polite behavior by greeting and using respectful words.
9RESPECTING ELDERSPupils are expected to:– Teacher explains the meaning of respect and encourages showing respect to elders and
– Discuss the meaning of respect.– Pupils sing a song about
– Show respect to elders by greeting with courtesy.– Pupils engage in a role-play activity on respect.

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1REVISION OF FIRST TERM WORK– Teacher welcomes pupils back to school.– Learn during their circle time– Poster parts on good and bad habits
– Teacher revises first term work.– Pictures and rhymes
– Sharing and taking turns time
2GOOD AND BAD HABITS– Identify bad habits– Teacher creates a scenario to explain the meaning of good and bad habits.–
– Differentiate and criticize bad habits– Teachers guide pupils to mention good habits they practice.– Creativity and imagination
– Pupils identify bad habits such as thumb and finger sucking, head banging, etc.– Digital literacy– Posters or charts on good and bad habits
– Pupils taught to practice good habits like brushing teeth and washing hands.– Pictures and rhymes
– Pupils mimic good habits in an interactive way.– Sharing and taking turns time
3HELPING ONE ANOTHER– Explain ways to help oneself– Teacher relates with them by telling them what to do at the right time.– Communication and creativity and imagination–
– Practice helping people starting with their mates.– Digital literacy–
– Keep their belongings safe.– Charts and pictures
– Activity 1: Handwashing, washing plates, and putting chairs on the table.
– Activity 2: Pupils practice how to keep their belongings.
4DRESSING HABIT– Dress properly– Pupils are taught how to dress properly.– Digital literacy, collaboration, and communication– Group the pupils to make the class more interactive
– Pupils practice dressing properly.– Create a chart on dressings.
5TABLE MANNERS– Teacher relates with them using real eating objects.– Pupils are paired into groups to identify eating gadgets.– Communication and creativity and
– Correct pupils’ sitting posture while eating.– Digital
– Instruct pupils to wash hands before and after eating.– Real eating objects and rhymes on table manners
7SPECIAL DAYS– Identify special days– Teacher explains and gives examples of special days.– Communication and creativity and
– Indicate why those days are special.– Digital
– Know their birthday.– Chart and craft of the Nigerian flag
8FRIENDSHIP– Make new friends– Teacher explains the importance of friendship.– Communication and
– State the importance of friendship.– Creativity and
– Pupils interact with peers about their birthdays and favorites.– Digital literacy– Chart and real objects

WeekTopicLearning ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1REVISION AND BACK TO SCHOOL– Teacher welcomes the pupils back to school<br>- Pupils relate how they spent the holiday<br>- Revision of 2nd term’s work– Circle time: Pupils sing songs<br>- Narrate how they spent the holidayTeacher-pupil interactionRevision
2RELIGION AND PLACE OF WORSHIP– Mention the place of worship they have been to<br>- Understand simple meaning of religion– Teacher shows pictures of places of worship (church, mosque, shrine)<br>- Pupils sing songs from church and mosqueCore skills: Communication, Creativity<br><br><br>Charts, posters, pictures of worship
3RELIGION AND PLACE OF WORSHIP CONTD– Mention activities done in the Church, Mosque, Shrine<br>- Identify items used in places of worship– Watch video clips of worship in the Church and Mosque<br>- Teacher explains the process of worship in the Traditional dayCore skills: Communication, Collaboration<br><br><br>Items used for prayers<br>Illustrative posters, songs
4CULTURE– Explain what CULTURE is<br>- Identify basic cultures in Nigeria– Circle time: Pupils sing songs and greet in different cultures<br>- Display content of Nigerian cultures (Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo)Core skills: Communication,<br><br><br>Chat on different cultures
5CULTURE CONTD– Recite meaning of Culture<br>- Exchange pleasantries in different cultures– Greet in Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa<br>- Dance to different songs from different cultures<br>- Teach dressing styles in different culturesCore skills: Communication,<br><br>Charts, role play, practical time
6MID TERM BREAK– No specific learning objectives for this week– Enjoy the mid-term break!
7PLACES TO RESPECT AND SYMBOLS– Discuss the meaning of Respect<br>- Explain National symbols that should be respected– Teacher shows pictures of important places and National symbols<br>- Pupils cut and paste pictures inside notesCore skills: Communication,<br><br><br>Charts, video clips, songs
8MY COUNTRY– Relate by discussing The Pledge<br>- Recite National Identities (Flag, Anthem, Pledge)<br>- Share ideas about Nigeria– Teach the National anthem<br>- Teach how to recite The PledgeCore skills: Communication,<br><br><br>Picture of National flag, practical materials
9-10REVISION– Prepare for upcoming examinations– Revise the topics covered
11-12EXAMINATIONS– Assess pupils’ understanding and knowledge of the topics covered– Conduct examinations

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