Physical Development Scheme of Work for Kindergarten (Age 5)

Physical Development Scheme of Work for Nursery
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The Physical Development Scheme of Work for Kindergarten aims to foster the holistic growth of young children through various physical activities, games, and exercises. The scheme covers three terms, with each term focusing on specific learning objectives and activities tailored to children aged 5. Below is a summary of each term

First Term

During the first term, the Physical Development Scheme of Work for Kindergarten focuses on laying the foundation for physical activities and basic motor skills. The learning objectives include engaging pupils in activities that promote their physical development, such as simple sports activities like jumping, hopping, and skipping. Pupils learn about themselves, their names, locations, and schools. They also develop core skills like jumping, hopping, and dressing independently. The emphasis is on fostering collaboration and communication among pupils through group activities. The learning resources used include flashcards, charts, growth charts, posters, pictures, skipping ropes, and swings.

Second Term

In the second term, the scheme builds upon the knowledge and skills acquired in the first term. Pupils are introduced to neuro-muscular skills through dancing activities, like the high five dance, emoji dance, and animal dance. They learn various dancing movements and are encouraged to express their creativity and imagination. The focus is on developing gross motor skills, language skills, thinking skills, and social interactions. Learning resources include web links, instructional materials like whistles, charts, colouring pictures, music, and flashcards.

Third Term

The third term of the Physical Development Scheme of Work for Kindergarten continues to expand on physical development and introduces new topics. Pupils learn about hand hygiene and proper handwashing techniques, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic period. They are taught to wash their hands regularly and correctly. The scheme also covers kite flying, athletics (obstacle race), first aid, and sport facilities and equipment. The pupils engage in various activities like flying kites, participating in obstacle races, and exploring different sport facilities. The focus is on developing collaboration, communication, creativity, and imagination skills, as well as fine and gross motor coordination.

Throughout the three terms, cross-curricular links are emphasized, incorporating numeracy, science, social habits, and literacy skills into the physical development activities. Learning resources are diversified, including web links, instructional materials like first aid boxes, charts, posters, sport kits, balls, nets, and protective gear.

The Physical Development Scheme of Work for Kindergarten aims to create a holistic approach to learning, where physical activities are integrated with cognitive and social development. The focus on fun, engaging activities helps foster a positive attitude towards physical fitness and well-being, encouraging lifelong healthy habits from an early age.

First Term Physical Development Scheme of Work for Kindergarten


WeekTopicLearning ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsMovement BenefitHealth TipsLearning Resources
1DATA COLLECTION (Child Personal Data)Encourage the pupils to talk about SELF– Pupils as a class talk about self<br>- Pupils give adequate information<br>- Pupils learn their age and sex<br>- Pupils interact with their peer groupsCreativity and Imagination<br>Digital Literacy<br>Collaboration<br>CommunicationHand-eye coordination, strength, gross motor controlPupils wash hands immediately after each activityInstructional materials<br>Child’s personal file<br>Birth record<br>Growth Charts
2CHILD PERSONAL DATA (Age & Sex)Pupils in pairs learn their Ages and sex<br>Pupils in pairs interact with their peer groups– Personal data from their parentsPupils wash hands immediately after each activity
3CRAB WALK (Gross Motor Skills)Pupils are expected to perform Crab walk in an open space<br>Imitate the movement of a crab– Shown how to walk like crab in an open space/field<br>- Pupils squat on the ground, place their palms behind them lift their hips off the ground<br>- Pupils in pairs ‘walk’ using hands and feetCreativity and Imagination<br>Digital Literacy<br>Collaboration<br>CommunicationHand-eye coordination, balancing, strength, gross motor controlPupils wash hands immediately after each activityWeb Links:<br><br><br><br><br>Valaid Super Dad<br>Open space<br>Field<br>Chart<br>Pictures<br>Flashcards
4COORDINATION AND BALANCING (Hopping)Pupils are expected to demonstrate the fundamental basic steps of hopping on one leg<br>Teacher demonstrates hopping on one foot<br>The activity develops coordination of arms and torso, fine motor control, and the ability to ‘read’ distances.– Pupils in small groups demonstrate the steps of hopping by hopping on one leg in one place using right foot five times and then left foot five times<br>- Hop on one leg in a straight line<br>- Hop on one foot forward and then hop backward<br>- Pupils participate by taking turnsCreativity and Imagination<br>Digital Literacy<br>Collaboration<br>CommunicationHand-eye coordination, strength, gross motor controlPupils wash hands immediately after each activityWeb Links:<br><br><br><br><br>Valaid Super Dad<br>Instructional materials<br>Open space<br>Field<br>Chart<br>Pictures<br>Flashcards<br>Posters<br>Sports kids<br>Stopwatch<br>Whistle
5TARGETING (Throwing)Pupils are expected to play with soft balls by throwing to each other<br>Catching and throwing develop gross motor skills and the ability to balance the body.– Pupils as a class demonstrate skills by throwing a soft ball into a specific area<br>- Pupils in pairs choose a distance to throw from and take turns throwing the soft ball into a specific areaDigital Literacy<br>Collaboration and Communication<br>Creativity and ImaginationHand-eye coordination, arm and leg muscles, fitnessPupils wash hands after play<br>Drink a lot of waterWeb Links:<br><br><br>Video Links:<br>Instructional materials<br>Baskets<br>Soft ball<br>Ball<br>Chards<br>Board<br>Posters<br>Television<br>Whiles<br>Newspaper<br>Tape<br>Bucket<br>Open space/field<br>Bean bags or homemade beans bag<br>Masking tape or duct tape<br>Sheet and paper
7NEURO MUSCULAR SKILL (e.g. Dribbling)Pupils participate in kids climber activities in the school compound with adequate supervision from instructors.<br>Pupils’ natural climbing instincts satisfy their thrill-seeking adventurous problem-solving nature.– Pupils are shown how to climb obstacles<br>- Pupils in pairs climb ladder beam sides with adequate supervision from their teacherDigital Literacy<br>Critical Thinking and Problem Solving<br>Creativity and ImaginationCoordination and motor skillsPupils wash hands after play<br>Drink a lot of waterWeb Links:<br><br><br><br><br>Instructional materials<br>Sides<br>Open space<br>Field<br>Video clips<br>Ladder<br>Ropes<br>Swings<br>Flashcards<br>Climbing toys
8SOCCER GAME (Kicking and Shooting)Pupils demonstrate and participate in the kicking and shooting game with their teachers.<br>Teachers supervise the pupils during the activities on the field of play.– Pupils are taken to the field to demonstrate and participate in the kicking and shooting skills shown to them by the teacher<br>- Pupils start by standing behind the ball, step and swing by kicking foot, then shoot ball into the goal postCritical Thinking and Problem Solving<br>Creativity and Imagination<br>Digital LiteracyCoordination and motor skillsPupils wash hands immediately after each activityWeb Links:<br><br><br>blog”>>blog<br>Instructional materials<br>Soft soccer ball<br>Whistle<br>2 empty large cartons for goal post<br>Charts<br>Posters<br>Sport kits<br>Flashcards<br>Cone<br>Markers
9BUILDING BLOCK GAMESPupils are expected to recognize different colors, shapes, sort, and match shape collectively to the colors.<br>Create their own block building.– Pupils in small groups are exposed to blocks made from wood of different colors and sizes<br>- Pupils are expected to build the blocks together to form meaningful shapes of different thingsDigital Literacy<br>Creativity and Imagination<br>Communication and CollaborationDevelop gross motor skills<br>Hand-eye coordinationPupils wash hands immediately after each activityWeb Links:<br><br><br>blog”>>blog<br>Instructional materials<br>Soft-toy blocks of different colors<br>Wooden blocks<br>Color markers<br>Cardboard<br>Free safe space to play<br>Printable worksheet

Second Term Physical Development Scheme of Work for Kindergarten

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsCross Curricular LinksMovement BenefitsHealth TipLearning ResourcesInstructional Materials
1CORRECT POSTURE FOR SITTINGPupils are expected to demonstrate the correct sitting position– Pupils in groups practice correct sitting posture<br>- Small group demonstrations with teacher correction<br>- Keep feet flat or rest them on the floor or a footrest<br>- Relax shoulders<br>- Place ankles in front of kneesCommunication and Collaboration<br>Creativity and Imagination<br>Digital LiteracyScience<br>NumeracyImprove balance and postureWash hands immediately after each activityWeb Links<br><br><br><br>and moreMusical instrument<br>Song/rhymes books<br>Puzzles
2CORRECT POSTURE FOR STANDINGPupils are expected to practice how to stand correctly– Class demonstration of standing position<br>- Individual practice with teacher guidance<br>- Take feet apart and stand up straightCreativity and Imagination<br>Communication and CollaborationScience<br>NumeracyImprove balance and postureWash hands immediately after each activityWeb Links<br><br><br><br>and moreMusical instruments<br>Song/rhyme books<br>Puzzles<br>Charts<br>Pictures<br>Whistles
3CORRECT POSTURE FOR READINGPupils are expected to demonstrate the reading position– Sit in a comfortable chair<br>- Demonstrate correct reading posture with chin locked down<br>- Pair demonstration and correction of reading postureCreativity and Imagination<br>Digital Literacy<br>Communication and CollaborationScience<br>NumeracyImprove balance and postureWash hands immediately after each activityWeb Links<br><br><br><br>and moreSong/rhyme books<br>Puzzles<br>Charts<br>Picture<br>Whistle<br>Radio<br>Books
4NON-LOCOMOTOR MOVEMENT (Twisting)Pupils are expected to discuss and demonstrate twisting– Pupils perform twisting movements<br>- Dance and freeze in place<br>- Repeat twisting movementsCreativity and Imagination<br>Digital Literacy<br>Communication and CollaborationScience<br>NumeracyDevelop dynamic balance and posture (gross motor skills)Wash hands immediately after each activityWeb Links<br><br><br><br>and moreOpen spaces<br>Pictures<br>Charts<br>Flash cards<br>Markers<br>Cones<br>Whistles
5SHOOTING (Physical Coordination)Pupils are expected to demonstrate shooting skills– Pupils choose shooting distance based on strength and size<br>- Shooting practice with peers<br>- Improve coordination and motor skillsCritical Thinking and Problem Solving<br>Creativity and Imagination<br>Digital LiteracyStrategy<br>Social HabitsImprove coordination and motor skillsVideo Links<br>YouTube<br>Web Links<br><br>and moreSoft soccer ball<br>2 empty large cartons or goal post<br>Charts<br>Posters<br>and more
7IDENTIFICATION OF COLOURSPupils are expected to identify, differentiate, and match colors– Small groups match colored cards<br>- Recite rhymes of primary colors<br>- Use traffic lights as samples to reinforce learning of colorsCritical Thinking and Problem Solving<br>Creativity and Imagination<br>Digital LiteracyStrategy<br>Social HabitsImprove coordination and motor skillsWeb Links<br><br><br>and moreColored cards<br>Song<br>Crayon<br>Traffic song
8TRACK EVENT (50m Distance race)Pupils are expected to participate in a short distance race– Pupils demonstrate 50m race<br>- Show starting position, running action, and crossing the finish lineCreativity and Imagination<br>Digital Literacy<br>Collaboration and CommunicationLeg coordination, strength, gross motor controlWash hands immediately after each activityWeb Links<br><br><br>and moreOpen space field<br>Sport kits<br>Hose/socks<br>Whistle<br>Markers<br>Pictures
9NEURO MUSCULAR (Jumping)Pupils are expected to be introduced to jumping skills– Jumping skills practice<br>- Observe, monitor, and stimulate pupils with various jumping movementsCreativity and Imagination<br>Digital Literacy<br>Collaboration and CommunicationLeg coordination, strength, gross motor controlWash hands immediately after each activityWeb Links<br><br><br>and moreOpen space field<br>Sport kits<br>Hose/socks<br>Whistle<br>Markers<br>Rope<br>Charts<br>and more

Third Term Physical Development Scheme of Work for Kindergarten

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning ResourcesInstructional Materials
1REVISION OF 2ND TERM WORK– Pupils discuss about themselves (names, location, school, etc.)<br>- Participate in simple sport activities (jumping, hopping, skipping, etc.)– Pupils are physically monitored through simple sport activities to show flexibility, agility, balance, coordination, reaction<br>- Pupils tell their full names, address, and school name– Pupils jump, hop, and skip<br>- Individual pupils dress independentlyWeb Links:<br><br><br><br><br>Instructional materials: Flashcards, Charts, Growth chart, Poster/chart, Pictures, Skipping rope, SwingsWhistle, Charts, Colouring pictures, Music, Space to play, Flashcards
3NEURO MUSCULAR SKILLS (dancing)– Engage in dancing activities to keep their body and mind active<br>- Learn various dancing movements like the high five dance, emoji dance, balloon dance, etc.– Pupils engage in different dancing games with their teachers<br>- Guided in dancing skills like turns, switches, hops, and touches<br>- Perform simple dancing activities as a class– Creativity and imagination<br>- Digital literacy<br>- Collaboration and communicationWeb Links:<br><br><br><br>Youtube: MUVEmethod<br><br><br>Instructional materials: Whistle, Charts, Colouring pictures, Music, Space to play, Flashcards
4CARE OF THE HANDS (hand washing)– Demonstrate correct handwashing techniques<br>- Participate in handwashing fun activities during Covid-19 pandemic period– Pupils are shown handwashing procedures step by step<br>- Sing handwashing songs during the activity– Creativity and imagination<br>- Digital literacy<br>- Collaboration and communicationWeb Links:<br><br><br><br>Instructional materials: Water, Soap, Towel, Bowl, Open space, Paper towel, Charts, Flashcards, Colouring, Hand washingFirst aid box, Chart, Poster, Plaster, Sterile gauze, Triangular bandages, Crepe rolled bandages, Safety pin, Disposable sterile glove, Tweezers, Flashcards, Scissors, Cleansing wipes, Sticky tape, Thermometer, Skin rash cream, Spray to relieve insect bite, Antiseptic cream, Pain killer (paracetamol), Distilled water for cleaning wounds
5KITE FLYING– Pupils learn how to make and decorate their kites<br>- Health tips: wash hands after each activity– Pupils learn how to fly a kite high above the ground<br>- Engage in various movements with the kite– Collaboration and communication<br>- Digital literacy<br>- Creativity and imaginationWeb Links:<br><br><br>Instructional materials: Open space, Pictures, Charts, Paper, Scissors, Pencil, Ribbon, Ruler, Marking tapeOpen space field, Hurdle, Cone, Whistle, Stopwatch, Markers, Road blocks, Trampoline, Balancing bean, Tape
7First AID– Pupils learn how to get help in an emergency case<br>- Understand when and who to call for help<br>- Identify types of first aid injuries– Pupils shown equipment inside a First Aid box<br>- Class discussion on the content of the First Aid box<br>- Teacher explains situations that require first aid<br>- Discuss various types of first aid injuries– Collaboration and communication<br>- Digital literacy<br>- Creativity and imaginationWeb Links:<br><br><br><br><br>Instructional materials: First aid box, Chart, Poster, Plaster, Sterile gauze, Triangular bandages, Crepe rolled bandages, Safety pin, Disposable sterile glove, Tweezers, Flashcards, Scissors, Cleansing wipes, Sticky tape, Thermometer, Skin rash cream, Spray to relieve insect bite, Antiseptic cream, Pain killer (paracetamol), Distilled water for cleaning woundsFirst aid box, Chart, Poster, Plaster, Sterile gauze, Triangular bandages, Crepe rolled bandages, Safety pin, Disposable sterile glove, Tweezers, Flashcards, Scissors, Cleansing wipes, Sticky tape, Thermometer, Skin rash cream, Spray to relieve insect bite, Antiseptic cream, Pain killer (paracetamol), Distilled water for cleaning wounds
8ATHLETICS (obstacle Race)– Pupils engage in obstacle race activities with the instructor– Pupils jump, crawl, carry, run, hop, and leap over obstacles– Creativity and imagination<br>- Digital literacy<br>- Collaboration and communicationWeb Links:<br><br><br><br><br><br>Instructional materials: Open space field, Hurdle, Cone, Whistle, Stopwatch, Markers, Road blocks, Trampoline, Balancing bean, TapeOpen space field, Hurdle, Cone, Whistle, Stopwatch, Markers, Road blocks, Trampoline, Balancing bean, Tape
9SPORT FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT– Pupils shown different sport pavilions, stadium, facilities, equipment, and laboratories where games are performed– Pupils in small groups identify sport materials<br>- Interact with each other by walking round the field<br>- Demonstrate outdoor game equipment– Collaboration and communication<br>- Digital literacy<br>- Creativity and imaginationWeb Links:<br><br><br><br><br>Instructional materials: Balls, Nets, Protective gear, Charts, Poster, Field, Sport kitsBalls, Nets, Protective gear, Charts, Poster, Field, Sport kits
10-11REVISION– Revision of all topics covered in the third term– Review and reinforce learning from previous weeks– Collaboration and communication<br>- Digital literacy<br>- Creativity and imaginationN/AN/A
12-13EXAMINATIONS– Pupils take examinations to assess their understanding and progress in the physical development topics covered during the term– Pupils take written and practical examinations– Collaboration and communication<br>- Digital literacy<br>- Creativity and imaginationN/AN/A

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