Social Habits Scheme of Work for Kindergarten (Age 5)

Scheme of Work for Nursery
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The Social Habits Scheme of Work for Kindergarten is designed to help young learners in Lagos State develop essential social skills and emotional intelligence. The scheme spans three terms, with each term focusing on different aspects of social development and personal growth.

First Term: During the first term, the focus is on revision and welcoming the pupils back to school. Teachers engage with the students, discussing how they spent their holiday, and revising the second term’s work. Emphasis is placed on creativity, imagination, and communication as pupils express their emotions and draw different facial expressions.

Second Term: The second term centres around parental care and understanding emotions. Students learn about parental care, including the provision of basic needs and emotional support. Additionally, they explore various emotions and learn how to express themselves effectively. The learning resources include helpful websites and role-play activities to reinforce understanding.

Third Term: In the third term, the focus shifts to understanding violence, its prevention, and greetings in the local context. Pupils are taught about physical violence, and its consequences, and encouraged to avoid harmful behaviour. Additionally, they learn about greetings in different languages and role-play different scenarios. The term also includes lessons about interacting with children with special needs and caring for them with empathy and understanding.

Throughout the three terms, the core skills of creativity, imagination, communication, collaboration, and digital literacy are emphasized. The scheme incorporates various instructional materials, including charts, pictures, videos, role-play props, and educational websites to facilitate engaging and interactive learning experiences.

By the end of the scheme, the kindergarten pupils are expected to have developed essential social habits, emotional intelligence, and a greater understanding of themselves and their interactions with others. These skills will prepare them for future academic and social challenges as they progress in their education journey.

First Term Social Habits Scheme of Work for Kindergarten

WeekTopicLearning ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning ResourcesInstructional Materials
1MY RESPONSIBILITIES (AT HOME)– Teacher explains responsibility in simple terms.– Explain responsibilities at home.– Creativity and Imagination – Communication and Collaboration – Digital literacyhttps://alysonchafer.com– Role-play materials – Cutlery sets – Plates – Napkin – Picture of a wall – Arranged home
– Pupils mention their responsibilities at home.– Teacher guides role play of some responsibilities.– Rhymes
2RESPONSIBILITIES IN SCHOOL AND– Recap responsibilities at home.– Explain responsibilities in school.– Creativity and Imagination – Communication and Collaboration – Digital literacyhttps://centerforparentingeducation.org– Lunch bags – Books – Charts
SOCIETY– Briefly explain responsibilities in society.– Question and answer session on the topic.
3RIGHTS– Explain different rights, e.g., right to good health, education, play, etc.– Pupils express their rights.– Creativity and Imagination – Communication and Collaboration – Digital– Charts or posters – Flash cards
– Teach about their right to their body and not to be touched by anyone.– Engage pupils in discussions when their rights are violated.
4CHILD ABUSE– Teacher explains child abuse in simple terms.– Pupils sing a song about protecting their bodies.– Creativity and Imagination – Communication and Collaboration – Digital literacyhttps://www.thewholechild.orghttps://en.m.wikipedia.org– Charts – Posters – Flash cards
– Explain various child abuse practices, e.g., hawking, molestation, etc.
5CHILD ABUSE CONT.– Recap the topic from the 4th week.– Teach ways to prevent child abuse and encourage reporting any incident of abuse.– Creativity and Imagination – Communication and Collaboration – Digital literacyhttps://government.nl– Charts – Posters
– Teach children about their private and public body parts.– Engage pupils in discussions on personal boundaries.
7PUBLIC PLACES– Teacher explains the concept of public places and mentions different examples.– Pupils mention and discuss activities that take place in public places using charts.– Creativity and Imagination – Communication and Collaboration – Digital literacyhttps://flintobox.com– Charts – Posters – Flash cards – Pictures of public places
8TRAFFIC RULES AND TRAFFIC RIGHTS– Teach pupils about traffic rules and their importance.– Demonstrate staying on the zebra crossing lines.– Creativity and Imagination – Communication and Collaboration – Digital– Charts or posters – Flash cards – Colourful traffic chart
– Demonstrate how to look right and left before crossing the road safely.– Sing the traffic light song to learn what each color denotes.
9STIGMATIZATION– Explain stigmatization in simple terms.– Encourage pupils to build their confidence and share examples of stigmatization experiences.– Creativity and Imagination – Communication and Collaboration – Digital literacyhttps://cbi.nlm.nih.gov– Posters – Flash cards – Charts – Video clips

Second Term Social Habits Scheme of Work for Kindergarten


WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning ResourcesInstructional Materials
1BACK TO SCHOOL AND REVISION– Teacher welcomes the pupils back to school – Teacher revises what they have learned in the previous term– During circle time, pupils discuss how the holiday was spent – Pupils respond to the Teacher’s questions– Learning Resources: – –
2GOOD BEHAVIOUR (AT PUBLIC PLACES)– Teacher explains the meaning of good behavior – Describe or explain ways and manner of good behavior in public places – Teach pupils how to relate well in public places– During circle time, pupils discuss how the holiday was spent – Pupils respond to the teacher’s questions – Pupils mention public places and good behaviors that should be demonstrated outside – Pupils sing songs on good manners – Teach the five magic words: please, excuse me, sorry, thank you, and pardon me– Creativity and Imagination – Communication and Collaboration – Digital literacy– Learning Resources:, – Instructional materials: Charts on posters, Charts of pupils, Charts of good behavior, and Charts of bad behavior, Role-playing, Video clips, Cut-out cards, Good names
3MY NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORHOOD– Teacher gives the simple meaning of a neighbor – Teacher explains the need to maintain peace with neighbors – Teacher explains good behaviors in the neighborhood – Teacher reads a pictorial storybook of the neighborhood– Pupils mention what they can see in their neighborhood – Pupils use crayons to color pictures of what they can see in their neighborhood – Pupils tell stories about their neighborhood – Ask about different places in their neighborhood – Ask about classmates in their neighborhood– Creativity and Imagination – Communication and Collaboration – Digital literacy– Learning Resources:,, – Instructional materials: Charts of parents, Get and paste what you see in your neighbor, House, Supermarket, Schools, Police station, Sand, dolls, Character Play, Drawing, and Painting, Music
4PEACE EDUCATION– Teacher explains why we need to live in peace with each other – Teacher relates different ways to live with people irrespective of differences– Pupils narrate to the teacher how they make peace with their friends and family – Pupils explain why making peace with others is important– Creativity and Imagination – Communication and Collaboration – Digital literacy– Learning Resources:, – Instructional materials: Charts and posters
5MY COUNTRY– Teacher leads pupils to recite the National Anthem and explains occasions where it’s recited – Discuss the Nigerian flag and leaders– Pupils recite the National Anthem and pledge – Cut and color/draw the National flag – Pupils cut and paste pictures of the Nigeria President– Creativity and Imagination – Communication and Collaboration – Digital literacy– Learning Resources: Web links:, YouTube: Pebbles kids – Instructional materials: Posters, Charts, Pictures of the flag and National leaders
7MY COUNTRY II– Teacher recites the National Anthem and the pledge with pupils – Teacher relates Nigerian leaders and their names– Pupils recite by standing at attention – Pupils draw the National Flag and color it correctly– Creativity and Imagination – Communication and Collaboration – Digital literacy– Learning Resources: – Instructional materials: Charts, Flashcards, Posters, Map of Nigeria
8OCCUPATION– Teacher asks for the occupation of pupils’ parents – Teacher gives the meaning of occupation and examples – Teacher cuts and pastes pictures of different occupations– Pupils tell the teacher their parents’ occupation – Pupils relate on what they want to become in the future – Pupils sing “Grow big and tall” song and mention their desired occupations– Creativity and Imagination – Communication and Collaboration – Digital literacy– Learning Resources:, – Instructional materials: Posters, Charts, Pictures of different occupations, Songs of rhyme
9MY HAIR STYLE– Teacher introduces the topic and explains the meaning of different hairstyles – Teacher encourages pupils to keep their hair neat and tidy– Pupils are encouraged to tell the teacher the style they made – Pupils mention different styles they know– Creativity and Imagination – Communication and Collaboration – Digital literacy– Learning Resources:, YouTube: glamfarmhair – Instructional materials: Charts, Posters, Pictures

Third Term Social Habits Scheme of Work for Kindergarten

WeekTopicLearning ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning ResourcesInstructional Materials
1REVISION AND WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL– Welcome pupils back to school<br>- Interact and discuss how the holiday was spent<br>- Revise second term work– Teacher-pupil interaction<br>- Holiday discussion<br>- Revision of second term workCreativity and Imagination<br>Communication and Collaboration<br>Digital literacyN/AN/A
2EMOTION: FACIAL EXPRESSIONS– Define emotions<br>- Identify different expressions<br>- Encourage pupils to express themselves– Pupils express their emotions<br>- Pupils share feelings when scolded<br>- Draw facial expressionsCreativity and Imagination<br>Communication and Collaboration<br>Digital<br>Frontiersin.orgChart<br>Mirror<br>Character education<br>Video
3PARENTAL CARE– Explain parental care<br>- Describe parents’ roles and responsibilities– Pupils share what makes them happy or moody<br>- Discuss roles of parents at homeCreativity and Imagination<br>Communication and Collaboration<br>Digital<br>Parents.comRole-play props<br>Parental responsibilities<br>Cutlery sets<br>Napkin<br>Charts<br>Pictures<br>Story time
4VIOLENCE PHYSICALLY– Define violence and child maltreatment<br>- Discuss prevention methods– Encourage pupils to avoid physical violence<br>- Display pictures of violence<br>- Discuss preventionCreativity and Imagination<br>Communication and Collaboration<br>Digital<br>Empoweringparents.comNewspaper<br>Charts<br>Pictures<br>Films
5GREETINGS IN OUR LOCALITY– Explain greetings<br>- Role play greetings<br>- Present examples in different languages– Pupils demonstrate greetings<br>- Discuss the reasons for greetingsCreativity and Imagination<br>Communication and Collaboration<br>Digital clips<br>Songs (E-ka or ma, Ekaro ma)<br>Wall charts<br>Rhymes habits
7Children with Special Needs– Define children with special needs<br>- Discuss how to care for them– Pupils interact with special children<br>- Play with themCreativity and Imagination<br>Communication and Collaboration<br>Digital<br>Childcare.extension.orgCharts<br>Pictures<br>Video clips of children with special needs
8CARE OF CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS (ORPHANAGE)– Define orphanage<br>- Discuss caring for orphanage children– Teacher-pupil discussion about orphanages<br>- Explain becoming orphansCreativity and Imagination<br>Communication and Collaboration<br>Digital<br><br>>learn-growCharts<br>Pictures<br>Flash cards<br>

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