Health Habits Scheme of Work for Kindergarten (Age 5)

Health Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery
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The Health Habits Scheme of Work for Kindergarten spans three terms and is designed to instil healthy habits and personal development in children aged four. The scheme covers various topics related to personal hygiene, cleanliness, and exercise, fostering essential skills such as communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. Here’s a brief summary of each term:

First Term

  • The first term focuses on a revision of the previous term’s work. Pupils recall and attempt questions related to the topics covered in the past, assessing their understanding and progress.
  • In the second week, the topic is “Care of the Nose I.” Children learn about the uses of the nose, like smelling, breathing, and sneezing. They identify the nose on the body and engage in breathing activities.
  • The third week continues with “Care of the Nose II,” where pupils learn proper nose care, like using clean handkerchiefs, covering the nose in dusty environments, and avoiding blowing the nose during a cold.
  • The fourth week introduces “Cleanliness: Dresses I,” where pupils understand the meaning of cleanliness in relation to dresses, particularly their school uniforms.
  • The fifth week follows with “Cleanliness Dress II,” teaching pupils materials and steps for washing clothes properly.

Second Term

  • The second term commences with “Cleanliness: Footwear I,” where children learn about the different types of footwear, such as sandals, shoes, slippers, and socks.
  • Week eight focuses on “Cleanliness” again, discussing materials needed for cleaning footwear.
  • The ninth week introduces the topic of “Exercise,” where pupils learn the meaning of exercise and identify various types of exercises.
  • The scheme includes two weeks of revision to consolidate the learning from the term.

Third Term

  • The third term starts with “Revision of 2nd Term Work,” where pupils recapitulate the topics covered in the second term with the guidance of the teacher.
  • In the second week, the focus is on “Care of the Nose I,” revisiting the uses of the nose and engaging in related activities.
  • The third week emphasizes “Care of the Nose II,” revisiting proper nose care and hygiene.
  • The fourth week revolves around “Cleanliness: Dresses I,” recapping the importance of cleanliness in relation to dresses.
  • In the fifth week, pupils review “Cleanliness Dress II,” revisiting materials and steps for washing clothes correctly.
  • The sixth week marks a mid-term break.
  • Week seven introduces “Cleanliness: Footwear I” again, where pupils recap the types of footwear and nursery rhymes related to them.
  • The eighth week focuses on “Cleanliness” again, this time discussing materials needed for cleaning footwear.
  • In the ninth week, the topic of “Exercise” is revisited, reinforcing the meaning of exercise and the types of exercises.
  • The last two weeks are dedicated to examinations to assess the pupils’ understanding and retention of the covered topics.

Throughout the scheme, the emphasis on personal development, creativity, and imagination fosters a holistic approach to health habits and well-being for kindergarten students.

First Term Health Habits Scheme of Work for Kindergarten

WeekTopicContentLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1ExerciseGive simple meaning of exerciseList some exercises pupils can practicePupils in pairs perform jogging, twisting, stretching, jumping, dancing, etc.Personal developmentPictures, charts, video clips, self, mattress, mat, etc.
2Sleep (Bed-Time)Explain sleepState the benefits of sleepPupils demonstrate sleeping, identify pre-bedtime activities in small groupsCollaboration and
3Disposal of RefuseGive simple meaning of refuseIdentify ways of disposing refuse (e.g., using a bin)Pupils pick up litters into the bin, demonstrate biscuit and sweet wrapper disposal in groupsCritical thinking and problem solvingPictures, concrete objects, broom, parkers,, Trash can, Dustbin
4Disposal of WasteGive simple meaning of wasteState two types of waste (solid and liquid)Pupils identify waste in pairs, pick up refuse in small groupsCritical thinking and problem solvingTrash can, pictures, concrete objects, buckets, cans, bottles
5Disposal of Waste (Animal Waste)Explain methods of disposing animal wasteState examples of compost materialsPupils visit flower beds area to observe soilCritical thinking and problem, shovel, hoe, broom, pictures
6Mid-Term Break
7Waste Disposal Materials: CompostGive simple meaning of recyclingPupils identify waste baskets, discuss the importance of refuse disposal to soilCritical thinking and problem solvingHand gloves, waste bin, pictures
8Waste Disposal Materials: RecyclingGive simple meaning of recyclingPupils display posters/charts and discuss recycling methods, recite rhymes on recyclingCritical thinking and problem, charts, posters, pictures
9Cleanliness School UniformGive meaning of cleanliness, Mention steps to care for school uniformPupils demonstrate cleaning school uniform in small groups, sing cleanliness songsPersonal developmentAudio-visual resources, water, soap, bowl, buckets, pressing iron, clothes, hangers, website resources

Second Term Health Habits Scheme of Work for Kindergarten

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1Revision of 1st TermRecall last term’s topicPupils revise the last term’s topic with the help of the teacher.Communication and CollaborationWater, Soap, Cream, Towel, Disinfectant, Doll
TopicAttempt questions given by thePupils individually attempt questions given by the teacher to assess their level of understanding and progress from the last term.Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
2Care of SkinExplain the meaning of skinPupils in small groups watch videos/nursery rhymes on ‘Pantasaurus’.Personal DevelopmentAudio Visual Resources, Water, Soap, Cream, Towel, Disinfectants, Pictures/Photos of materials, Doll, Website Resource:
Mention and discuss functions ofPupils in pairs use doll to learn steps in bathing.
3Care of Skin IIMention and discuss care of thePupils touch their skin.Personal DevelopmentCotton-bud, Napkin, Cream, Ear-drops, Doll, Picture/Charts of ear
skinPupils sing songs/nursery rhymes “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” to reinforce learning.
4Care of the Ears IMention uses of the earPupils in small groups clean doll ears.Personal DevelopmentAudio Visual Resources, Cotton bud, Napkin, Cream, Ear drops, Pictures/Charts/Photograph of ear, Doll, Website Resources:
5Care of Ears IIExplain care of earsPupils in small groups clean doll ears with damp towel, cotton bud, and rub cream on it.Personal DevelopmentDiagram of an ear
6Mid-term Break
7Care of MouthGive simple meaning of mouthPupils sing songs/rhymes on the mouth.Personal DevelopmentAudio Visual Resources, Model of teeth, Internet search on pictures of clean and dirty mouth, Water, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Chewing stick, Dental floss, Basin/Bowels, Website Resources:
State parts of the mouth andPupils in pairs identify parts of the mouth.
list and discuss uses of mouthPupils in small groups demonstrate the functions of the mouth (e.g., laughing, smiling, crying, talking, shouting, eating).
8Care of the Mouth IIMention steps and tips in takingPupils in small groups demonstrate brushing tips in the classroom (without using toothpaste as they do not need to rinse mouth).Personal DevelopmentEye drops, Dolls, Pictures/Charts/Photographs of an eye
care of the mouthPupils in pairs brush their mouth using up and down and circular motions.
9Care of the EyesExplain use of eyesPupils in small groups draw and color an eye.Personal DevelopmentWebsite Resource:, Flashcard showing an eye
10&11RevisionReview topics covered
12&13ExaminationAssess pupils’ understanding

Third Term Health Habits Scheme of Work for Kindergarten

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1Revision of 2nd Term Work– Recall the last term’s TOPIC through revision, with the aid of the teacher– Pupils revise the last term’s TOPIC with the help of the teacher.<br>- Pupils individually attempt the questions given and proffer correct answersCommunication and collaboration,<br>Critical thinking and problem solving,<br>Leadership and Personal developmentAudio-Visual Resources: Toys, charts, pictures, book, and some of the last term’s video clips
2Care of the Nose I– Explain the uses of the nose e.g. smelling, breathing, and sneezing– Pupils in pairs identify nose on the body.<br>- Pupils in small groups study charts and posters on the nose.<br>- Pupils in pairs perform breathing activity (Breathing in air & breathing out air, sneezing)Personal DevelopmentAudio-Visual Resources: Nose mask/face mask, pictures/charts/photographs of the nose, handkerchief, perfume, air freshener, rotten fruit, smoke, dolls<br>Website Resources:
3Care of Nose II– State proper care of the nose e.g. use of clean handkerchief to remove dirt/mucus, cover nose when environment is dusty/stinky, avoid blowing nose when having a cold, use a clean and soft cloth to clean nose if dirty– Pupils in small groups demonstrate proper care of the nose.<br>- Pupils individually wash hands after cleaning the nose or sneezing.<br>- Pupils watch video on proper care of nose (,, DevelopmentLearning Resources: Soap, detergent, water, basin/bucket, washing machine, sun, hangers, iron, handkerchief, bleach, spray starch, raw starch
4Cleanliness: Dresses I– Give a simple meaning of cleanliness in relation to dresses (pupils’ school uniforms)– Pupils in small groups watch videos on washing of clothes.<br>- Pupils in pairs interpret pictures on washing of clothes ( and Personal DevelopmentAudio-Visual Resources: Soap, detergent, water, basin/bucket, washing machine, sun, hangers, iron, handkerchief, bleach, spray starch, raw starch<br>Website Resources:
5Cleanliness Dress II– Mention some materials that can be used for cleaning/washing dresses e.g. soap, detergent, bleach, water<br>- Explain steps to be taken in washing dresses (separate white dresses from dark dresses, read care tag of clothes, add detergent/soap to water, dip in the cloth wash, rinse, squeeze the cloth, dry and iron the cloth)– Pupils in small groups watch videos on washing of clothes.<br>- Pupils in pairs interpret pictures on washing of clothes ( and Personal DevelopmentLearning Resources: Water, detergent, bucket/bowl, etc
6Mid Term Break
7Cleanliness: Footwear I– Give a simple meaning of footwear<br>- Identify types of footwear, e.g. sandals, shoes, slippers, canvas, socks, etc.– Pupils in pairs identify types of footwear.<br>- Pupils in small groups watch video and recite nursery rhyme on footwear.<br>- “I got boots”<br>- “Cobbler cobbler mend my shoe”<br>- “One two buckle my shoe”<br>- “Put on your shoe song”Personal DevelopmentAudio-Visual Resources: Shoe, slippers, sandals, canvas, slip-on, socks, foam, shoe brush, shoe polish, picture/charts/photographs of types of footwear<br>Website Resources:
8Cleanliness– State and discuss materials that are needed for cleaning footwear e.g. shoe brush, shoe polish, foam<br>- Pupils are not to remove socks and shoes while in schoolPupils demonstrate some exercises in the classroom e.g. jogging, jumping, bending, walking back and forth, etc.Creativity and imaginationPictures/charts/photographs/posters of different forms of exercise, playmate, skipping rope, whistle, stopwatch, softballs
9Exercise– Give a simple meaning of exercise<br>- Identify types of exercisePupils demonstrate some exercises in the classroom e.g. jogging, jumping, bending, walking back and forth, etc.Creativity and imaginationWebsite Resources:

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