Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 6

Islamic Studies scheme of work
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The Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 6 is a continuation of the journey to deepen students’ understanding of Islam. This year’s scheme is designed to further into the core beliefs, values, and practices of Islam while fostering critical thinking and ethical awareness. The scheme covers a range of topics, including the pillars of Islam, the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Islamic jurisprudence, and contemporary ethical issues.

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First Term Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 6

WeekModule/TopicObjectivesContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupils’ ActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
1Arabic text of the ayat of Surah al-Nur: Verse 27 – 29Pupils should be able to recite ayat 27 – 29 of Surah al-Nur in the Glorious Qur’an correctly and identify the words and ayat of the Surah.Recitation of the ayat 27 – 29, writing the ayat from the Glorious Quran.Teacher leads recitation and drills pupils in pronunciation and writing.Pupils listen attentively, recite individually and in groups, and write the ayat.Flash cards, recorded cassette with relevant ayat.
2Arabic text of Surah al-Imran Verse 103-105 and ayat in the ContentPupils should recite ayat 103 – 105 of Surah al-Imran correctly and write the words and ayat of the Glorious Qur’an correctly.Learning of ayat of Glorious Quran, writing the ayat.Teacher leads reading, drills pronunciation, and guides writing.Pupils listen, recite, and write the ayat.Textbook, video clips.
3Hadith No:1 of al-Nawawi’s Collection on: IntentionPupils should read and explain the meaning of Hadith No.1 of al-Nawawi’s Collection and state its lessons.Reading and explanation of the Hadith, discussing its lessons.Teacher reads, explains the meaning, and leads a lesson discussion.Pupils listen, explain the lessons, and state the meaning.Arabic text of the Hadith, textbook, video clips.
4Muslim and Mu’minPupils should define Muslim and Mu’min, state their characteristics and attributes.Definition of Muslim and Mu’min, characteristics and attributes.Teacher explains concepts and characteristics.Pupils define, state characteristics, and list attributes.Pictures, video clip.
5Fara’id, Sunnah and Mustahabbat of GhuslPupils should explain how to perform ghusl and state its components.Definition of ghusl, fara’id, Sunnah, and mustahabbat parts.Teacher explains steps and components.Pupils observe, mention parts, and demonstrate ghusl.Water for observation.
6Salah al-safarPupils should explain the meaning of salah al-safar, reasons for performing it, and which salah is reduced.Definition of salah al-safar, conditions, rules, and significance.Teacher explains and discusses conditions and logic.Pupils listen, mention the number of raka’at, and classes of travelers.Chart, video clip.
7Mid Term Examination and Break
8Hijrah Calendar and its importancePupils should list calendar types, explain Hijrah, state its importance, list months, and highlight differences from the Gregorian Calendar.Kinds of calendar, definition of Hijrah, its importance, months, differences from Gregorian Calendar.Teacher discusses calendar types and significance.Pupils list kinds of calendars, explain Hijrah, and highlight differences.Calendar, charts, video on Prophet Muhammad’s Hijrah.
9HumilityPupils should explain the meaning of humility, mention its benefits, and identify humble personalities in Islamic history.Meaning of humility, benefits, humble personalities.Teacher discusses humility’s benefits and stories.Pupils listen, mention benefits, and discuss stories.Charts, video clips.
10Good Manners and Consideration for OthersPupils should mention lessons in loving and cooperating with each other, explain why Muslims should assist others, and recite Qur’anic injunctions.Love, cooperation, assisting others, Qur’anic injunctions.Teacher discusses love, cooperation, and assistance.Pupils mention lessons, explain assistance, and recite Qur’anic verses.Charts, picture, short drama.
12Terminal Examination and Recording

Second Term Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 6

WeekModule/TopicObjectivesContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupils’ ActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
2Memorisation of Arabic text and translation of Surah al-Adiyat (Q100)Pupils should recite Surah al-Adiyat correctly and memorise it.Correct pronunciation and recitation of Surah al-Adiyat, memorisation of the surah.Teacher recites and drills pupils in pronunciation and memorisation.Pupils listen and recite individually and in groups.Glorious Qur’an, charts, recorded cassette.
3Hadith No.13 of Al-Nawawi’s Collection (Perfection of Faith)Pupils should read, understand the meaning, and state the lessons of Hadith No.13.Reading, meaning, and lessons of Hadith No.13.Teacher reads, explains meaning, and discusses lessons.Pupils listen, understand, and discuss the lessons.Cardboard paper, textbook on Al-Nawawi’s 40th Hadith Collection.
4Prophets and Messengers of AllahPupils should define prophets and messengers of Allah, state their attributes, and understand the differences between them.Definitions, attributes, and differences between prophets and messengers.Teacher defines, explains attributes, and discusses differences.Pupils listen, explain attributes, and discuss differences.Cardboard showing names of prophets, cardboard paper showing messengers.
5Salatul-JanazahPupils should understand Salatul-Janazah, when it’s performed, and its purpose.Significance, definition, and stages of Salatul-Janazah.Teacher explains, states stages, and demonstrates observance.Pupils identify stages and describe how to perform the prayer.Charts, pictures, objects.
6Sujud as-sahwiPupils should define sujud al-sahwi, demonstrate its use and types, and explain when it’s performed.Definition, reasons, types of sujud al-sahwi.Teacher defines, explains types, and discusses when it’s performed.Pupils define, list types, and understand its observance.Charts, pictures.
7Mid Term Examination and Break
8The History of Some Famous Nigerian Muslims – Uthman Dan FodioPupils should mention Nigerian Muslim leaders, narrate Uthman Dan Fodio’s history, list his contributions, and state lessons from his life.Life history, contributions, and lessons from Uthman Dan Fodio’s life.Teacher reminds pupils of Muslim leaders, discusses Uthman Dan Fodio’s life, contributions, and lessons.Pupils listen, discuss his life, contributions, and lessons.Map of Nigeria, pictures of Muslim leaders.
9The History of Famous Nigerian Muslim II: – Muhammad Al-KanaemPupils should mention Muhammad Al-Kanaem’s name, state his history, list his contributions, and state lessons from his life.Brief life history, contributions, and lessons from Muhammad Al-Kanaem’s life.Teacher discusses Muhammad Al-Kanaem’s history, contributions, and lessons.Pupils discuss his life, contributions, and lessons.As in previous content.
10History of Famous Nigerian Muslim III: – Muhammad Shitta BayAs in previous contents.As in previous contents.As in previous contents.As in previous contents.As in previous contents.
13Recording and Feedback

Third Term Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 6

WeekModule/TopicObjectivesContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupils’ ActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
2Arabic text of Surah al-Nisa’i (B6:58;135) and relevant ayat in the contents of Surah al-Nahl (90)Pupils should recite the ayat of the Glorious Qur’an correctly, pronounce words correctly, and write the words and ayat.Correct pronunciation, writing, and recitation of the ayat.Teacher drills pupils in pronunciation, identifies difficult words, and corrects writing.Pupils listen, recite, write, and learn the ayat.Glorious Qur’an, flash cards, recorded cassette.
3Reading of the Arabic text, translation and memorisation of Surah-al Zilzalah (Q99)Pupils should recite Surah al-Zilzalah ayah by ayah, identify the text, recite it correctly, learn it by heart, and understand its meaning.Correct recitation, understanding, and memorisation of Surah al-Zilzalah.Teacher recites ayah by ayah, explains meaning, and discusses lessons.Pupils recite individually and in groups, understand the meaning, and discuss lessons.Glorious Qur’an, charts, recorded cassette.
4Hadith No 27 of Al-Nawawi’s Collection (Righteousness Al-Birr)Pupils should read, understand the meaning, and state the lessons of Hadith No 27.Reading, meaning, and lessons of Hadith No 27.Teacher guides reading, explains meaning, and discusses lessons.Pupils read, explain meaning, and state lessons.Cardboard paper with Hadith, discussion.
5Prophets and Messengers of Allah IIPupils should name ‘Ulu al-‘Azm among the messengers, name prophets who received Books, and state the differences between prophets and messengers.Names, attributes, and differences between prophets and messengers.Teacher discusses names, attributes, and differences.Pupils listen, discuss, and differentiate between prophets and messengers.Cardboard with names, discussion.
6Hajj and its SignificancePupils should explain Hajj, state for whom it’s compulsory, mention the time of Hajj, list its importance, and state the pillars of Hajj.Meaning, compulsion, time, importance, and pillars of Hajj.Teacher explains, discusses compulsion, time, importance, and pillars of Hajj.Pupils understand, state compulsion, time, importance, and pillars of Hajj.Maps, charts.
7Mid-Term Examination and Break
8The History of some famous Nigerian Muslims: -Abdullahi bin FodioPupils should mention famous Nigerian Muslims, explain history of Abdullahi Bin Fodio, list contributions, and state lessons from his life.History, contributions, and lessons from Abdullahi bin Fodio’s life.Teacher discusses history, contributions, and lessons.Pupils listen, discuss contributions, and state lessons.Map of Nigeria, discussion.
9History of Famous Muslim leader in Nigeria, II: – Sultan Muhammad BelloPupils should mention the full name of the Nigerian Muslim leader, explain his life history, and highlight his contributions and lessons from his life history.Life history, contributions, and lessons from Sultan Muhammad Bello’s life.Teacher discusses life history, contributions, and lessons.Pupils listen, discuss contributions, and state lessons.As in previous content.
10Service to Community and HumanityPupils should mention lessons in the spirit of service, explain why Muslims should serve the community and humanity, recite Qur’anic injunctions and Hadith about service.Lessons, reasons, Qur’anic injunctions, and Hadith on service.Teacher discusses lessons, reasons, Qur’anic verses, and Hadith about service.Pupils listen, discuss lessons, reasons, and recite Qur’anic verses and Hadith.Chart, picture, discussion.
12Terminal Examination
13Recording and Feedback

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Important Tips On Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 6

Learning Outcomes On Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 6

By the end of the academic year, students should be able to:

  • Comprehend the significance and practical application of the five pillars of Islam.
  • Analyze the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in greater depth.
  • Understand the basics of Islamic jurisprudence and its relevance in daily life.
  • Recognize and critically evaluate contemporary ethical challenges from an Islamic perspective.

Assessment Methods On Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 6

Assessment will be conducted using diverse methods to measure students’ understanding and progress:

  • Written assessments: Regular quizzes and exams to assess knowledge acquisition and retention.
  • Research projects: In-depth exploration of specific Islamic topics, fostering research and presentation skills.
  • Critical thinking exercises: Analyzing scenarios related to ethical dilemmas and Islamic teachings.
  • Practical assessments: Application of Salah (prayer), Sawm (fasting), and Zakat (charity) principles.
  • Class debates: Engaging in discussions on contemporary issues from an Islamic viewpoint.

Curriculum Content On Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 6

  • Pillars of Islam: In-depth study of Shahada (faith), Salah (prayer), Sawm (fasting), Zakat (charity), and Hajj (pilgrimage), focusing on their significance and practical implementation.
  • Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): Detailed exploration of his character, leadership, and contributions to society.
  • Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh): Introduction to the basics of Fiqh, covering areas like purification, prayer, and dietary laws.
  • Contemporary Ethical Issues: Examination of modern challenges like environmental conservation, social justice, and technology use through Islamic ethics.

Teaching Strategies On Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 6

To ensure effective learning, a variety of teaching strategies will be employed:

  • Lectures: In-depth explanations of complex concepts and historical events.
  • Case Studies: Analyzing real-life scenarios to apply Islamic teachings to contemporary issues.
  • Socratic Seminars: Facilitating critical discussions on ethical challenges and possible solutions.
  • Role-playing: Immersive activities to understand the practical application of Fiqh principles.
  • Guest Speakers: Inviting scholars or community members to share their insights on relevant topics.

Resources and Materials On Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 6

  • Islamic textbooks tailored to Primary 6 level.
  • Authentic hadith collections and biographies of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  • Fiqh manuals and resources for understanding Islamic jurisprudence.
  • Contemporary articles and resources addressing ethical challenges from an Islamic perspective.
  • Multimedia presentations to engage visual and auditory learners.

Feedback and Support On Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 6

Continuous feedback and support mechanisms will be in place to aid students’ growth:

  • Detailed feedback on assessments highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Office hours for individual or group clarification sessions.
  • Collaborative study groups to encourage peer learning and support.
  • Regular parent-teacher communication to discuss progress and address concerns.

In conclusion, the Primary 6 Islamic Religious Studies scheme of work is meticulously designed to provide students with a profound understanding of Islam’s core tenets, ethical considerations, and contemporary relevance. By employing various teaching methodologies and assessment approaches, students will not only develop a strong grasp of Islamic knowledge but also cultivate critical thinking skills that empower them to navigate the complex world while upholding their faith and values.

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