Home Economics Scheme of Work for Primary 4

Jamb Syllabus For Home Economics
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The “Home Economics Scheme of Work for Primary 4” is a meticulously designed curriculum that aims to introduce young learners to the foundational principles of home economics, personal grooming, and household management. This comprehensive scheme spans three terms, each with a distinct focus on specific sub-themes: Introduction to Home Economics, Home Management, and Food and Nutrition.

First Term Home Economics Scheme of Work for Primary 4

The primary objective of the first term is to acquaint students with the fundamental concepts of Home Economics. They begin by exploring the meaning, scope, and significance of Home Economics. This involves providing students with a clear and concise definition of the subject and highlighting its multifaceted nature. They are encouraged to recognize the different areas encompassed by Home Economics, which include food and nutrition, clothing and textiles, as well as home management and family education.

Home Economics scheme of work for Primary 5

Home Economics scheme of work for Primary 6

1Introduction to HE– Meaning of Home Economics– Define Home Economics– Classroom discussion on HE importanceWhiteboard, Chalk
2Kitchen Safety– Kitchen safety rules and precautions– Identify kitchen hazards and safety measures– Role-play kitchen safety scenariosPosters, Visual aids
3Food Groups– Types of food groups– Categorize foods into food groups– Sorting and classifying food itemsFood pyramid chart
4Cooking Basics– Cooking methods and equipment– Demonstrate basic cooking techniques– Simple cooking exercisesKitchen utensils
5Balanced Diet– Importance of a balanced diet– Explain the benefits of a balanced diet– Group discussion on healthy eatingCharts, Pictures
6Nutrients– Types and sources of nutrients– Identify nutrients in common foods– Food analysis and nutrient identificationFood samples
7Midterm– Revision of topics covered so far– Review key concepts learned– Midterm assessmentPast questions, Papers
8Meal Planning– Meal planning and food budgeting– Plan a balanced meal within a budget– Group activity: Create a weekly meal planBudget worksheets
9Food Preservation– Methods of food preservation– Explain food preservation techniques– Demonstrations of food preservation methodsPreserved food samples
10Table Manners– Table setting and dining etiquette– Demonstrate good table manners– Practical on setting a dining tableTable setting props
11Revision– Comprehensive review of term’s content– Prepare for final assessments– Group discussions and practice questionsReview materials
12Examination– End of term examination– Assess students’ understanding of the term– Conducting the final examinationExam papers, Stationery
13Examination (cont.)– Continuation of end of term examination– Complete the final assessment– Wrapping up the examinationExam papers, Stationery

A significant highlight of this term is the exploration of careers associated with Home Economics. Students are introduced to a variety of professions such as dieticians, caterers, community nutritionists, and food technologists. This exposure helps them understand the real-world applications of the concepts they are learning and opens up their minds to potential career paths in the future.

Second Term Home Economics Scheme of Work for Primary 4

The second term shifts the focus to the art of home management, a skill that is indispensable in daily life. Here, students delve into the practical aspects of managing their homes efficiently. They begin by identifying the different types of personal clothing, thereby understanding the diversity of attire that serves various purposes. This phase also acquaints them with the reasons behind wearing specific types of clothing, such as protection, beauty, identification, and special occasions.

One of the core elements of home management covered during this term is the care of clothing. Students learn the essential steps involved in taking care of their garments, from washing and ironing to airing and storing. They are introduced to the tools and equipment required for effective laundry care, helping them grasp the practicalities of this crucial life skill. Additionally, students gain hands-on experience in laundering their own clothing, ensuring they can apply what they have learned to their daily routines.

1Personal Hygiene– Importance of personal hygiene– Describe the importance of personal hygiene– Group discussion on daily personal hygienePosters, Visual aids
2Clothing Care– Caring for clothing and fabrics– Demonstrate proper clothing care techniques– Hands-on practice on washing and ironing clothesClothing items, Iron
3Health and Nutrition– Healthy eating habits and nutrients– Explain the link between nutrition and good health– Class activity: Create a healthy meal planCharts, Food samples
4Sewing Basics– Basic sewing techniques and stitches– Demonstrate basic sewing skills– Practical sewing exercisesNeedle, Thread, Fabric
5First Aid– Basic first aid and emergency response– Identify common first aid procedures– Role-play first aid scenariosFirst aid kit, Mannequin
6Home Management– Household chores and responsibilities– List household tasks and responsibilities– Assign household tasks to studentsChore charts, Supplies
7Midterm– Revision of topics covered in the term– Review key concepts learned– Midterm assessmentPast questions, Papers
8Child Care– Childcare and babysitting skills– Demonstrate basic childcare and babysitting skills– Group activity: Babysitting simulationDolls, Baby care items
9Environmental Awareness– Importance of a clean environment– Explain the importance of environmental protection– Clean-up drive in the school or local communityCleaning supplies, Bags
10Money Management– Basic money management and budgeting– Develop basic money management skills– Budgeting exercise with play moneyPlay money, Budget sheets
11Revision– Comprehensive review of term’s content– Prepare for final assessments– Group discussions and practice questionsReview materials
12Examination– End of term examination– Assess students’ understanding of the term– Conducting the final examinationExam papers, Stationery
13Examination (cont.)– Continuation of end of term examination– Complete the final assessment– Wrapping up the examinationExam papers, Stationery

Third Term Home Economics Scheme of Work for Primary 4

The third term revolves around the theme of food and nutrition, which is fundamental to maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Students begin by comprehending the definition of food and its categorization into six distinct classes based on nutrients. These classes include body-building foods, energy-giving foods, vitamins, minerals, and salt. This knowledge enables students to understand the diverse nutritional components that contribute to overall health.

A critical aspect of this term involves exploring the significance of maintaining an adequate diet. Students learn about the various deficiency diseases associated with the lack of specific nutrients, underlining the importance of consuming a well-balanced diet. They also gain insights into the sources of these nutrients, further reinforcing the link between proper nutrition and a healthy body.

The term also focuses on the concept of personal grooming and its role in maintaining well-being. Students learn the correct use of basic and safe cosmetics for grooming, along with their potential benefits. They explore different types of cosmetics, such as oils, creams, powders, nail polish, perfumes, lipstick, and eye pencils. Additionally, students learn to differentiate between safe and harmful cosmetics, equipping them with knowledge about making informed choices when it comes to personal care products.

1Household Equipment– Types and uses of household equipment– Identify and describe common household equipment– Classroom discussion on household toolsPictures, Real equipment
2Cleaning Techniques– Cleaning methods and supplies– Demonstrate proper cleaning techniques– Hands-on cleaning exercisesCleaning supplies, Charts
3Clothing Selection– Choosing appropriate clothing– Explain factors to consider when choosing clothes– Group activity: Dressing for different occasionsClothing items, Charts
4Healthy Food Choices– Making healthy food choices– Make healthy food choices– Role-play making food choicesFood samples, Visual aids
5Food Preparation– Preparing simple meals– Prepare a basic meal– Cooking practicalsIngredients, Kitchen tools
6Money Skills– Saving and spending money wisely– Discuss the importance of saving– Saving and budgeting gamesPlay money, Board games
7Midterm– Revision of topics covered in the term– Review key concepts learned– Midterm assessmentPast questions, Papers
8Basic Sewing Projects– Creating simple sewing projects– Create basic sewing projects– Sewing projects (e.g., pillowcases, simple bags)Fabric, Sewing kits
9Emergency Preparedness– Preparing for emergencies– Explain the importance of emergency preparedness– Emergency preparedness drillsEmergency kit, Whistle
10Time Management– Managing time effectively– Practice time management skills– Time management activitiesClock, Timer
11Revision– Comprehensive review of term’s content– Prepare for final assessments– Group discussions and practice questionsReview materials
12Examination– End of term examination– Assess students’ understanding of the term– Conducting the final examinationExam papers, Stationery
13Examination (cont.)– Continuation of end of term examination– Complete the final assessment– Wrapping up the examinationExam papers, Stationery

The “Home Economics Scheme of Work for Primary 4” is a comprehensive and engaging curriculum that equips young learners with vital life skills. Through the three terms—Introduction to Home Economics, Home Management, and Food and Nutrition—students are exposed to concepts that are essential for their personal growth, well-being, and active participation in society. By fostering an understanding of nutrition, grooming, clothing care, and home management, this scheme empowers students to make informed decisions, leading to healthier and more balanced lives. This curriculum ensures that students not only learn theoretical concepts but also apply them practically, preparing them to be responsible and resourceful individuals in their future endeavors.

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