Social Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 2 (Age 4)

Scheme of Work for Nursery
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In Nursery 2, children are at a crucial developmental stage where they begin to understand the importance of social habits and interactions. The Social Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 2 is designed to promote positive behaviours, communication, and collaboration among young learners. Over the course of three terms, children will be exposed to various topics that lay the foundation for healthy social interactions.

First Term

During the first term, the focus is on “Introduction to Social Skills.” Children will learn about greetings, sharing, and taking turns. The teacher will engage them in role-playing activities that involve greeting one another and expressing their emotions. The concept of sharing will be introduced through games and group activities to instil the value of cooperation and empathy.

Second Term

In the second term, the theme shifts to “Emotional Intelligence and Empathy.” Children will explore their feelings and emotions and learn to recognize them in others. Through storytelling and puppet shows, they will understand the significance of empathy and how it contributes to building meaningful friendships. Activities like drawing emotions and discussing scenarios will further strengthen their emotional intelligence.

Third Term

The focus of the third term is on “Resolving Conflicts and Kindness.” Children will engage in activities that teach them constructive ways to resolve conflicts, such as using “I” statements and seeking adult help when needed. The concept of kindness will be emphasized, encouraging students to show appreciation and consideration for others. Role-plays and storytelling will help them grasp the impact of kind gestures on building strong social bonds.

Throughout the three terms, the scheme integrates cross-curricular elements, including language development, creativity, and motor skills. Group discussions, arts and crafts, music, and physical activities are used as mediums to reinforce social habits in an engaging and interactive manner.

The scheme also employs learning resources that cater to the children’s developmental needs, such as picture books, flashcards, interactive digital content, and child-friendly websites.

Benefits of the Social Habits Scheme

The Social Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 2 offers numerous benefits to young learners:

  1. Improved Social Skills: Children will develop essential social skills like communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution, setting the stage for positive social interactions in the future.
  2. Increased Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing emotions will enhance their self-awareness and empathy, making them more considerate and compassionate individuals.
  3. Boosted Confidence: Engaging in role-plays and group activities will boost their self-confidence and encourage active participation.
  4. Strengthened Language Development: Through storytelling and discussions, children’s language and vocabulary will improve, aiding in effective communication.
  5. Holistic Development: The integration of cross-curricular elements ensures a well-rounded learning experience that nurtures creativity, physical coordination, and cognitive abilities.

First Term Social Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 2

WeekTopicLearning ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1REVISION– Review previously taught concepts– Teacher-led revision of previously taught topicsDigital literacy, Collaboration, Creativity and<br><br><br>Pictures, charts
2MY FAMILY– Define family and identify types of family– Rhymes and stories related to family<br>- Teach simple definitions of family<br>- Discuss nuclear and extended familiesCollaboration, Communication, Creativity and imagination, Digital<br>
3ROLES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY– Illustrate and describe roles of family members– Teacher-led discussion on roles of father, mother, and children<br>- Storytelling about family member rolesCollaboration, Communication, Creativity and imagination, Digital<br>
4ADVANTAGES OF LIVING TOGETHER IN FAMILY– Explain the benefits of living together as a family– Discuss activities done together as a family<br>- Encourage pupils to appreciate family bonds and love for each otherCommunication, Coordination, Creativity and imagination, Digital<br><br>
5ACTIVITIES AT HOME AND IN SCHOOL– Discuss various activities at home and school– Monitor pupils to follow instructions at home and school<br>- Engage in both indoor and outdoor school activitiesCollaboration, Communication, Creativity and imagination, Digital<br><br>
6MID TERM BREAK– Rest and refresh– Rest and refresh during the mid-term break
7GREETINGS ON SPECIAL OCCASIONS– Learn different forms of greetings on special occasions– Sing festive rhymes and songs during circle time<br>- Learn greetings for various festive periodsCollaboration, Communication, Creativity and imagination, Digital<br><br><br>
8CEREMONIES IN OUR CULTURE (MARRIAGE)– Discuss the meaning and activities involved in marriage ceremonies– Teacher-led explanation of marriage ceremonies<br>- Role-play marriage ceremonies in the schoolCollaboration, Communication, Creativity and imagination, Digital<br><br>Picture of marriage ceremony
9CEREMONY IN OUR CULTURE (NAMING CEREMONY)– Define naming ceremony and explain its activities– Teacher-led discussion on naming ceremonies<br>- Role-play naming ceremoniesCollaboration, Communication, Creativity and imagination, Digital<br><br>
10REVISION– Review previously taught concepts– Teacher-led revision of previously taught topicsDigital literacy, Collaboration, Creativity and imagination
11EXAMINATIONS– Assess pupils’ understanding of the topics covered– Conduct examinations to assess pupils’ knowledge and learning progressCollaboration, Communication, Creativity and imagination, Digital literacy

Second Term Social Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 2

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
2PLACE IN MY HOUSE– Summarize the meaning of House – Explain the differences between big houses and small houses – Describe various rooms and their purposes.– Teacher explains the meanings of various rooms in a house (kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, etc.). – Activity 1: Pupils use cardboard to make a simple house and describe their creations. – Activity 2: Pupils identify and describe rooms in their houses and their uses.– Collaboration and Communication – Creativity and imagination – Digital literacywww.woodardeenglish/
3TRADITIONAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS– Identify traditional musical instruments, festivals, and rulers.– Teacher discusses traditional musical instruments, festivals, and rulers in Nigeria. – Activity 1: Pupils learn about specific musical instruments and festivals and present their cultural dance. – Activity 2: Pupils mention names of traditional rulers in their communities.– Collaboration and Communication – Creativity and imagination – Cross circular – Literacy – Movement – Gross motor Pictures of local musical instruments, cultural wears
4MY SCHOOL: PEOPLE IN MY SCHOOL– Discuss schedules or roles of everyone in the school – Identify school staff by name and duty.– Teacher explains the meaning of staff. – Activity 1: Pupils visit various school staff (head teacher, library staff, school nurse, etc.) to familiarize themselves with people in the school. – Pupils mention other teachers in their school.– Communication and Collaboration – Creativity – Cross circular – Literacy description of places in the school (composition) – Movement – Gross motor Pictures of teachers, pupils, offices
5ACTIVITY IN THE SCHOOL– Discuss activities done in the school – Describe what they enjoy doing in the school.– Teacher discusses various activities in the school. – Activity 1: Pupils mention activities in the school, such as playing, reading, writing, etc. – Activity 2: Pupils organize a debate competition.– Collaboration and Communication – Creativity – Cross circular – Literacy description of places in the school (composition) – Movement – Gross motor Pictures, footballs, charts
7PEOPLE IN OUR COUNTRY– Discuss various ethnic groups in Nigeria – Describe their language, food, dress, etc.– Teacher stimulates pupils’ curiosity by singing rhymes related to culture and ethnic groups in Nigeria. – Pupils bring native attire and foods and describe their dressing styles. – Activity 1: Pupils recite cultural rhymes for major ethnic groups in Nigeria and mention native foods.– Collaboration and Communication – Creativity – Cross circular – Literacy description of places in the school (composition) – Movement – Gross motor Pictures of different ethnic groups (Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa)
8COMMUNITY HELPERS– Explain who community helpers are – Mention various community helpers and their roles.– Pupils learn the meaning of community helpers. – Pupils discuss community helpers in their surroundings. – Activity 1: Pupils discuss what they would like to become in the future and mention different people who help in the community. – Activity 2: Pupils discuss the roles of security agencies in society.– Collaboration and Communication – Creativity – Cross circular – Literacy description of places in the school (composition) – Movement – Gross motor Pictures of different professions, video clips of community helpers’ duties
9VALUES (HONESTY AND TRUSTWORTHINESS)– Discuss honesty and trustworthiness – Explain what rewards are.– Teacher explains honesty, trustworthiness, and rewards in a play-based approach. – Activity 1: Pupils role-play on honesty and trustworthiness to encourage effective learning and active participation.– Collaboration and Communication – Creativity – Cross circular – Literacy description of places in the school (composition) – Movement – Gross motor Storytelling, role-playing, video clips

Third Term Social Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 2

WeekTopicLearning ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1REVISION OF LAST TERM WORK– Review last term’s work.– Teacher reviews last term’s work with pupils.N/AN/A
2REWARD– Explain and discuss what reward is.– Teacher explains reward to pupils.Collaboration and<br><br><br>Storytelling<br>Role-playing in honesty/video clips
– Role-play on reward of honesty.Creativity
– Pupils learn about rewards for services and participate in role-playing activities.Cross Circular
– Literacy description of places in the school (composition).Movement Benefits
– Gross motor skill activities related to movement.
3VALUES (RESPONSIBILITY: PEACEMAKING AND TOLERANCE)– Explain responsibility and tolerance.– Teacher explains the meaning of responsibility and tolerance.Communication and<br><br><br>Discuss<br>Role play<br>Pictures/charts
– Pupils demonstrate love and tolerance towards one another.Creativity
– Encourage pupils to take responsibility by assisting others in need.Cross Circular
– Literacy description of places in the school (composition).Movement Benefits
– Gross motor skill activities.
4PEACE MAKING– Define peacemaking and ways to make peace with others.– Teacher teaches pupils the definition of peacemaking and provides examples.Communication and<br>
– Role-play activities on peacemaking and responsibility towards others.Creativity
– Encourage pupils to practice values of peace in their daily activities.Cross Circular
– Literacy description of places in the school (composition).Movement Benefits
– Gross motor skill activities.
5OUR ENVIRONMENT– Define environment and recognize different types of environments.– Teacher explains the concept of the environment and its components.Creativity and<br>ELearning<br><br>
– Show pupils pictures and charts of clean and unclean environments.Communication and Collaboration
– Guide pupils on caring for the environment and compose songs/rhymes.Digital literacy
– Engage pupils in environmental activities like planting trees and recycling.Health tips
7GOOD MANNERS– Mention and exhibit good manners.– Teacher explains good manners with examples.Creativity and<br><br><br>
– Role-play various scenarios demonstrating good manners.Communication and Collaboration
– Pupils practice saying please, thank you, apologizing, and showing gratitude.Digital literacy
– Encourage pupils to take care of their environment and wash hands frequently.Health tips
8GENDER FAIRNESS– Define gender and fairness and promote respect for others.– Teacher explains the meaning of gender and fairness.Creativity and<br><br>
– Guide pupils on treating each other fairly and respectfully.Communication and Collaboration
– Help pupils differentiate between fair and unfair treatment.Digital literacy
– Encourage pupils to wash hands immediately after activities.Health tips
9HELPING OTHERS– Explain the value of helping people.– Teacher demonstrates how to render help to others.Creativity and<br><br><br>
– Pupils perform acts of helping others and make promises to help their family and friends.Communication and Collaboration
– Encourage pupils to wash hands immediately after activities.Digital literacy
10REVISIONN/AN/AHealth tips
11REVISIONN/AN/ADigital literacy
13EXAMINATIONSN/AN/ADigital literacy

NOTE: Week 6 is not included. it is Midterm Break

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