Number Work Scheme of Work for Kindergarten (Age 5)

Number Work Scheme of Work For Nursery
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Teaching young children the fundamentals of mathematics lays the foundation for their lifelong learning journey. In Kindergarten, the Number Work curriculum plays a pivotal role in introducing numerical concepts, building essential skills, and fostering a positive attitude towards math. This article provides a comprehensive summary of the Number Work Scheme of Work for Kindergarten, spanning the first to third term.

First Term: The first term focuses on laying the groundwork for number recognition and understanding. It includes engaging in revision activities to reinforce numbers 1 to 70. The learning objectives involve revisiting number activities, allowing children to develop a solid grasp of counting, reading, and writing numbers within this range. By using various learning resources like number cards, toys, and picture charts, the students are encouraged to participate actively and collaboratively.

Second Term: During the second term, the curriculum introduces young learners to numbers 71 to 85. The objective is to encourage the students to develop their numerical abilities further. This term emphasizes singing number songs or rhymes to make learning enjoyable while fostering memory retention. The use of number cards aids in reading and writing numbers, strengthening students’ grasp of the new set of numbers. Additionally, the concept of greater than (>) and less than (<) is introduced, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills through simple tasks involving numbers.

Third Term: In the final term, the Number Work curriculum delves deeper into the world of numbers by introducing numerals 86 to 100. This term emphasizes recitation, counting, and writing of numbers in a sequential manner. Students are encouraged to explore reverse counting, which enhances their understanding of numbers in a broader context. Moreover, this term introduces the concept of place value using the Abacus, enabling pupils to comprehend the value of tens and units. By using concrete objects and charts, students develop creativity and imagination while solving problems related to place value.

Overall Approach and Learning Resources: Throughout the three terms, the scheme of work is designed to integrate various core skills, such as communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving. The curriculum aims to nurture a positive attitude towards math, ensuring that children perceive numbers as an exciting part of their daily lives.

To make learning engaging and effective, a wide range of learning resources are used. These include number cards, toys, picture charts, flashcards, plasticine, an Abacus, and counters. These resources allow for a multi-sensory learning experience, catering to different learning styles and ensuring active participation in the learning process.

First Term Number Work Scheme of Work for Kindergarten

WeekTopicLearning ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesLearning Resources
1BACK TO SCHOOL REVISION ON NUMBER 1-50Count and write numbers 1-50Count and write numbers 1-50Number cards, Toys
2INTRODUCTION OF NUMBERS 51-55Read and identify numbers 51-55Pupils pronounce numbers 51-55, read number cards, match numbers with corresponding objectsFlash cards, Toys, Concrete objects etc
3NUMBERS IN COLOURSSing songs and recite poems on colours, Identify and recognize primary colours, Match colours with objectsPupils sing songs and recite poems on colours, pupil identify and recognize primary colours and use them to arrange objectsCrayons, Drawing box, Colour wheel, Objects of different colours
4INTRODUCTION TO 56-60Sing numbers songs or rhymes, Identify and read numbers 56-60 on number cards, Match numbers with appropriate objectsPupils sing numbers songs of rhymes, identify and read numbers 56-60 on number cards, match numbers with appropriate objectsNumber cards, Picture books, Toys, Concrete objects
5SHAPES (CIRCLE TRIANGLE SQUARE AND RECTANGLE)Sing songs or rhymes on shapes, Identify different objects and relate them to their shapesPupils sing songs and recite rhymes on shapes, pupil draw and colour shapes, pupils describe classroom objects in relation to shapesBottle tops, Balls, Tables, Boxes, Concrete objects, Pictures charts
7INTRODUCTION TO NUMBERS 65-70Read and identify numbers 65-70, Write 65-70 and 70-65, Count and match objects to the right numbers, Skip count in twosPupils pronounce the numbers after the teacher, pupils read and write numbers 65-70, pupils fill in gaps of missing numbers, skip count in twosFlash cards, Toys, Concrete objects
8MEASUREMENT TIME (CLOCK)Explain time and its purpose, Recognize a clock, Identify the four hand and the minutes hand, Read and tell the time on a clockPupils identify the hands of a clock, pupils read time on a clock, pupils sing songs on activities of hours of the day, read and tell the time on a clockWall clock, Wristwatch, O’clock model, Calendar, CD for songs
9LENGTH COMPARISONGive simple meaning of length, Identify objects as short or long/tall, Compare the length of objects using a standard unitPupils discuss length and its uses, pupils identify and classify objects by ascending order of length, measure objects using non-standard unitsMeasuring objects, Length picture charts

Second Term Number Work Scheme of Work for Kindergarten

WeekTopicLearning ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1BACK TO SCHOOL /REVISION ON 1-70– Interact and discuss how they spent their holiday– Pupils count and write numbers 1-70Number cards
– Count and write numbers 1-70 and 71-1– Pupils reverse the reading and writing of 70-1
– Skip count numbers in twos
2INTRODUCTION TO NUMBER 71-75– Recite numbers 71-75– Pupils read the numbers one after the other– Communication and CollaborateNumber chart, Number songs, Toys
– Read the numbers 71-75– Pupils count and write the numbers– Critical thinking and problem-solving
– Fill in the gaps with missing numbers– Pupils fill in the missing numbers– Creativity and imagination
– Pupils match numbers with objects
3ROMANS NUMERALS 1 TO X – 1-10– Discuss Roman Numerals as one of the indigenous ways of writing numbers– Pupils sing songs on Roman numerals– Communication and CollaborateNumber flashcards, Roman numerals flashcard
– Introduce the Roman numerals 10 x 1-10 with songs in rhymes– Pupils match numerals– Critical thinking and problem-solving
– Pupil read and write Roman numerals– Creativity and imagination
4MOLDING OF NUMBERS– Mold numbers with the use of plasticine or clay– Pupils engage in molding numbers– Communication and CollaboratePlasticine, Clay, Playing cards, Flashcards
– Play games with cards and number cards– Pupils engage in number games– Critical thinking and problem-solving
– Perform activities on identification, coloring, sorting, and counting of numbers– Pupils sing number songs– Creativity and imagination
– Pupils engage in sorting and coloring numbers
5INTRODUCTION NUMBERS 76-80– Read and identify numbers 76-80– Pupil reads the numbers after the teacher– Communication and CollaborateNumbers chart, Number songs
– Count and write numbers 76-80– Pupils count and write the numbers– Critical thinking and problem-solving
– Fill in the gaps with missing numbers– Pupils fill in the missing number gaps– Creativity and imagination
7INTRODUCTION TO NUMBERS 81-85– Read numbers 81-85 using number cards– Pupils pronounce the numbers one after the other– Communication and CollaborateNumber cards, Number chart, Toys
– Count and write 81 – 85– Pupils count and write the numbers– Critical thinking and problem-solving
– Fill in the gaps with missing numbers– Pupils sort of the numbers in reverse order– Creativity and imagination
– Group and sort numbers– Pupils fill in the missing numbers in gaps
8FRACTION HALF (1/2)– Give a simple meaning of a fraction– Pupils describe a fraction as part of a whole– Communication and CollaborateFood items, Chart, Crayon, Knife, Orange
– Presents objects of food items that can be divided into two equal halves (e.g., groundnut, pepper, tomatoes, orange, etc.)– Pupils cut food items into halves– Critical thinking and problem-solving
– Perform tasks on drawing, coloring, matching halves with their objects appropriately– Pupils draw, color, and match halves with the appropriate objects– Creativity and imagination
9WEIGHT– Give a simple meaning of weight– Pupil carries two objects to compare their weights– Communication and CollaborateConcrete objects, Weighing balance, Picture book
– Use non-standard units to compare weight– Compare their weights– Critical thinking and problem-solving
– Use weighing balance to compare the weights of two objects– Pupil tick the heavier or lighter objects– Creativity and imagination
– Give tasks on tick, 1 heaver object between 2 choices, or tick () the lighter object between 2 choices

Third Term Number Work Scheme of Work for Kindergarten

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1BACK TO SCHOOL REVISION ON NUMBERS 1-85Revision on number activities (1-85)Communication and Collaborate
2INTRODUCTION TO NUMBER 86-90Pupils should be able to sing numbers songs or rhymes of numbers. Read numbers using the number cards of 86-90. Reverse counting of 86-90. Match objects of group of numbers with numbers.Pupils read and write 86-90 using number cards. Pupil read and write numbers 86-90. Pupil match numbers with objects of groups.Communication and Collaborate. Critical thinking and problem solving. Creativity and imagination.Number cards. Toys. Picture chart.
3GREATER THAN (>) AND LESS THAN (<)Pupil should be able to give a simple meaning of greater than and less than. Find the right aim and the left aim to illustrate the signs. Perform tasks on number command sort form.Pupil should demonstrate the signs of greater than (>) and less than (<) than. Pupil do simple tasks on greater and less than. Using objects e.g. 5 pens and 2 pens (5>2), 42 cups and 18 cups (12<18).Communication and Collaborate. Critical thinking and problem solving. Creativity and imagination.Flash cards. Plasticine. White marker chart.
4PLACE VALUE OF NUMBERSPupil should be able to give a simple meaning of place value in relation to the numbers. Use of Abacus to arrange the place value of numbers 10-1-20, 1-50. Interpret the place value of numbers on Abacus e.g 12.Pupil draw /Abacus. Pupil represents numbers on the Abacus to represent the number.Communication and Collaborate. Critical thinking and problem solving. Creativity and imagination.Abacus. Counters.
5INTRODUCTION TO NUMBERS 91-100Pupil should be able to sing songs or recite rhymes on 96-100. Recite with numbers 96-100 using number card chart. Compare numbers 96-100, 1-50, and 1-100. Reverse the counting of 100.Pupils sing songs and rhymes to read 96-100. Pupils count and write 1-100. Pupils reverse the counting and writing of numbers 100-91.Communication and Collaborate. Critical thinking and problem solving. Creativity and imagination.Flash cards. Toys. Charts.
7NUMBER IN WORDS 1-10MID-TERM BREAKPupils recite one to ten in words. Pupils copy one to ten number words from songs. Pupils match numbers and words.Pupils should be able to recite 1-10 words. Display number cards with the words written on them for numbers 1-10. Sing songs and rhymes for mastering number words.Communication and Collaborate. Critical thinking and problem-solving. Creativity and imagination.
8SIMPLE ADDITION OF NUMBER 1-9Pupils should be able to demonstrate a simple meaning of addition and its sign (+). Guide pupils to give a correct answer to pictorial addition of objects.Pupil solves simple addition by pouring objects together e.g., 0+0, 2+3=5.Communication and Collaborate. Critical thinking and problem solving. Creativity and imagination.Concrete objects. Charts.
9SIMPLE SUBTRACTION OF NUMBERSPupil should be able to give a simple meaning of subtraction and its sign (-). Sing songs or rhymes to illustrate the concept of subtraction e.g., ten green bottles standing on the wall if one green bottle is taken out of them all, 9 green bottles standing on the wall, etc.Pupil sing songs and rhymes on subtraction. Pupil demonstrates simple subtraction by counting objects.Communication and Collaborate. Critical thinking and problem solving. Creativity and imagination.Counters. Concrete objects.
10MONEY AND USESFlashcards. Number charts on words.Pupil should be able to discuss the simple meaning of money and its uses. Provide a shopping corner in the classroom with items and prices displayed in Naira (Nigerian currency) for pupils to do pretend shopping (buying and selling of commodities) with N5 to N10.Pupils discuss money and its uses. Pupils identify money denominations by reading the numbers written on them. The pupil brings shopping items to class and tags items with price tags. Pupil identifies Nigerian currencies and their values.Money samples. Specimen chart. Simple commodities (e.g., sweet packets, biscuits, milk).

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