Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 5

Islamic Studies scheme of work
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The Primary 5 Islamic Religious Studies scheme of work aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles of Islam. It is designed to build upon the knowledge gained in previous years and help students develop a deeper connection with their faith. The sacheme covers a range of topics, including the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Quran, Islamic history, ethics, and practical aspects of worship.

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First Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 5


WeekModule/TopicObjectivesContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupils’ ActivitiesResources
1Revision of Suratul-TakathurRecall and recite Suratul-Takathur from memorySuratul-TakathurRecite the Surah from memoryListen to the teacher’s recitation, read individuallyTeacher’s copy of the Qur’an, Recorded cassette, Record player
2Memorization and translation of Surah: HummazahRecite and memorize Surah Hummazah, translate it to EnglishSurah al-HummazahRecite the Surah slowly, play the tape recorderListen attentively, recite in groups and individuallyText of Surah, Translation of Surah, Cardboard
3Suratul Alaq and Ayaat 12-19 of Suratul-LuqmanRecite Suratul Alaq and Ayaat 12-19 of Suratul-Luqman, identify new wordsSuratul Alaq, Suratul-LuqmanRecite the Surah properly, guide pronunciation of new wordsListen to teacher’s recitation, recite individuallyChart, flashcards, Copy of the Qur’an
4Hadith No:15 of An-Nawawi’s CollectionRead and explain the meaning of Hadith No.15, state lessons from the HadithHadith No.15 of An-Nawawi’s CollectionRead Arabic text, explain meaning, state lessons from HadithRead and understand the Hadith, discuss lessonsCardboard, An-Nawawi’s 40th Hadith Collection, Video clips
5Types of ShirkExplain the meaning of shirk, list acts of shirk, state kinds of shirk and their effectsSuratul-Al-Iklas, Oneness of Allah, othersExplain Suratul-Ikhlas, discuss types of shirk and their effectsListen attentively, explain types of shirkPictures of worshipped objects
6Belief in life after deathExplain death, resurrection, judgment, paradise, hell, rewards, and punishment after deathDeath, Resurrection, Judgment, Paradise, HellDiscuss death and resurrection, describe judgment and rewardsParticipate in discussions, describe rewards and punishmentsCardboard, pictures showing grave and deceased person
7Midterm TestEvaluate students’ understanding through a midterm testTestConduct the midterm testTake the midterm test
8GhusulExplain ghusul, reasons for performing it, demonstrate how to perform, identify sequenceDefinition of Ghusul, Reasons for GhusulExplain ghusul, demonstrate it, guide through sequenceListen to the explanation, watch the demonstrationBowl or kettle with water, illustrations, video clips
9Revision of Uthman bin Afan and Ali bin Abi-TalibDiscuss the life history, relationship with the Prophet, contributions, achievementsCaliphs Uthman bin Affan, Ali bin Abi-TalibRecall their life histories, discuss their relationshipsDiscuss their achievements, contributions, and relationshipsChart with Caliphs’ names, achievements chart
10Virtuous Acts in IslamList and explain virtuous behaviours for Muslims, discuss their benefitsSelflessness, Moderation, Modesty, othersExplain virtue, discuss virtuous behaviours and their benefitsListen to explanation, participate in discussionChart of virtuous acts, video clips

Second Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 5

WEEKMODULE/TOPICOBJECTIVESContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupils’ ActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
1Reading Suratul – Al-Qari’ahPupils should be able to read Suratul Al-Qari’ah correctly and learn it by heart.Arabic text of Suratul Al-Qari’ahReads the Surah aloud and explains new wordsListen and read Suratul Al-Qari’ahGlorious Qur’an, recorded cassette
2Arabic text of Suratul A’ala and AyaatPupils should be able to read and identify new words in Suratul A’ala and the Ayaat.Suratul A’ala and Ayaat, new wordsReads the Surah and identifies new wordsListen and read Suratul A’ala and AyaatChart/Flash cards, Copy of the Qur’an
from the contentTape and tape recorder
3Hadith No: 17 of An – Nawawi’s CollectionPupils should be able to read and explain Hadith No. 17 and its lessons.Hadith No. 17 of An – Nawawi’s CollectionReads the Hadith and explains its meaning and lessonsListen and understand Hadith No. 17 and its lessonsCardboard containing Hadith, Textbook
4&5Asma’ul-Lahil – Husna (Beautiful names)Pupils should be able to pronounce, list, and translate the beautiful names of Allah.List of names and meaningsWrites names on the board and explains each onePronounce, translate, and learn the names of AllahCardboard with names, tape recorder
6Revision of Asma’ul – Lahil – HusnaPupils should recall all thirty beautiful names and their meanings and recite from memory.Names of Allah in Arabic text, TranslationGuides pupils to recall and write names on the boardRecite and explain meanings of the namesCardboard with names, English meanings
7Mid Term Test
8ZakatPupils should be able to state the meaning of zakat, list items on which it’s paid, and beneficiaries.Definition of zakat, Items and beneficiariesExplains the meaning, items, and beneficiaries of zakatListen, understand, and participate in the discussionPictures, Cardboard with beneficiaries
9Significances of ZakatPupils should be able to state the significance of zakat, such as poverty alleviation and wealth redistribution.Definition of zakat, SignificanceExplains the significance of zakat and its social effectsParticipate in the discussion about zakat’s significancePictures, Video clips
10IntoxicantsPupils should be able to explain the meaning of intoxicants and describe their effects on individuals and society.Definition of intoxicants, EffectsExplains the meaning and effects of intoxicantsUnderstand and discuss the effects of intoxicantsPictures, Chart, Video clips

Third Term Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 5

WEEKMODULE/TOPICOBJECTIVESContentsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupils’ ActivitiesTeaching/Learning Resources
1Reading of Suratul – Al-Adiyah, Memorization & TranslationPupils should be able to:– Ayaat of Suratul Al-Adiyah– Reads Ayaat of Suratul Al-Adiyah– Listen attentively to the teacher– Copy of the glorious Qur’an
– Read Suratul Al-Adiyah Ayaat– Translation of the Surah– Guides pupils to identify new wordsas he reads the Ayaat– Charts with Surah and Ayaat
– Identify new words in the Surah– Memorization of the Surah– Guides pupils to recite correctly– Participate in reciting individually and in groups– Flash cards for new words, recorded cassette
– Memorize the Surah correctly– Recitation of the Surah from memory– Translate the Surah into English– Cardboard containing English meanings
– Translate Arabic text of the Surah to English– Identification of new words from Surah– Identify new words in the Surah– Recorded cassette and record player
2Hadith No. 9 of An-Nawawi’s CollectionPupils should be able to:– Arabic text of Hadith No. 11– Reads Arabic text of Hadith No. 9– Listen attentively to the teacher– Cardboard paper with Hadith No. 9
(Responsibilities within one’s capacity)– Read Arabic text of Hadith No. 9– Meaning of the text of Hadith No. 11– Explain the meaning of Hadith No. 9– Participate in the discussion on the– Book of An-Nawawi’s Collection
– Explain the meaning of Hadith No. 9– Lessons from Hadith– Explain the lessons from Hadith No. 9meaning of Hadith No. 9– Video clips on responsibility within one’s capacity
3The Concept of At-Taubah (Repentance and forgiveness)Pupils should be able to:– Repentance– Explains the meaning of Taubah– Listen to teacher’s explanations– Cardboard containing list of sinful acts and process of repentance
– Explain the meaning of Taubah– Allah as Forgiver and Merciful– List sins pupils commiton Taubah and process– Pictures showing aspects of pillars of Islam
– Explain reasons for repentance– Acts that constitute disobedience– Identify the effects of– Participate in discussion on– Pictures of someone observing salat, picture of Pilgrims
– Discuss breaking Allah’s rules and its consequences– Actions that constitute repentancedisobedience on one another,brief life history of Prophet
– List ways of demonstrating repentance– Avoiding repetition of the sinfather, mother, and the class. (4)Lut and Nuh.
– Apply it in their daily life– Satan as a facilitator of sinsIdentify sins committed against Allah.– Explain the roles of wives
4Asma’ul-Lahil Husna (Beautiful names of Allah) No. 66-99Pupils should be able to:– Names and meanings (66-99)– Write Arabic text and translation– Listen attentively to the teacher– Cardboard on which names are written
– Pronounce each of the names– Pronunciation of each Arabic name– Pronounce Arabic names after teacheras he pronounces each name.– Charts with names and meanings
– Translate or give meaning of the names in English– Translation of names in Englishin chorus.– Participate in pronouncing individually and in groups– Video clips on effects of intoxicants
– Learn each name by heart– Guided memorization of namesin chorus.– Explain the meaning of intoxicants
5The meaning of IslamPupils should be able to:– Definition of Islam– Explain the importance of women in Islam– Listen to teacher’s explanation– Charts showing pillars of Islam
– Define the word Islam– Who a Muslim is– Listen as he explains and defines– Listen to explanations about the– Charts showing six articles of faith in Islam
– Describe the person who is a Muslim– Articles of faith in Islamsome of the terms like Islam,– Participate in discussion about the– Pictures of people affected by drug abuse
– The five Pillars of IslamMuslim, Ibadah, and Mu’amalat. (2)position of women in Islam,– Charts showing different kinds of drugs
6Roles of some women mentioned in the Qur’an (Q66:10-12)Pupils should be able to:– Names, values and life of women in Qur’an– Telling short stories of their lives– Listen to teacher’s short stories– Pictures of women cited in the Qur’an
– Identify some women mentioned in the Qur’an by names– Role of women in early Islamof the Prophet Lut and Nuh. (3)position of women in early Islam,– Chart containing list of prominent women
– Tell stories of their lives– History of the women in early Islam– Explains the role of their wives– Participate in discussion about thein Islam, relevant text books on each school
7Mid Term Test
8Roles of some women in early Islam (Khadijah, Aisha, etc.)Pupils should be able to:– History of women in early Islam– Leads discussion on the position of– Listen to discussion on early– Charts showing roles of women in Islam
– Discuss the importance of women in Islam– Status of women in Islamwomen in Islam.Islam, and their significance.
– Relate stories of the lives of these women– Support to the Prophet during hardships– Lead discussion on the four women– Participate in discussion about the
– Explain the role they played in Islam– Services to the Muslim communitymentioned in the topic. (3)history of early Islamic women,
– Explain their relationship with the Prophet– Explain the relationship betweenrelevant text books on each of the
women and the Prophet. (4)women. (5)
9Brief life History and contribution of founders of schools of Law in IslamPupils should be able to:– Four founders of Schools of Law in Islam– List the four founders of schools of– Listen to discussion on the history– Chart containing names of the four scholars
– Mention the four founders of schools of Law in Islam– Brief life history of each of themlaw in Islam. (2)and contributions of the four– Relevant text books on each school of law
– Briefly state their histories– Contributions of the four founders– Lead discussion on brief life historyfounders of schools of law in Islam,
– List the contributions of the four founders– Moral lessons from their life historiesof each of them. (3)moral lessons from their lives.
10Drug AbusePupils should be able to:– Definition of drug abuse– Leads discussion on insanity, truancy– Listen to explanations on drug abuse– Charts showing the effects of drug abuse
– Explain the meaning of drug abuse– Effects of drug abuseviolence due to drug abuse. (3)and its effects. (5)– Charts showing different kinds of drugs
– Identify drugs that can be abused– Reasons for drug abuse– Explains why people abuse drugs– Participate in discussion about the– Video clips on effects of drug abuse
– Explain reasons and ways drugs are abused– Relationship between drug abuse and crime– Explains the relationship betweeneffects of drug abuse on individuals
– Explain effects of drug abuse on individuals and society– Drugs often abused– Discuss the side effects of drugand society. (4)

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Important Tips On Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 5

Learning Outcomes On Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 5

By the end of the academic year, students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a solid understanding of the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  • Recite and understand selected verses from the Quran.
  • Recognize key events in Islamic history and their significance.
  • Display ethical behavior based on Islamic principles.
  • Perform essential Islamic acts of worship with proficiency.

Assessment Methods On Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 5

Assessment will be conducted through a variety of methods to gauge students’ understanding and progress:

  • Written assessments: Regular quizzes and exams to assess knowledge retention.
  • Oral presentations: Students will present on specific topics, encouraging research and communication skills.
  • Project-based assessments: Research projects on Islamic history or ethics.
  • Practical assessments: Performance of prayers, ablution, and other acts of worship.
  • Class participation: Engagement in discussions and activities related to the curriculum.

Curriculum Content On Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 5

  • Life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): Understanding his early life, prophethood, migration to Medina, and teachings.
  • Quranic Studies: Selected verses with translation, memorization of short chapters (surahs), and an introduction to tafsir (exegesis).
  • Islamic History: Significant events and stories from the life of the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the expansion of Islam.
  • Ethics and Morality: Learning about honesty, kindness, respect, and compassion through Islamic teachings.
  • Acts of Worship: In-depth study and practical application of Salah (prayer), Sawm (fasting), and Zakat (charity).
  • Islamic Civilization: Introduction to Islamic art, architecture, and contributions to science and culture.

Teaching Strategies On Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 5

To ensure effective learning, a variety of teaching strategies will be employed:

  • Lectures: Detailed explanations of key concepts and historical events.
  • Discussions: Engaging students in conversations about ethical dilemmas and Islamic values.
  • Interactive Activities: Role-playing scenarios to illustrate ethical decision-making.
  • Audio-Visual Aids: Utilizing videos and multimedia to enhance understanding of complex topics.
  • Group Projects: Collaborative research and presentations to encourage teamwork and research skills.

Resources and Materials On Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 5

  • Islamic textbooks and workbooks tailored to Primary 5 level.
  • Copies of the Quran with translations.
  • Multimedia resources showcasing Islamic history and teachings.
  • Educational videos and documentaries.
  • Art supplies for projects related to Islamic civilization.

Feedback and Support On Islamic Religious Studies Scheme of Work For Primary 5

Regular feedback will be provided to students to aid their progress and improvement:

  • Individual feedback on assessments highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
  • One-on-one sessions for students who need extra support.
  • Open-door policy for students to seek clarification on any topic.
  • Parent-teacher meetings to discuss students’ progress and address concerns.

In conclusion, the Primary 5 Islamic Religious Studies scheme of work is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of Islam, encompassing its history, teachings, and practical aspects. Through a combination of diverse teaching strategies, resources, and assessments, students will engage deeply with their faith and develop valuable skills and knowledge that will stay with them throughout their lives.

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