Health Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 2 (Age 4)

Health Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery
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The Health Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 2 is a comprehensive and carefully crafted educational plan designed to instill essential health habits and promote personal development in children aged 4 years. Spanning across three terms, this scheme aims to create a solid foundation for young learners to understand and practice healthy habits that contribute to their overall well-being.

Throughout the course of this scheme, Nursery 2 pupils will engage in a series of interactive and age-appropriate lessons that focus on various aspects of health, hygiene, and cleanliness. Each term’s curriculum builds upon the previous one, providing a progressive learning experience that helps children develop their cognitive, emotional, and physical skills.

The first term starts with a revision of the previous term’s topics, allowing students to recall and reinforce their understanding of the health habits they have learned before. This review sets the stage for subsequent terms by ensuring that students retain and apply their knowledge effectively.

In the second term, the focus shifts to personal hygiene, particularly care for the skin, ears, and mouth. Pupils are introduced to basic hygiene practices such as bathing, washing hands, and brushing teeth. They learn the importance of caring for their skin, ears, and mouth to maintain good health and prevent illnesses.

In the third term, the emphasis expands to encompass broader aspects of cleanliness, including proper care of clothes and footwear. Pupils learn how to wash and take care of their dresses and shoes, promoting responsible habits that contribute to personal hygiene and tidiness.

Throughout this scheme, the pupils’ learning experience is enriched with engaging activities, audio-visual resources, and nursery rhymes, making the lessons enjoyable and memorable. The embedded core skills of communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving, leadership, and personal development help foster a holistic growth mindset in the young learners.

By the end of Nursery 2, children will have acquired valuable health habits that form the foundation for a lifetime of well-being. They will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to take care of themselves and others, contributing to a healthier and happier community.

The Health Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 2 aims to nurture young minds, shaping them into health-conscious individuals who understand the significance of maintaining good hygiene and making informed choices for their overall health. Through this scheme, we aspire to empower our little learners to lead a healthier and more fulfilling life.

First Term Health Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 2

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1CARE OF NAILBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in small groups study the posters or charts of nails (toes and fingers).Personal development– Audio Visual Resources – Clean water – Hand towel – Nail cutter – Sterile wipe – Pictures/ posters/ photographs/charts of clean and dirty nails – Body cream – Hand cream – Nail file – Pedicure and manicure kit – Dolls – Website Resources:
1. Identify where nails can be found on the body (e.g., hands, legs).– Pupils in pairs hand-trace their hand on a paper and color it.
2. Analyze the importance of having nails (e.g., to scratch things, etc).– Pupils sing rhymes on fingers: “Daddy finger, Daddy finger, Where are you? Here I am, How do you do…”.
Note: Pupils are advised to keep nails clean and short at all times.
2CARE OF NAILS IIBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in small groups watch videos on manicure and pedicure sessions.Personal development– Water – Hand towel – Nail cutter – Pedicure and manicure kit – Sterile wipes – Napkins/hand towel – Pictures/ posters/ photographs/ charts of clean and dirty nails – Hand cream – Nail file
1. Enumerate some items/tools for cleaning nails (e.g., water, nail file, nail cutter, pedicure and manicure kit).
Note: Pupils are advised not to cut their nails by themselves.
3CARE OF HAIRBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in pairs identify and locate the toilet in the school premises.Personal development– Hair shampoo – Hair conditioner – Water – Hair beads – Air cream – Combs – Towel – Hair oil – Hair dryer – Mannequin – Poster/pictures of different hair types – Dolls – Website Resources:
1. State the function of hair on the head (e.g., to look beautiful, to protect the head, etc).– Pupils in small groups draw the hair type chart.
2. Identify types of hair:
– Straight hair
– Wavy hair
– Curly hair
– Kinky hair
4CARE OF HAIR IIBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in pairs wash the hair of a doll.Personal development– Internet search on photo/pictures of hair type chart – Mannequin – Hair dryer – Hair oil/cream – Towel – Comb – Hair beads – Water – Hair shampoo – Hair conditioner – Doll
1. Mention some materials/tools that can be used to take care of hair (e.g., hair shampoo, dryer, etc).– Pupils in small groups observe and identify different types of comb or dryer, creaming with oil, combing, plaiting.Collaboration
2. State how to care for the hair (e.g., washing with water and hair shampoo, drying with a towel).– Pupils in pairs identify types of combs and state their uses (e.g., hairbrush, tail comb, cutting comb, pocket comb, barber’s comb).
Hairbrush = for brushing
Cutting comb = for plaiting hair
Rat tail comb = for parting the hair
Barber’s comb = for men
Pick comb = for lifting the hair
Pocket comb = handy for emergency
5CARE OF LEGS IBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in pairs identify legs on their body using songs and rhymes.Personal development– Water – Nail cutter – Cream – Soap – Knee protective gear (knee guard) – Basin – Towel – Foot cream – Doll
1. Give the functions of legs (e.g., walking, driving, dancing, swimming, playing football, running, etc).– Pupils are guided to draw the types of legs from a chart.Collaboration
2. Mention types of legs:
– Normal
– Knock-knees
– Bow legs
7CARE OF LEGS IIBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in pairs clean their legs.Same as above– Foot cream – Towel – Basin – Knee-protective Gear (knee guards) – Soap – Cream – Nail cutter – Water – Doll
1. Explain the care of the legs as follows:
– Wash them with clean water, apply cream
– Cut the toenails short
– Do not kick sharp objects (e.g., stones)
– Do not jump from heights
– Wear protective gear when riding a bicycle
– Do not step on sharp objects (e.g., nails, broken bottles, etc.).
8CARE OF HANDS IBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in pairs practice simple hand exercises (e.g., wiggle, etc.).Personal development– Water – Soap – Hand cream – Hand sanitizer – Pictures of clean hands/dirty hands – Dolls
1. Give functions of hands (e.g., holding, carrying, clapping, writing, cooking, playing games, eating, etc).– Pupils in small groups perform functions of hand (e.g., clapping, writing, eating, carrying, etc.).
– Pupils as a class sing songs on hands: “I have two hands, my left and my right…”.
9CARE OF HANDS IIBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils sing songs/rhymes on cleanliness of hands.Personal development– Water – Soap – Hand cream – Hand sanitizer – Pictures of clean hands/dirty hands – Dolls
1. Mention and discuss the care of hands (e.g., washing before and after a meal, after the use of the toilet, cutting nails short, applying cream).– Pupils watch videos on steps in washing hands.Collaboration
2. Enumerate steps in washing hands:– Pupils study the display of the chart on clean and dirty hands.
– Turn on water
– Wet hands
– Scrub with soap
– Rinse clean
– Dry hands

Second Term Health Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 2

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1REVISION OF 1ST TERM TOPICBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils revise the last term’s TOPIC with the help of the teacher.– Communication and collaboration, – Critical thinking and problem solving, – Leadership and Personal development– Water – Soap – Cream – Towel – Disinfectant – Doll
1. Recall the last term’s TOPIC through revision, with the aid of the teacher.– Pupils individually attempt the questions given and proffer correct answers.
2. Attempt questions given by the teacher correctly to assess their level of understanding of the last term’s works and their progress.
2CARE OF SKINBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in small groups watch videos/nursery rhyme on ‘Pantasaurus’.Personal development– Audio Visual Resources – Water – Soap – Cream – Towel – Disinfectants – Pictures/photos of materials used in caring for the skin – Doll – Website Resource:
1. Explain the meaning of skin.– Pupils in pairs use a doll to learn steps in bath-taking.
2. Mention and discuss functions of the skin on our body (e.g., it protects our body from heat and cold, it covers our bones, etc.).
3CARE OF SKIN IIBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils touch their skin.Personal development– Cotton-bud – Napkin – Cream – Ear-drops – Doll – Picture/charts of the ear
1. Mention and discuss care of the skin (e.g., taking regular baths, rubbing cream or oil on the skin, wearing clean dresses, etc.).– Pupils sing songs/nursery rhymes: “Head, Shoulder, knees and toes 2x, Eyes, ears, mouth, nose, head, shoulder, knees and toes”.
Note: Pupils are advised not to expose their private body parts.
4CARE OF THE EARS (OUTER) IBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in small groups clean doll ears.Personal development– Audio Visual Resources – Cotton bud – Napkin – Cream – Ear drops – Pictures/charts/photograph of the ear – Doll – Website Resources:
1. Mention the uses of the ear (e.g., hearing, for wearing earrings, etc.).– Pupils in pairs clean outer doll ears with damp napkins.
Note: Use ear-drop only on a doctor’s prescription.
5CARE OF EARS (OUTER) IIBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in small groups clean the doll ears with a damp towel, cotton bud, and rub cream on it.Personal development– Diagram of an ear
1. Explain the care of ears (e.g., cleaning with a damp towel, cotton bud, and rubbing cream on it).
Note: Pupils are advised not to put objects in the ear (e.g., stones, broomsticks, beads, etc.).
7CARE OF MOUTHBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils sing songs or rhymes on the mouth.Personal Development– Audio Visual Resources – Model of teeth – Internet search on pictures of clean and dirty mouth – Water – Toothbrush – Toothpaste – Chewing stick – Dental floss – Basin/bowels – Website Resources:
1. Give a simple meaning of the mouth.– Pupils in pairs identify parts of the mouth.
2. State parts of the mouth:– Pupils in small groups demonstrate the functions of the mouth (e.g., laughing, smiling, crying, talking, shouting, eating).
– Tongue
– Teeth
– Upper jaw
– Lower jaw
8CARE OF THE MOUTH IIBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in small groups demonstrate the brushing tips in the classroom, skin is not necessary as they do not need to rinse mouth.Personal Development– Personal Development
1. Mention steps and tips in taking care of the mouth (e.g., brushing teeth two times daily, eating after 30 minutes of brushing, etc.).– Pupils in pairs brush their mouth in up and down motion, circular motion.
– Brush should be stored in an upright position.
– Brush should be replaced every 3 – 4 months.
– A pea-size amount of toothpaste should be used.
– Brush for 2 minutes.
9CARE OF THE EYESBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in small groups draw and color an eye.Personal Development– Water – Soap – Cream – Eye drops – Doll – Picture/charts/photographs of an eye
1. Explain the use of eyes (e.g., to see, read, identify color, etc.).
2. Mention and discuss how to care for the eyes (e.g., rinsing with clean water, keeping away from dust, direct wind, direct sunlight-rays, sharp or pointed objects, etc.).

Third Term Health Habits Scheme of Work for Nursery 2

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1REVISION OF 2ND TERM WORKBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils revise the last term’s TOPIC with the help of the teacher.– Communication and collaboration, – Critical thinking and problem solving, – Leadership and Personal development– Audio Visual Resources: Toys, charts, pictures, book, and some of the last term’s video clips
1. Recall the last term’s TOPIC through revision, with the aid of the teacher.– Pupils individually attempt the questions given and proffer correct answers.
2. Attempt questions given by the teacher correctly to assess their level of understanding of the last term’s works and their progress.
2CARE OF THE NOSE IBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in pairs identify nose on the body.Personal Development– Audio Visual Resources: Nose mask/face mask – Pictures/charts/photographs of nose – Handkerchief – Perfume – Air freshener – Rotten fruit – Smoke – Dolls – Website Resources:
1. Explain the uses of the nose (e.g., smelling, breathing, and sneezing).– Pupils in small groups study charts and posters on the nose.
3CARE OF NOSE IIBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in pairs perform breathing activities (Breathing in air & breathing out air, sneezing).Personal Development– Soap – Detergent – Water – Basin/Bucket – Washing machine – Sun – Hangers – Iron – Handkerchief – Bleach – Spray starch – Raw starch
1. State proper care of the nose (e.g., use of a clean handkerchief to remove dirt/mucus from the nose, cover the nose when the environment is dusty/stinky to avoid inhaling foul odor or smoke, etc.).– Pupils individually wash hands after cleaning the nose or sneezing.
2. Avoid blowing the nose when having a cold.– Pupils watch videos on proper care of the nose (,,
3. Use a clean and soft cloth to clean the nose if dirty.
– Stay away from someone who sneezes all the time.
– If the nose bleeds, slightly press the nose and tilt the head slightly backward.
4CLEANLINESS: DRESSES IBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in small groups watch videos on washing of clothes.Personal Development– Audio Visual Resources: Soap – Detergent – Water – Basin/Bucket – Washing machine – Sun – Hangers – Iron – Handkerchief – Bleach – Spray starch – Raw starch
1. Give a simple meaning of cleanliness in relation to dresses (e.g., pupils’ school uniforms).– Pupils in pairs interpret pictures on washing of clothes (– Leadership and Personal Development
2. Mention dresses girls wear (e.g., gowns, blouse, skirt, wrapper).
3. Mention dresses boys wear (e.g., shirt, trouser, shorts, ties, etc.).
NOTE: Pupils are to wash hands after eating.
5CLEANLINESS: DRESS IIBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in small groups watch videos on washing of clothes.Leadership and Personal development– Water – Detergent – Bucket/bowl etc.
1. Mention some materials that can be used for cleaning/washing dresses (e.g., soap, detergent, bleach, water).– Pupils in pairs interpret pictures on washing of clothes (
2. Explain steps to be taken in washing dresses:
– Separate white dresses from dark dresses.
– Read care tags of clothes, add detergent/soap to water.
– Dip in the cloth wash.
– Rinse.
– Squeeze the cloth.
– Dry and iron the cloth.
7CLEANLINESS: FOOTWEAR IBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in pairs identify types of footwear.Personal Development– Audio Visual Resources: Shoe – Slippers – Sandals – Canvas – Slip-on – Socks – Foam – Shoe brush – Shoe polish – Picture/charts/photographs of types of footwear – Website Resources:
1. Give a simple meaning of footwear.– Pupils in small groups watch video and recite nursery rhyme on footwear (e.g., “I got boots,” “Cobbler cobbler mend my shoe,” “One two buckle my shoe,” “Put on your shoe song”).
2. Identify types of footwear (e.g., sandals, shoes, slippers, canvas, socks, etc.).
8CLEANLINESSBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils demonstrate some exercises in the classroom (e.g., jogging, jumping, bending, walking back and forth, etc.).Creativity and Imagination– Audio Visual Resources: Pictures/charts/photographs/posters of different forms of exercise – Playmate – Skipping rope – Whistle – Stopwatch – Softballs
1. State and discuss materials that are needed for cleaning footwear (e.g., shoe brush, shoe polish foam).
9EXERCISEBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils demonstrate some exercises in the classroom (e.g., jogging, jumping, bending, walking back and forth, etc.).Creativity and Imagination– Website Resources:
1. Give a simple meaning of exercise.
2. Identify types of exercise.

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