Civic Education Scheme of Work for Nursery 2

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Nursery
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Civic Education is a crucial aspect of a child’s early education, providing them with the foundational knowledge and skills to become responsible and active members of society. The Civic Education Scheme of Work for Nursery 2 is carefully designed to introduce young learners, aged four, to the basic principles of citizenship, social values, and cultural understanding.

Throughout the three terms of Nursery 2, this scheme aims to foster a sense of identity and belonging in children, encouraging them to embrace diversity, express empathy, and develop critical thinking skills. Each term focuses on specific themes and topics that are developmentally appropriate for young minds, ensuring a gradual and engaging learning experience.

In the First Term, learners will embark on a journey to explore the concept of greetings, cultural dressing, social development and table manners, and the significance of helping others and showing respect. Activities in this term include role plays, group discussions, and exposure to diverse cultural practices through audio-visual resources and web materials.

The Second Term builds upon the foundation laid in the First Term, delving deeper into topics such as social institutions, naming ceremonies, kinship, chieftaincy, religious institutions, peace education, rights and responsibilities, and cultural activities. Pupils will develop a broader understanding of their community, cultural values, and emotional development through interactive activities and reflective exercises.

In the Third Term, the scheme continues to nurture emotional development, exploring topics such as conflict resolution, confidence, self-expression, attitude, love, and care, as well as emotional states like fear and sadness. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of communication, collaboration, and leadership, encouraging children to express themselves and relate empathetically to others.

This comprehensive Civic Education Scheme of Work for Nursery 2 is designed to inspire young learners to become responsible and caring citizens, promoting positive values, cultural awareness, and a sense of belonging within their communities. By the end of the Nursery 2 journey, children will have developed essential skills and attitudes that will shape them into active participants in their communities and contributors to a harmonious society.

First Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Nursery 2

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1GREETINGBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils individually attempt the meaning of greetings with the help of the teacher.Communication and collaboration, Critical thinking and problem solving, Leadership and personal development, CitizenshipAudiovisual resources, Toys, picture books, calendar of different tribe’s greetings, storybooks, web resources, video clips
– Explain the simple meaning of greeting.– Pupils are arranged in gender to demonstrate how to greet (girls kneel down, boys prostrate).
– Demonstrate local social practices and habits on greetings.– Pupils in small groups do a role play on different tribes’ greetings in Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa.
2CULTURAL DRESSINGBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils as a class give the meaning of dressing while the teacher guides and leads them to the correct meaning.Communication and collaboration, Citizenship, Critical thinkingAudiovisual resources, Picture books, shoes, jewelry, video clips, web resources
– Explain the simple meaning of dressing.– Pupils in different groups study charts on different cultural attires reflecting the tribes in Nigeria (Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo).
– Identify female cultural altars and male cultural attires.
3SOCIAL DEVELOPMENTBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in small groups demonstrate good eating habits in the class while the teacher watches and gives remarks during lunch break.Leadership and personal development, Communication and collaboration, CitizenshipAudiovisual resources, Picture books, video showing good eating habits, web resources
EATING HABITS /TABLE MANNERS– Discuss good posture at the table while eating.
4CULTURAL VALUES:By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils watch a video clip on cultural values and identify the meaning of cultural values with the help of the teacher.Communication and collaboration, Critical thinking, Problem solving, Citizenship, Digital literacyAudiovisual resources, Picture books, song books, web resources
Helping others– Define the simple meaning of cultural values.– Pupils in small groups demonstrate simple cultural values by helping each other with school bags, lunch boxes, etc.
– Identify cultural benefits and values of the family on helping others.
5CULTURAL VALUE:By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils as a class discuss the possible meaning of respect.Communication and collaboration, Critical thinking, Problem solving, Leadership, CitizenshipAudiovisual resources, Picture books, video clips, web resources
Respect– Identify and discuss examples of showing respect to elders in the community.– Pupils in small groups perform simple acts of respect by standing up and greeting when receiving or giving something to older people.
7CULTURAL VALUES:By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils in the whole class actively participate in listening to folktales and ask questions on the moral lessons.Communication and collaboration, Citizenship, Digital literacyAudiovisual resources, Tape recorder, song books, web resources
Folk songs– Identify folk songs.– Pupils in small groups listen and react to stories and songs on cultural values.
– Discuss the moral lessons in each folk song.– Pupils sing local songs and recite rhymes that teach cultural values of society.
8COMMUNITY VALUESBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils discuss the simple meaning of values.Communication and collaboration, Critical thinking, Leadership, CitizenshipAudiovisual resources, Picture books, Ayo olopon game board, web resources
– Discuss some activities in the community that promote values.– Pupils in groups demonstrate different types of activities in the community that promote values.
9CULTURAL ACTIVITIESBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:– Pupils as a whole class actively participate in listening to tales (e.g., folktales by moonlight, Ewi) and ask questions.Communication and collaboration, Leadership, Critical thinking, CitizenshipAudiovisual resources, Storybooks, picture books, video clips, web resources
– Explain the simple meaning of cultural activities with examples.– Pupils in groups participate in narrating tales and identifying the moral lessons in them.
10 & 11Revision
12 & 13Examination

Second Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Nursery 2

WeekTopicLearning ObjectiveLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1Revision of 1st term workBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to recall most of the last term’s work.Pupils in class revise the last term’s work.Communication and collaboration, Critical thinking and problem solving, Leadership and personal developmentPrevious resources
Proffer correct answers to the evaluation questions given by the teacher to assess their progress.Pupils participate in the assessment.
2SOCIAL INSTITUTIONBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to discuss the simple meaning of social institutions.Pupils as a whole brainstorm on the meaning of social institutions.Critical thinking and problem solving, Communication and collaboration, Creativity and imaginationAudiovisual resources, picture book calendar, drawing board paper, web resources, video clip
Identify and discuss some institutions in the locality (e.g. law court, police station, museum, etc.).Pupils in pairs identify and mention some social institutions in their environment.
3NAMING CEREMONYBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Explain naming ceremony and its importance.Pupils as a whole brainstorm on the meaning of naming ceremony and its importance.Critical thinking and problem solving, Communication and collaboration, Leadership and personal developmentAudiovisual resources, picture books, toys (doo), web resources, video clip
Mention some items used for naming ceremony.Pupils mention some items used for naming ceremonies (e.g., honey, salt, water, etc.). yoruba naming ceremony
4KINSHIPBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to give the simple meaning of kinship.Pupils as a class attempt the meaning of kinship, while the teacher guides in giving the correct meaning.Critical thinking and problem solving, Communication and collaboration, Leadership and personal development, CitizenshipAudiovisual resources, picture books, charts, web resources
Outline some examples of kins.Pupils mention their kins in the family (e.g., names of brothers, sisters, grandparents, etc.).https://www.merriam.webester.com
5CHIEFTAINCYBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to discuss the simple meaning of chieftaincy.Pupils deliberate on the meaning of chieftaincy.Critical thinking and problem solving, Communication and collaboration, Leadership and personal development, CitizenshipAudiovisual resources, picture books, charts, web resources
Explain the roles of chieftaincy in the society.Pupils in small groups identify and outline the roles of some chieftaincy title holders in their community (e.g. Ooni of Ife, Alaafin of Oyo, Sultan of Sokoto, etc.).https://www.merriamwesbter.com
7RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONSBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Define religion.Pupils as a class discuss the meaning of religion.Communication and collaboration, Critical thinking and problem solving, Leadership and personal development, CitizenshipAudiovisual resources, picture books, charts, web resources
Outline and discuss the types of religion.Pupils in pairs identify types of religion in the locality (Islamic, Christianity, traditional).
Identify the different places of worship.Pupils in small groups discuss how each type of religion operates.
8PEACE EDUCATIONBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Define peace education.Pupils in class watch video clip on the topic and deduce the meaning of peace education from it.Collaboration and communication, Critical thinking and problem solving, Leadership and personal development, CitizenshipAudiovisual resources, picture books, storybooks, web resources, video clips
Enumerate the importance of peace education.Pupils in pairs demonstrate peace-making amongst themselves by sharing toys and other materials with peers peacefully in the classroom.
9RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIESBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to: Discuss simple meaning of rights and responsibilities.Pupils as a class mention some personal things they need at home and in school, identifying the meaning of rights.Communication and collaboration, Critical thinking and problem solving, Leadership and personal development, CitizenshipAudiovisual resources, picture books, pupils’ bags (lunch and school), web resources, video clips
Identify and explain some responsibilities of pupils at home, school, and community (e.g., feeding self, wearing clothes, looking neat and tidy, washing plates, etc.).Pupils mention some of their responsibilities, thereby recognizing the meaning of
10 & 11Revision

Third Term Civic Education Scheme of Work for Nursery 2

WeekTopicLearning ObjectivesLearning ActivitiesEmbedded Core SkillsLearning Resources
1Revision of 2nd term workBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to recall most of the last term’s work.Pupils as a class revise the last term’s work with the help of the teacher.Communication and collaboration, Critical thinking and problem solving, Leadership and personal developmentPrevious resources
Provide correct answers to the evaluation questions given.Pupils attempt the evaluation questions and provide correct answers while the teacher marks.
2Conflict resolutionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Define conflict resolution.Pupils in groups watch a video clip on conflict and resolution of conflict, thereby identifying the meaning of conflict resolution.Communication and collaboration, Critical thinking and problem solving, Citizenship and digital literacyAudiovisual resources, storybooks on causes of conflicts, web resources, video clip
State and discuss some actions that can cause conflicts amongst pupils.Pupils mention some actions that can cause conflicts amongst themselves (e.g. abusing, pushing, stealing, etc.).
3Emotional Development: ConfidenceBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Explain simple meaning of confidence.Pupils in pairs mention more habits of confidence (e.g. trust, love, honesty, etc.).Communication and collaboration, Critical thinking and problem solving, Personal developmentStorybooks, resource person (class representative/captain), web resources, video clip
Identify some habits of confidence in themselves and others. time with Annie and R)
4Self ExpressionBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Explain simple meaning of self-expression.Pupils attempt the meaning of self-expression while the teacher guides to the correct meaning.Communication and collaboration, Critical thinking and problem solving, Creativity and imaginationAudiovisual resources, paper, crayons, pencils, erasers, picture books, etc.
Express self in simple terms.Pupils express themselves through writing and drawing. Goddard school
5Physiological Values: AttitudeBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Explain the meaning of attitude.Pupils mention some of their attitudes towards work/errands at home and school to deduce the meaning of attitude with the help of the teacher.Critical thinking and problem solving, Communication and collaboration, Leadership and personal development, CitizenshipAudiovisual resources, picture book showing facial expressions, storybooks, web resources, video clip
Identify and explain the right attitude to work at home and in school.Pupils in small groups identify and mention right and wrong attitudes to work.
6Mid-Term Break
7Psychological Value: Love and CareBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to: Define simple meaning of love and care.Pupils individually attempt the meaning of love and care, while the teacher guides to the correct meaning.Communication and collaboration, Critical thinking, Leadership and personal development, CitizenshipAudiovisual resources, picture books, charts, resource person (younger one, parent, classmate, etc.), video clips
Identify and discuss some actions of showing love and care to others.Pupils in group mention various ways they show love and care for each other at home and in school (e.g. younger ones, mom, dad, friends, neighbors, etc.).
8Emotional State: FearBy the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Explain simple meaning of fear.Pupils as a class give the meaning of fear while the teacher guides to the correct meaning.Critical thinking and problem solving, Communication and collaboration, Leadership and personal developmentAudiovisual resources, picture books, charts on facial expressions, etc.
Identify facial expressions of fear.Pupils demonstrate facial expressions of fear.
9Emotional State: SadnessBy the end of the lesson pupils should be able to: Define simple meaning of sadness.Pupils discuss the meaning of sadness guided by the teacher to give the correct meaning.Critical thinking and problem solving, Communication and collaboration, Leadership and personal developmentAudiovisual resources, charts on facial expressions, picture books, web resources, video clips
Identify facial expression of sadness (e.g. failure of academic work, missing the school bus, losing money, etc.).Pupils in pairs demonstrate facial expression of sadness.
10 & 11Revision
12 & 13Examination


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